Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 217 The Evolution Of The Virtual Realm

"This poison of faith is dangerous.

Furukawa narrowed his eyes.

He sensed that if these belief venoms continued to evolve, they might turn into abyss-like power. Once leaked out, they would immediately degrade countless lives and turn them into abyssal creatures.

But maybe the heaven and the abyss in history may be born in this way.

He sensed that this dark space seemed to slowly evolve into an abyss-like space world. If this continues, even the original ancient snake charm may not be able to resist the corruption of the poison of faith.

If it is leaked out, it may cause unimaginable difficulties.

"We must find a way to eliminate these toxins."

Furukawa rubbed his chin. To be honest, based on his own strength alone, it is not a big problem to eliminate these poisons of belief, but it is impossible for him to keep an eye on this matter all the time.

Sometimes his Closed Door Training will pass billions of epochs, who knows what will happen during this time.

So it's better to think of a way to eliminate these belief poisons on a regular basis, and at the same time, you don't need to bother yourself.

"By the way, you can use the world to destroy this power zone."

Suddenly, Furukawa had a flash of inspiration and remembered the virtual world he had created.

To be honest, the poison of belief is actually no different from the evil thoughts of the Hearts Demon. They are all negative energy from the heart, and they are all distracting thoughts deep in the soul.

If you want to eliminate this kind of distracting thoughts in your mind, you only have the power of your mind. This is learning from barbarians to control barbarians.

If he instills these poisons of belief into the virtual world, let the players who enter the virtual world help eliminate these poisons of belief, which will solve the source of the poison of belief that has become a catastrophe.

"Turn these poisons of faith into monsters in the virtual world, and let these players who enter the virtual world kill them, so that these poisons of faith can be continuously purified."

Furukawa smiled slightly.

He thinks this method is very good. Not only can it increase the number of monsters in the virtual world, but it can also help him solve the major flaws of the original ancient snake talisman.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"By the way, it seems that I haven't entered the virtual world for a long time, and I don't know what it has developed into now." Thinking of this, Furukawa was suddenly curious.

After he finished creating the virtual world, he started Closed Door Training and didn't continue to pay attention to it. He let the virtual world and the players develop freely. Now even he doesn't know what the virtual speed will look like.

Thinking of this, he immediately entered the virtual world, wanting to know what happened during this period of time, and what changes will happen in the virtual world.


In an instant, the situation of the entire virtual world is displayed in the depths of Furukawa's sea of ​​consciousness. It seems that with a single thought, he can scan the entire virtual world and gain insight into every corner of the virtual world.

First of all, his first feeling is that the area of ​​the virtual world has expanded. Compared with the virtual world when he created it, it has expanded by hundreds of millions of times, and it seems that there are more pieces of land.

And the players are scattered on different continents, and there are oceans between the continents, which are almost like a natural moat, which cannot be crossed at all.

But just one continent is enough for these players to explore for countless years, and they don't have the strength to go to other virtual continents for the time being.

"This spiritual world is getting stronger and stronger."

Furukawa was immediately satisfied, it was exactly the same as his original expectation, and even a little bit beyond his own imagination.

Thanks to countless Chaos Demon Gods and countless lives entering the virtual world, their soul power and heart power scattered in the virtual world have promoted the growth of the virtual world.

At this moment, the virtual world has become more and more real, and the area is extremely large. "Even if an ordinary player spends his whole life, he will not be able to explore one of the lands.

The most important thing is that he perceives that countless primal laws of chaos are also manifested in this spiritual world, which seems to completely simulate the real chaotic world.

He also seems to have gained a lot of benefits from it, sensing the densely packed Dao Law, exuding an unfathomable aura.

"There are also more monsters."

With a thought, Furukawa found that the number of monsters in the virtual world has increased countless times compared to before billions of epochs, which is not comparable to what it was at the beginning.

On the land, on the desert, and even on the ocean, there are almost endless monsters living.

This is also because there are more evil thoughts than good thoughts in Hearts Demon.

Especially in a world as cruel as the chaotic world, good thoughts are always rare, and evil thoughts are more likely to be born, so this also leads to dense monsters appearing in the virtual world

This is literally forming a kingdom of monsters.

In this case, the situation of NPCs can be imagined, occupying an absolute disadvantage, and most of the virtual world area is actually occupied by monsters.

"But the NPC doesn't seem to be extinct."

Furukawa smiled slightly. He felt that countless countries had been born in each continent, and these countries also built densely packed cities on the land to resist the monsters that were constantly being born.

Of course, these countries are still at a disadvantage, and the monsters are at the upper hand, and there will be monsters attacking the city at every turn, causing countless casualties.

Under the obstacles of strong walls and cities, these countries can barely maintain their balance and will not be destroyed by monsters.

But there is another important reason why these NPCs can survive, and that is that monsters will also kill, devour, and even compete for territory with each other.

Evil thoughts and evil thoughts are actually incompatible, just as it is impossible for wicked people to live in peace with wicked people. They will kill each other when they meet, devour each other's strength, and strengthen their own strength.

That's why the NPCs were given some respite because of the serious internal fighting among the monsters.

Of course, there is another very important factor, that is, players who have immortality. Under the resistance of players, many of these monsters have also been eliminated.

But even so, so far, these players who have entered the virtual world have not been able to occupy the mainstream combat power in the virtual world. s level.

Because it is too difficult to upgrade in the virtual world, each first-level increase requires ten times more experience than the previous first-level, and forty levels is ten to the forty power, which is unimaginably huge number.

Of course, if you can kill top monsters, you will gain a lot of experience.

The problem is that such top monsters are hard to kill. Basically, they are all boss level monsters with a lot of younger brothers around them. They may be killed by the younger monsters before they even rush to the boss.

Moreover, once a person dies in the virtual world, his level will all become zero, and all the equipment left on his body will be dropped. This is not much different from Death in the real world.

Therefore, players in the virtual world are more cautious. If they are not absolutely sure, they will not go out of the city to fight monsters casually.

This also slowed down the upgrade speed of high-end players. .

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