Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1647 One Of The Four Or Nine Members Of Tianyan, How To Become The Leader Of The Sect

"And not only ordinary Elders will challenge the island owner, but even the island owner and the island owner will challenge each other." Wen Shaozheng looked at Luo Wen and continued.

"Why is this so?"

Rowan asked curiously.

"Naturally because of interests.

Wen Shaozheng said in a deep voice: "After all, even though there are countless islands in Jiejiao, islands are actually different. Some islands are rich in resources, while others are poor in resources. They are purely deserted islands.

If you become the owner of a deserted island, then there is actually not much benefit. After all, no one will live on such an island, and it will not generate any benefits or taxes.

But if it is an island rich in resources, it is completely different. The income from mining alone is very high. The problem is that similar islands are very rare even in Jijiao.

In order to compete for these wealthy islands, these Elders will inevitably fight each other. This is the internal rule of Jiejiao, The Weak are Prey to the Strong, and the strong are respected.

If you have stayed in Jiejiao for a long time, you will know that if the island is more prosperous, it means that the owner of the island, the Cultivation Base, is stronger. Otherwise, the income of the island will not be guaranteed at all, and sooner or later it will be snatched away by others. "

"I see."

Luo Wen nodded, feeling very emotional.

He originally thought that within the Jiejiao, only the disciples competed fiercely with each other, but he didn't expect that the competition between Elder and Elder, between high-level and high-level, would be incredibly fierce.

It can be said that Jujiao is not a warm sect.

Although it is very protective of its shortcomings, the cruelty of internal competition far exceeds that of other sects. It is simply a primitive and barbaric society, and only the strong can stand at the top of the food chain.

As for the weak, they can only be ruled and can only submit to the strong.

In fact, this is the teaching of Jiejiao, the four nines of Tianyan, escape one, want to intercept the lifeline of the world, find the escaped one "Ordinary means can't do it at all.

Only with absolute strength can one find the only chance of life in the endless crisis, survive the narrow escape and become the only victor.

"However, it's too early to say these things now. At least you have to wait until you become an Elder before you are eligible to become an island owner. Now you should obediently teach your disciples and study hard.

Quickly upgrade Cultivation Base."."

Wen Shaozheng smiled slightly.

"Of course, I'm just wondering if there is no owner on Penglai Island?"

Rowan asked curiously.

"Of course, the owner of Penglai Island is the leader of Jiejiao."

Wen Shao is right.

"Isn't the leader of Jiejiao Lingbao Tianzun?"

Rowan said.

"The true leader of the Jiejiao is naturally Lingbao Tianzun, but the real headquarters of the Jiejiao is actually in the Eternal Realm, not in the God Realm. The God Realm is just a branch of the Jiejiao, that is to say, it is a branch of the Jiejiao."

Wen Shaozheng explained: "The leader of the branch sect is elected by all the disciples and Elders, and the leader is for life, unless the leader is Death, or ascends to the eternal world, otherwise there will be no There will be a second election.

Of course, if the leader made an unforgivable mistake during his tenure, he would also take the blame and resign, but there are almost no such cases. Anyway, I have never heard of any leader being impeached and resigned

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"It's really interesting that it was born by election. So who is the general candidate for the leader of the Jiejiao?"

Rowan became more and more curious.

"Basically, they are the island owners of the major islands. Only by becoming an island owner can they be qualified to be candidates for the leader. Once the election starts, the major island owners will frantically canvass for votes, or join forces with other island owners. Together to increase the number of own votes, this is a bit similar to the human emperor election of the human race."

Wen Shaozheng said: "And to be honest, the strength of the Interceptor is very terrifying. Its power and strength are not inferior to the human race, which is the peak race, and may even surpass the human race.

Therefore, every election of the leader of the Jiejiao is huge and attracts the attention of the entire God Realm. After all, the leader of the Jiejiao will definitely greatly affect the distribution of major forces in the God Realm. "

"If this is the case, it will be very beneficial to the human race if Brother Wen can become the next leader of Jiejiao." Luo Wen couldn't help but said.

"It's a beautiful idea, I also want to be the leader of Jiejiao, but unfortunately the reality is very cruel, it is estimated that it will be difficult for me to become the leader of the island, let alone become the leader of Jiejiao.

Wen Shaozheng said helplessly.

After all, there are too many masters in Jiejiao, countless, not only human races, but also peerless talents from other peak races, and even many descendants of Chaos Demon God.

These masters are too powerful.

Wanting to snatch the position of Intercepting Sect Leader from these top Saints is simply nonsense.

Basically, every leader of the Jiejiao must be the strongest of the Jiejiao, and his strength and Magic power are both earth-shattering.

If you are invincible in the world, you are not qualified to be the leader of Jiejiao.

`.Who knows what will happen in the future, maybe Brother Wen will become the leader of the leader in the future. "

Rowan said.

"No, it's not possible."

Wen Shaozheng shook his head: "The reason for saying this is because Jiejiao has long been controlled by major forces, and after countless chaotic eras of constant shuffling, there are already many mountains.

Each island has a corresponding number of votes, who to vote for and who not to vote for. In fact, it has been discussed in private long ago, and there are very few opportunities for ordinary geniuses to stand out.

Basically, those who can become the leader of the Jiejiao are the spokespersons launched by the major forces, so people from ordinary forces basically have no chance to become the leader of the Jiejiao. "

The reality is actually extremely cruel. It is not possible to do everything with strength. In fact, Jiejiao has long been solidified in class. Just like the human race, there are many hills, rich and powerful, and many clans.

"But if there is such a candidate, who can kill all the other candidates with his own power, can he become the leader of Jiejiao?" Luo Wen's eyes showed a gleam.

"Haha, if it is really possible to completely subdue the entire Jiejiao with one's own strength, then you will definitely become the leader of the Jiejiao. The problem is that trying to defeat all competitors by one person is simply nonsense. Since Jiejiao Since its establishment, there has never been such a person, but I have to say that if you really have such strength, you can break all the rules, because the rules themselves are the tongues made by the strong."

Wen Shaozheng laughed.

"I see."

There was a frightening light in Rowan's eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about these nonsense things, let's go to Penglai Island as soon as possible. After you get the identity card of Jiejiao, you can live in Penglai Island completely and become a member of Jiejiao."

Wen Shaozheng didn't want to continue talking with Luo Wen, so he took Luo Wen to Penglai Island quickly. .

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