Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 294 Chaos God Forbidden And Innate God Forbidden!

However, after seeing these Magic Treasures, Furukawa did have the idea of ​​subduing these Magic Treasures, so that Magic Treasures could evolve into an existence no less than that of the Chaos Demon God. Perhaps it is also a very interesting plan.

Of course, the most important thing is that these Magic Treasures help him to understand the law of the Chaos Avenue to a certain extent.

I remember that when he was still very weak, he gained insights from Chaos Magic Treasures——Chaos Skynet, and thus comprehended the Chaos Sealing Technique, Chaos Eight Trigrams technique and other supernatural powers.

This is almost laying the foundation of one's own practice.

how so?!

In fact, these Magic Treasures, like the Chaos Demon God, are the lives bred by chaos, and the bodies of the Chaos Magic Treasures contain the Chaos God Forbidden.

The more powerful the Chaos Magic Treasures are, the more Chaos God Forbidden they contain in their bodies.

Since the creation of Furukawa, countless worlds have been born, and these worlds have also bred a piece of Innate Magic Treasures, and these Innate Magic Treasures are also engraved with countless Innate gods.

It can be said that both Chaos God Forbidden and Innate God Forbidden are ways for life to comprehend the law of the avenue. From 31, we can get a glimpse of the deepest mysteries of the law of the avenue of chaos.

In fact, everything in cultivating Taoism begins with imitation.

It is as if the first airplane was born to imitate the flight of birds; the first gas mask was to imitate the nose of a pig; the first radar was to imitate the sound of bats, etc.

The same reason.

These Magic Treasures all contain the mysteries of chaos and infinity. If they can learn all of them, they will definitely bring him great benefits and allow him to obtain infinite benefits.

He takes all things as his teacher.

Even though Furukawa's Cultivation Base can be called the strongest of chaos, he doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​pride, because there are mountains as high as mountains, and there are strong hands among the strong.

At least the terrifying creature outside the door is no match for him at all.

It can be said that this world is very big, and there are countless beings stronger than Furukawa, and he has no right to be proud.

Thinking of this, Furukawa looked at the group of Magic Treasures and smiled slightly: "Do you want to recognize me as the master and get my protection?"


Many Magic Treasures stared at Furukawa with wide-eyed eyes. Although they had a high degree of affection for Furukawa, they were still hesitant to consider Furukawa as the main one.

Because they just didn't want to be refined by other beings, they gathered in the big world of Magic Treasures.

"We would."

At this moment, Fen Baoyan Loli immediately spoke, and said firmly.


Many Magic Treasures were stunned, they didn't expect the own leader to surrender first, and they still didn't hesitate, they didn't understand why.

"If I'm not mistaken, this lord should be the legendary Chaos City Lord.

Fen Baoyan Loli said with certainty.

"The Lord of Chaos City? Is that the strongest and oldest demon god of Chaos in the legend?! He has saved countless lives under the invasion of the apocalypse several times."

"No way, it is said that the heavens and worlds were created by him himself. He is the king of the gods, the true ruler of the heavens and the worlds, and he can suppress the heavens with one blow and rule the ages."

"Not only that, he created the first race of machines in the heavens and myriad worlds.

"We actually met such a big man here, and they want to accept us as younger brothers?!"

Many Magic Treasures exclaimed, and they all looked at Furukawa in disbelief, because this incident was so unbelievable, it was like a dream.

Because even among the heavens and worlds, many gods have never seen the Chaos City Lord.

Other ordinary life, not to mention ordinary Magic Treasures, it is impossible for them, and they have no chance to see the existence of this chaotic epic.

"Oh, have you seen me?"

Furukawa smiled slightly.

"Yes, in a long time ago, I was the companion Magic Treasures of the Dabao Demon God, and I was fortunate enough to listen to the three sermons of the city lord in the Chaos City."

Fen Baoyan Loli looked at Furukawa with admiration. She was just a small person back then, and she was not qualified to have such a close contact with such a top big shot.

"Treasure Demon God?!"

Furukawa searches for the long-lasting memory in the depths of his soul. For an existence like him, he can return to the long river of own memory to search for memory at any time, and he will never forget anything.

He immediately thought of the character of Duobao Demon God.

Back then it was quite famous in Chaos City, because it was very lucky and always collected a lot of Magic Treasures on its body, which aroused the jealousy of many Chaos Demon Gods.

However, the strength of the Duobao Demon God is not simple. After defeating a few young people, no Chaos Demon God dared to attack it anymore.

But the good times didn't last long, and then the power of Doom broke out, and it died at the hands of Zerg Doom, and the entire Kingdom of God was swallowed up by the Zerg.

Even Duobao Demon God died tragically, his entire body was swallowed up.

It is said that all the Magic Treasures it left in the Kingdom of God were also swallowed up, which made many Chaos Demon Gods beat their feet and chests, because this is really too violent.

Now that I think about it carefully, the reason why Duobao Demon God was able to obtain such treasures was probably due to Fen Baoyan, who has the ability to automatically summon any ownerless Magic Treasures.

Of course, the Chaos Supreme Treasure of the same level as her can't be summoned, and it can completely resist the power of Fenbaoyan.

"So that's it, you have escaped the catastrophe of the doomsday."

Furukawa Road.

"Yes, when the Zerg apocalypse struck, Duobao Demon God died immediately, and then I, 930 and Xiaoju, took the opportunity and ran out, barely surviving from the pursuit of countless Zergs."

Fen Baoyan Loli said in a deep voice.

She was good friends with the Chaos Void Mask back then, but the Chaos Void Mask changed into an ordinary Magic Treasures, and was not valued by the Treasure Demon God.

At the same time, it also sneaked into the treasure trove of the God of Many Treasures, stealing food comfortably.

And Fen Baoyan also kept a secret for the Chaos Void Mask, and the two became good friends.

So at the critical moment, the mask of chaos and nothingness immediately changed into a Zerg, and became a member of the Zerg. The other Zerg monsters didn't find it at all, so they calmly took Fen Baoyan away.

Otherwise, Fen Baoyan would also die under the Zerg Doomsday.

"I see."

Furukawa nodded and patted Fenbaoyan Loli's head.


At this moment, in the depths of the void, a thin transparent line appeared at some unknown time, and it seemed to easily blend into the chaotic void and just hang down like this.

Then, this thin transparent thread was tied to Fenbaoyan Loli's body in an instant, binding Fenbaoyan Loli's body at once, as if he wanted to fish directly like this.


There was a cold light in Furukawa's eyes, it is unreasonable that an unknown existence wants to capture Fen Baoyan in front of Own. .

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