Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1658 Like Ants Eating The Universe, Deceiving The Original Law Of The Vortex Universe

"But even if we can invade this vortex universe, how can we annex this vortex universe?" Chen Xi looked at Furukawa very puzzled.

It’s no wonder she has such thoughts, the vortex universe is really too big, as an infinite universe, its diameter cannot be calculated in light years, it is so huge that it is infinite

Ordinary beings stay in the infinite universe like dust.

Even a Chaos Demon God like Chen Xi is just a little bit bigger dust, not worth mentioning at all.

And this kind of dust wants to swallow up the entire infinite universe, no less than bacteria want to swallow up the earth. Even if the earth does not move, bacteria cannot shake it.

The same reason.

Even if they really entered the vortex universe, it would be impossible for them to annex the entire vortex universe.

When an object is huge to a certain extent, the volume alone is enough to make people despair.

"Well, the method is actually very simple."

Furukawa smiled slightly: "After you enter the vortex universe, you can quickly upgrade your own Cultivation Base, devour the matter and energy inside the vortex universe, and then bring these energies out of it and integrate them into the six universes.

Although you are ants, but there are enough ants, and if the time is long enough, you can also eat the vortex universe to the fullest.

At that time, all the energy of the entire vortex universe will be transported bit by bit to our six-path universe, and merged with the six-path universe, making the source of the six-path universe continue to grow.

Of course, such a method would take an incomparably long time, and it might take tens of billions, or even trillions of chaotic periods, to completely empty the original energy of the vortex universe. "

"I see."

Star Shu Xuanji couldn't help but nodded, this method is indeed very simple, but it is very effective.

Even though the vortex universe can be regarded as an infinite universe, the energy and quality of the universe are increasing all the time. The problem is that once the energy consumed is greater than the increased energy, the quality of the vortex universe will continue to decrease.

When it is reduced to a certain level, the vortex universe will completely collapse and return to nothingness.

And what they are doing now is this, speeding up the collapse process of the vortex universe, constantly stealing the original energy of the vortex universe, and increasing the original energy of the six universes.

This (abcc) is like ants moving house, moving these substances and energies bit by bit to the six universes, thus forming the fusion of two infinite universes.

On the surface, this method looks very simple and rude, but it is extremely direct and very effective.

This is often the case, the simpler the method, the easier it is to solve it.

"Isn't there a faster way?"

World Tree Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

"Actually there are."

Furukawa said: "That is, if you directly breakthrough in the vortex universe and become a strong person who transcends the realm, then you can annex the entire source of the vortex universe, and then you can easily integrate the vortex universe into the six universes. This is also the simplest and most effective method, and it does not take a particularly long time.


Hearing this, Chen Xi and the others couldn't help but twitch their mouths. They were speechless. This method was much more elusive than the first method, and it was almost impossible to succeed.

Because it is so difficult to become a detached person in the Six Paths Universe, let alone go to other universes, can you succeed in another place?!

And according to Furukawa's previous description, the history of the whirlpool universe seems to be many times longer than that of the six universes, but so far no one has been able to transcend it.

It is conceivable that it is more difficult to become a detached person in the whirlpool universe than in the six-path universe.

After they entered the vortex universe, they broke through and became detached, which is almost impossible and harder than mortals ascending to the sky.

"Besides this method, is there any other way?"

Xuanji continued to ask.

"Actually, there is another, that is, I will do it myself."

Furukawa said in a deep voice.

"Husband, do you take action yourself? But doesn't it mean that every detached person will be rejected by the infinite universe? If they enter other universes, they will immediately encounter fierce resistance from the infinite universe, and they will almost die together."

Nuwa asked curiously.

"Haha, if it is an ordinary detached person, this will indeed happen, but I am the master of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and I have mastered the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation."

There was a gleam in Furukawa's eyes: "Samsara's power is unfathomable, it can deceive the infinite universe's original law, and blind the infinite universe's original perception.

In other words, as long as I am willing, I can also deceive the source of the whirlpool universe, condense a clone, and then this clone sneaks into the interior of the whirlpool universe, becomes a local native of the whirlpool universe, and then rises rapidly.

Since I am a detached person, my power is naturally stronger than yours, and I can even breakthrough directly in the vortex universe, becoming a detached person of the vortex universe and instantly controlling the original force area of ​​the entire vortex universe. "

"So that's the case. If this is the case, we don't need our help at all. You can complete the entire plan to conquer the infinite universe just by relying on you. Why should we take action?"

Nuwa asked puzzled.

She felt that it was enough for Furukawa to do it himself, but if they did it, they might have long nights and dreams. After all, if there are too many people, it will be difficult to manage. Who knows what accidents will happen.

If the natives of the whirlpool universe knew that there were enemies from other universes, they might attack them frantically, which would bring huge troubles to conquer the whirlpool universe.

If Furukawa shot alone, he would be able to occupy the entire whirlpool universe silently, and the natives of the whirlpool universe would never know about it.

"Well, although Samsara's power can deceive the original law of the infinite universe, it is not invincible, and there will be a time limit."

Furukawa explained: "If there is no success for a long time, then the original law of the infinite universe will erode and disintegrate Samsara's power, thus exposing my clone, and I am afraid that the success will be in vain.

But with your help, you can continue to weaken the original power of the vortex universe, making it impossible for the source of the vortex universe to discover my existence, and buy time for me to break through. "

"So, the purpose of our existence is just a cover. On the surface, we ants are the main force, intending to erode the entire universe into a thousand holes, and attract the attention of the origin of the vortex universe, but the real main force is you, husband."

Nuwa understood Furukawa's plan at once. .

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