Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 207: Autonomous Evolution Of The Virtual Realm

But Furukawa didn't pay attention to the battle of these gods, anyway, they were just pinching each other in the virtual world, no matter how fierce it was, it wouldn't affect the reality.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if it affects the real world, anyway, it is enough not to involve Chaos City.

To be honest, what he is most concerned about now is the evolution of the virtual world.

As countless creatures entered the virtual world, he found that the evolution of the virtual world far exceeded his previous imagination.

Because the power of these creatures, especially the Chaos Demon God's Hearts Demon is too huge, it pours in like a flood, it is almost endless.

If this karma ball hadn't been tempered by the light of merit and reached the Realm that Wanfa cannot invade, it would have been blown up by this huge heart spirit power long ago.

Thanks to the influx of the power of these Hearts Demons, the evolution of the virtual world is extremely fast. In just one year, hundreds of millions of years have passed in the virtual world.

But this is also a good thing for Furukawa, because with such a huge power of Hearts Demon, he can create a virtual world at will and move his heart at will.

"This world still lacks many things and is not perfect."

Furukawa narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, at the beginning, he just created trillions of novice villages, the forest near Xinsheng Village, and the many monsters of Life in the forest.

If a demon god left the novice village and came to the outside world, he would definitely see a vast expanse of whiteness with nothing.

But this is also impossible.

After all, he has just created the virtual world, and it is good to just have a prototype. It is impossible to evolve into a perfect world all at once, without any shortcomings.

Of course, for these beings entering the virtual world, the novice village alone is enough. Anyway, according to their strength, it is impossible to leave the novice village in a short time.

It is estimated that it is a monster in the nearby forest, it is enough for them to eat a pot, and it is impossible to get out of the novice village in 100 million years.

However, it is impossible for the virtual world to continue like this. A perfect virtual world must be created, otherwise, after these demon gods walk out of the novice village, they will find that there is no other place.

Then no demon god will enter the virtual world again, and he will not be able to devour more energy, which will be very unfavorable for his future practice.

So he needs to build a perfect virtual world.

"I want this world to have light..."

Furukawa thought.


In an instant, the entire virtual world began to bloom with light. At the end of the sky where a vast sun rose, the scorching sun was in the sky, and infinite light shone down, pouring on every corner.

It seems that countless lives on the ground are bred and grown by sunlight.

"Let there be night and star."

Furukawa waved his hand.

With a bang, the whole world immediately dimmed, the sun set, the moon appeared in the sky, and countless stars shone brightly, bursting out infinite blue light, which was extremely beautiful.

"There must be land, mountains, rivers, oceans, deserts, and mines."

Furukawa was immersed in the virtual world.

Immediately, the entire virtual world began to expand, endless lands emerged, mountain ranges appeared, high mountains rose from the ground, countless rivers ran across the continent, and boundless seas divided the land.

"Good thoughts turn into NPCs, and evil thoughts turn into monsters."

Furukawa mobilized the power of the huge Hearts Demon, and the power of these Hearts Demon was instantly split into two.

Among them, evil thoughts are yin, good thoughts are yang, and the endless power of Hearts Demon surges in the virtual world, like a chaotic vortex, they are scattered in every corner of this continent.

I saw the huge power of thoughts quickly turned into terrifying monsters, scattered in forests, deserts, oceans, mountains, plains, and squares.

The strength of these monsters varies from weak to strong according to their evil intentions, and they will even kill and devour each other, thus giving birth to the king of monsters.

At the same time, they also formed groups of monsters, distributed in every corner of the virtual world.

But even if they are all monsters, they are incompatible with each other, and they often fight Immortal.

Of course, the most important thing for these monsters is to devour good thoughts. This is their instinctive attraction. Only by devouring good thoughts can they grow the fastest and advance by leaps and bounds.

So there will be monsters attacking the city, massacring the city, and slaughtering other creatures at every turn.

And the power of good thoughts also turned into living beings. These living beings also came from demon gods, or races created by gods. They also had the same wisdom and experience as demon gods.

So some powerful beings stood up, in order to fight against the monsters formed by these evil thoughts, gain a place to live, and not become the food of these monsters.

They gathered together spontaneously, built walls, formed small towns, formed cities, had leaders, established institutions, and finally formed a country.

These countries are also scattered in all directions in the virtual world.

Of course, even if they are creatures formed by good intentions, for the benefit of each other, they compete for more resources, more territories, and more right to speak, and they often fight endlessly.

Also because of such battles, magnificent cities rose from the ground, and great countries were born and died one after another, thus giving birth to culture and epics.

These are not controlled by Furukawa, but let these virtual life perform freely,

It seems that in just a short moment, hundreds of millions of epochs have passed.

And the Chaos Demon God and many creatures staying in the novice village did not know that earth-shaking changes had taken place in the outside world when they were trying to kill the slimes near the village.

From the original white place, countless countries, countless cities, countless mountains, countless rivers and so on have emerged at this moment.

Of course, the NPCs in the novice village, their memories will also change accordingly, in line with the history of this world.

"||This is the intertwining of Karma, the intertwining of fate, this is the fate of all beings, the deduction of the world, this is the supreme Heavenly Dao."

Vaguely, Furukawa seems to have a state of epiphany (Wang Dezhao). Through this creation of the virtual world, he seems to have seen the birth of many Dao laws.

This gave him a feeling of bypassing the analogy, and the endless avenues of information poured into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, seeming to quickly condense into avenues.

And his Cultivation Base is also rising steadily.


In an instant, Tongchuan directly entered the state of Closed Door Training.

With his body as the center, a huge chaotic vortex was generated, and endless chaotic energy rushed towards his body, instilled into his original ancient snake body, and was swallowed dry by every cell in his body clean.

The power on his body increased crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The most important thing is that his soul seems to have resonated with the origin of chaos, and he has been immersed in the depths of the origin of chaos. The information of the huge law of the road is gathered in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness

It seems that the principles of the Dao are condensed in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness. .

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