Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 168 The Birth Of Angels And Titans

Another million years passed in the blink of an eye.

Although the chaotic world is still calm during this period, and the machine race continues to move forward according to its own trajectory, in fact, there has been a storm among the major gods.

All powerful gods are creating their own race.

At this moment, there is a palace in Guangming City, which is the place where the powerful god, the Lord of Light, resides.


At this moment, a hot white light like the sun erupted in the backyard of the palace, which seemed to tear away all the darkness, leaving only light in the entire chaotic world.

"It worked."

At this moment, the Lord of Light was extremely excited. Holding the scepter in his hand, he looked excitedly at the twelve babies that appeared in front of him. It seemed that these babies were all girls.

Although it is only a baby, it is floating in mid-air, with twelve pairs of white wings growing on its back, and its body is filled with extreme light energy. It is extremely holy and cannot tolerate even a trace of dirt.

Every white feather seems to contain dense chaotic runes, engraved with powers such as the Way of Light, etc. If a white feather falls on the ground, it will immediately erode the ground into a white ground.

It seems that under such power, only white is allowed to exist between heaven and earth, an exclusive energy zone of light.

From the depths of their bodies, there is fiery energy, like the core of the sun. Once it erupts, it can burn all the uncleanness in the world. 297 Even though they are very weak now, they have unlimited potential, no less than other Chaos Demon Gods.

This is because these babies themselves are created from a rib of the Lord of Light, fused with the blood of the Demon God in his body, and then assisting many other secret techniques of the Dao of Light.

It can be said that the blood of the Lord of Light flows in their bodies, which is equivalent to its children.


Twelve babies with white wings opened their eyes, and they looked at the world curiously. Although they are still ignorant, they instinctively knew that the one in front of them was the Creator.

"Very good, from now on you will be the Seraphim of my City of Light."

The Lord of Light is very satisfied, it feels a heartfelt sense of satisfaction, as if it has turned itself into the God of Creation.

The so-called Seraphim is the existence closest to the sun, and their bodies are composed of the purest light, not flesh and blood, but condensed by the energy of light.

But what it is most satisfied with is not the twelve seraphim, but a towering tree in the backyard of the palace, which is like shrouding the heavens to block out the sun, with a height of hundreds of light years. Its roots have engulfed the entire Guangming City.

And this big tree was conceived from the blood of the Lord of Light—the Tree of Light!

On the branches of the Tree of Light, white light balls were condensed, and these white light balls were densely packed among the branches.

If you observe carefully, it seems that there are young angels conceived inside these white light spheres.

It can be said that this is the source of the angels. The tree of light devours the original energy of chaos, thus condensing angels one by one, making them born from the city of light.

"I am the Lord of the Angel Clan."

The Lord of Light spoke the language of the demon god, and it seemed that the voice of the Great Dao came from it, and it oscillated in a radius of three trillion light years.

Kacha Kacha~~

In an instant, these white light spheres shattered one after another, and at the same time hundreds of millions of angels were born. They were born in the city of light, blooming endless white light.


At the same time, they uttered earth-shattering angel voices, which resonated with the origin of chaos, forming dense angel runes, and these angel runes also turned into unused hymns.

The huge power of faith enveloped the entire City of Light in an instant, as if the entire City of Light was wrapped by the huge power of faith at this moment, turning into a circular world barrier.

Indistinctly, the entire City of Light seemed to be transforming into the Divine Kingdom of Light. (jbf)

At the same time, in the city of Titan where the Lord of Titans is located, there is a tall tower standing in the center of the city, which towers into the sky, no less than the Tree of Light.

This high tower is the Tower of Titan, engraved with densely packed magical powers and spells.

"It worked."

The tall and majestic body of the Lord of Titans stood in front of the Tower of Titans, exuding unparalleled majesty and overwhelming divine power. There was a look of joy on his face. No one was more excited and happy than him at this moment.

In order to create a race that belongs to own. , It built this tower of Titans, collected a large number of universe wonders from chaos, integrated them into the tower, and then fused its own ribs, blood vessels, etc., thus creating new life.

After millions of years of experimentation, it finally worked.


In an instant, the Tower of Titans opened, and tall titans walked out from the inside. They looked like Pangu in appearance, with muscle bumps all over their bodies, and every inch of muscle contained explosive power.

This is the titan, born with the power of thunder and storm.

Their eyes control the thunder, and their breath controls the storm. With the birth of thunder and storm, their bodies contain the blood of the Lord of Titans.


One by one, the titans came out of the tower of the titans. They crawled in front of the lord of the titans. Although they were ignorant, they knew that the gods of their own race were in front of them.

They can all feel the incomparably powerful divine power of the Titan Lord before them, and they are as small as ants in front of such a great existence.

"I am the Lord of the Titans."

The Lord of Titans spoke, and the sound formed a storm, sweeping in all directions, buzzing, as if announcing to the entire chaotic world that the race he created was born in the chaotic world.

With the city of Titans as the center, it seems that a vortex of chaotic energy has been formed, and endless chaotic energy is rushing towards the city of Titans.

And the chaotic void in all directions is also accompanied by terrifying storms and thunders, as if this chaotic area has turned into a zone covered by storms and thunders, completely changing the sky in this area.

"Titans! Titans! Titans!"

One by one, the titans let out earth-shattering roars, as if they were roaring.

Although there are only 10,000 titans created by the Titan Lord, they are male and female, and they still have the ability to reproduce.

It is believed that as long as hundreds of millions of years of development pass, the number of Titans will grow rapidly and become one of the most powerful races in the chaotic world.


Under the shroud of the power of faith of these titans, the entire city of titans has undergone earth-shattering changes, and it seems that barriers to the world have been formed in all directions.

In an instant, the entire city of Titans turned into a kingdom of titans, and the whole kingdom continued to expand, expand, and expand towards the chaotic void in all directions. .

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