Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 265 Nine Trillion Worlds!

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of epochs have passed.

Furukawa displayed his supernatural powers and opened up one world after another near the prehistoric world.

In the beginning, it was difficult for him to open up the Great Thousand World. After all, he was not very familiar with the process of opening up the world, but as one Great Thousand World was opened up, his speed and efficiency became higher and higher.

Moreover, these Great Thousand Worlds are also extremely huge. The area of ​​each Great Thousand World is equivalent to the prehistoric world of the previous life. One can imagine how huge these Great Thousand Worlds are.

Then he threw a large amount of the flesh and blood of the Chaos Demon God into these great worlds, which accelerated the evolution of these great worlds, and the laws of heaven and earth became stronger.

The original power of the Great Thousand Worlds is also increasing sharply, and the Innate Spiritual Qi is incomparably rich.

At the same time, under the control of Furukawa, the power of the chaotic skynet continued to extend, splitting into countless fine nets, and covering these vast worlds.

In an instant, the Three Thousand Great Dao Laws of the Great Thousand World were instantly stabilized and integrated into the Heavenly Dao, and they would no longer appear in a fragile state.

Although this kind of law is not as stable as the prehistoric world, it should not be underestimated.

After tens of thousands of epochs of hard work, Furukawa has opened up nine trillion worlds, and these worlds are scattered around the prehistoric world, densely packed with stars.

It's as if countless satellites are guarding the prehistoric world.

"I didn't expect to open up so many."

Seeing the success of his work, Furukawa was immediately very satisfied. The reason why he opened up so many great worlds was because he needed to accommodate the corpses of these Chaos Demon Gods.

After all, after the corpses of these Chaos Demon Gods were contaminated with the power of doomsday, their life level and strength increased several times, even dozens of times, hundreds of times, and they were unparalleled.

If so many great thousand worlds were not built, it would be impossible to accommodate the flesh and blood power of all the corpses of the Chaos Demon God.

At the same time, fortunately, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has also received a lot of merit light, which makes the energy on him almost endless.

Even if a great world is opened up, a lot of energy is consumed, but after a few breaths, the energy will be quickly made up, and it will almost never stop.

And with the opening of the sky again and again, Furukawa can be regarded as having experience, and he is familiar with many tasks.

In the end, he opened up hundreds of millions of worlds almost in a single thought, he moved his mind at will, followed his words, and displayed supreme supernatural powers.

"It seems that it will be very lively in the future.||."

Furukawa smiled slightly.

He could even imagine the prehistoric world, and nine trillion big worlds together, how many lives could be bred, and how many races could be bred.

Moreover, these Great Thousand Worlds were created by him, and they also have great potential and can continue to evolve.

Perhaps in the future, there will be a Great Thousand World that evolves to be comparable to the Primordial World.

"Wait, those little thousand worlds?!"

At this time, Furukawa's heart moved. He discovered that there were endless world bubbles outside the Great Thousand World. These are the Small Thousand Worlds created by countless Chaos Demon Gods in order to seal the power of doomsday.

These small thousand worlds seem to be attracted by the power of the great thousand worlds, and they gather together one after another.

Moreover, due to the power of the Chaos Demon God, the law of chaos was broken, the void was fragile, and countless void cracks were formed. World bubbles were automatically born in this area, forming countless small thousand worlds.

This is like automatically creating a large number of small thousand worlds, and there is no need for other Chaos Demon Gods at all.

"How could such a thing happen?!"

Furukawa was a little surprised, he didn't expect the actions of the Chaos Demon Gods to have such consequences, causing cracks in the Chaos Void.

And from the cracks, world bubbles are continuously bred, and small thousand worlds are born.

If this continues, the entire chaotic world does not know how many small thousand worlds will be born.

"No way, what is this? Is it Zhongqian World?"

Furukawa continued to observe, curious.

Because after the birth of these tiny world bubbles, there are big and small among them.

And the larger world bubbles naturally have stronger attraction and devouring power, it is swallowing those small world bubbles one by one, making itself stronger

With the passage of time, the world's bubble has become bigger and bigger, hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times larger than ordinary world bubbles.

This kind of world bubble is naturally not as good as the Great Thousand World, but it is much bigger than the Small Thousand World, so it is not an exaggeration to call it the Middle Thousand World.


Furukawa rubbed his chin. The mystery of nature was beyond his imagination. He never expected that the small thousand world and the middle thousand world could be conceived by nature in this way and continue to be born.

But this is not bad, at least it can increase the places where many life can survive.

This is also a good thing for countless lives in the chaotic world.

"々. No, this is not enough, we must build a large formation to protect all the world."

To be honest, although Furukawa regards these Small Thousand Worlds, Middle Thousand Worlds, and Great Thousand Worlds as the first, second, and third defense lines against Doomsday, he does not want these worlds to be destroyed by the power of Doomsday so easily.

At least they have to be given a chance to survive, so as not to die instantly when the power of the doomsday invades.

So he wants a super large formation to cover this chaotic area, protect all the worlds, form a complete sanctuary, and protect the recuperation of the chaotic people.

"By the way, planets are placed in the outer areas of these worlds to form a large array of chaotic Universe Stars, which are condensed into one body. This should be able to become an all-round defense, blocking the invasion of the power of the end (well?) .”

In an instant, Furukawa thought of the Star tree. Countless Stars were bred on her body. At this moment, it is unknown how many such huge Stars have been born in the Chaos Orb space.

He didn't know how to use it before, but now is a good opportunity.

Treat these Stars as nodes of formation, and connect them one by one to form a large array of chaotic Star Universes.

Then warriors of all major races can live in these Stars, and use them as the battlefield against the forces of doomsday, as the front line against the forces of doomsday.

In this way, the infinite world can be kept from being eroded by the power of doomsday.

Even these worlds can continue to evolve. As they evolve, they can occupy more chaotic areas, and then they can greatly compress the living space of the doomsday forces.

At that time, no matter where these doomsdays are hiding, they will have nowhere to escape. .

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