Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1563 A World Sheltered By Evil Gods, The Power Of Radiation From Evil Gods


Not long after, Qingyun Immortal Sovereign and Dongyang Immortal Sovereign entered the area corroded by the power of evil gods. Their faces were extremely solemn and ugly.

"Sure enough, this area has been eroded by the power of the evil god. It is too serious. The deeper you go into the area, the more terrifying the eroded power is. Ordinary immortals cannot enter at all, otherwise they will definitely be eroded and die. "

Qingyun Immortal Sovereign was shocked.

He has naturally heard of the existence of evil gods, but he rarely encounters them. After all, evil gods basically exist in the abyss, they are always monitored by the gods of the gods, and they rarely come to the Immortal World.

But now, many evil gods have escaped the monitoring of the gods and came to the Immortal World, and the number of evil gods does not seem to be as simple as one or two.

Why the evil gods are so terrifying, if explained by science, every evil god is a source of nuclear radiation, the nuclear radiation on them is extremely terrifying, it will distort and upgrade the bodies of all living beings, and even distort the genes of living beings, making these The genes of the creatures collapsed and broke.

Of course, if you can withstand the radiation power of the evil god, you will gain powerful power.

But if you can't bear the power of the evil god, it will be distorted into a monster without any reason. The evil god doesn't need to do anything at all. Its appearance itself is like a nuclear leak, polluting the boundless earth.

Even if the evil god is really expelled from this world, the power of the evil god can still survive for hundreds of millions of epochs, and it will take an extremely long time to gradually eliminate the radiation power of the evil god.

But even if they can really withstand the power of the evil god's nuclear radiation, the bodies of sentient beings will undergo various changes and upgrades.

So contacting the evil god is simply a fatal crisis for ordinary life.

To a certain extent, Qingyun Immortal Sovereign and Dongyang Immortal Sovereign are walking in a nuclear leaked land, exposed to the range of nuclear radiation all the time.

If it wasn't for using the protective shield on the body all the time, I'm afraid that even the Immortal Sovereign would be corroded by the power of this evil god's radiation, and even change the genes and blood in the body

It was precisely because they knew the horror of this place that shortly after entering this place, they sent all the immortals back, leaving only the two Immortal Sovereigns to enter it.

After all, they came here this time just to inquire about news, not to eliminate the evil gods in this area, and they don't have the strength to do such a thing.

"In a place where the power of the evil god has eroded so severely, there is still life alive? This kind of thing should be impossible." Dongyang Immortal Sovereign doubted the previous information.

He felt that even the Immemorial Golden Immortal couldn't last too long in a place where the evil god radiated so much, let alone ordinary immortals.

So he thinks that the information must be wrong, and the creatures in this area should all die.

"No, there are still people alive. Look at the big world in front of you."

In an instant, Qingyun Immortal Sovereign immediately said that he sensed a great world suddenly appearing in front of him, and saw that world was enveloped by the power of evil gods.

It seems that there is a huge dark octopus on the periphery of the world. Its countless tentacles cover the whole world, as if it wants to eat the world in one bite.

But the dark octopus didn't eat the world, it just quietly stayed in the outer area of ​​the world, as if it was sheltering the world.

"Just kidding, what is this evil god doing? He didn't eat this world, but sheltered it. Why?" Dongyang Immortal Sovereign was taken aback.

He could instantly see what the dark octopus was doing. According to the power of the dark octopus, any amount of strength could easily blow up this great world.

But the other party did not do such a thing, but took this place as their own territory, protecting this great world, and at the same time isolated the huge radiation power of the evil god, so that this great world can still survive the creatures of the big star.

"No, it seems like it's not just this (abfi) god doing this, it's everywhere."

Albatron Immortal Sovereign is unbelievable.

He suddenly saw that in this starry sky, one after another planet, one world after another, their outer areas were all prostrated by an evil god.

Some powerful evil gods even govern dozens of great worlds and hundreds of thousands of planets, and regard these places as their territories, protecting this place.

Such a scene made him feel extremely strange, he didn't know what happened at all, and he didn't know why these evil gods did such unimaginable things.

"Sure enough, there is a big secret in this place, there must be a big secret, otherwise these evil gods wouldn't behave so strangely." Dongyang Immortal Sovereign was extremely shocked, and it seemed to set off endless waves.

He could see that something terrible must have happened in this area, otherwise, how could these evil gods appear in this place collectively, and coexist so peacefully.

Because as far as he knows, there is also a competitive relationship between evil gods and evil gods, and they often fight each other, devouring the original power of each other, so as to strengthen themselves.

But these evil gods gathered together so peacefully that there was no intention of war.

"To be honest, I want to run away a little bit. This secret is not something that small characters like us can pry into."

Qingyun Immortal Sovereign's hairs stood on end and his whole body trembled. He was not an idiot, so he naturally knew that there must be an unimaginable big secret in this place, and it might be the plan of the evil gods.

As a small Immortal Sovereign, not even a Saint, he dared to intervene in the plans of the evil gods. Was he courting death or something? Nine lives were not enough for him to die.

The so-called curiosity killed the cat. He felt that he was not qualified to spy on the plans behind these big shots. Sometimes the more he knew, the faster he would die.

"I want to run away too, but we've come to this place. I'm afraid we'll be on the verge of riding a tiger. Once we escape, these sleeping evil gods will be alarmed. At that time, we may not be able to fly."

Dongyang Immortal Sovereign is also trembling.

Fortunately, these evil gods are in a state of deep sleep and have not woken up. If they wake up, they will have no way to leave this place alive.

It can be said that they are like two sheep that have entered the wolf's den unintentionally. If these sleeping hungry wolves are awakened, they may die cold on the spot.

"For now, the only way is to sneak into the world where these evil gods are. The so-called most dangerous places are the safest places. In this way, those evil gods may not be able to find us."

Qingyun Immortal Sovereign said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's hide our aura and never let it out.

Dongyang Immortal Sovereign also agrees with this plan.

whoosh whoosh!!!

In the blink of an eye, Qingyun Immortal Sovereign and Dongyang Immortal Sovereign hid their auras and entered one of the worlds sheltered by evil gods. .

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