Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 327 Open Up The Underworld World, One Hundred And Eighth Floor!

In the prehistoric world The Underworld.

Originally, Luo Hu was recovering from his injuries in the Blood Sea of ​​the Styx River, but at this moment, his hairs stood on end, feeling a great crisis, as if an unexpected visitor had arrived at the Blood Sea.

In fact, it's not just it, the whole blood sea, no, the whole creatures of The Underworld are trembling because of this uninvited guest, as if a catastrophe is imminent.

Although the uninvited guest did not target the creatures of The Underworld, just the aura emanating from him was enough to crush the void of The Underworld and shatter~the sky.

"No way, it's actually the city-lord?!"

Seeing Furukawa's figure from a distance, Luo Hu couldn't help showing a shocked expression. In fact, it had never seen the Chaos City Lord in person, but the portraits of the Chaos City Lord were spread everywhere, and he had seen it before.

So it recognized at a glance that this uninvited guest must be the Chaos City Lord.

In an instant, it held its breath and tried its best to restrain its aura, so as not to be discovered by the Chaos City Lord.

Although it doesn't know if it is useful to do so, it can also bring some comfort to itself.

Fortunately, the Chaos City Lord didn't seem to care about it, no, he didn't care about the creatures in the entire Underworld, as if they were just passing by, they quickly entered the deepest part of The Underworld.

"What is the city lord doing in the deepest part of The Underworld? Could it be that there is some plan that can't work?"

To be honest, Luo Hu didn't dare to enter the deepest place of The Underworld, because that place was extremely terrifying, and it was the place where the resentment after the Chaos Demon God Death and the resentment after the Doomsday Death condensed.

Even gods can't resist the resentment inside, let alone a small shrimp like it.

Don't look at it staying in the blood sea for a long time, but at most it's just wandering around the periphery. It doesn't dare to enter the deepest place, otherwise it will be eroded by the blood sea and Styx in an instant, and it will become a lunatic in an instant, and its soul will collapse .

"There must be big plans."

There was a gleam of light in Rahu's eyes. It knew that a great supernatural being like the Lord of Chaos City would not move if he didn't move, and if he moved, he would be earth-shattering.

Now that the other party entered The Underworld, there must be a big move to be made.

It's a pity that it doesn't dare to get too close to the other party, so as not to be discovered by the city lord, but no matter what, if there is any change in The Underworld, it will definitely gain huge benefits.

Maybe the opportunity to be sanctified in the future is here.

"Nice place."

Furukawa stood in The Underworld of the prehistoric world, and he felt that the entire space of The Underworld was huge, which could be compared with the surface world of the prehistoric world.

In fact, these are the two worlds of light and darkness, two pros and cons.

He can also feel the ubiquitous power of Death, resentment, darkness, and negativity pervading the void of The Underworld, which is an excellent place for The Underworld.

This is also a place where countless evil spirits can be accommodated.

He can also perceive that countless The Underworld creatures are also bred in The Underworld world, such as devils, Devils, Shura, etc. are all creatures born from The Underworld itself.

In addition, there are many The Underworld monsters, such as The Underworld Ant, The Underworld Flower, The Underworld Tree and so on.

But these The Underworld creatures sensed their own aura, and retreated quickly, not daring to approach at all.

"However, this place is just a piece of empty space, and the prototype of a complete world has not yet been formed. Let's form a complete world first.

Furukawa circulated the power in his body and tapped his finger lightly.


In an instant, with Furukawa's body as the center, the entire void of The Underworld vibrated, and the endless breath of The Underworld kept rolling, like a storm, pushing across in all directions, spreading to every corner of the void of The Underworld.

All of a sudden, earth-shaking changes took place in the whole world of The Underworld, and all the chaotic breaths of The Underworld suddenly became orderly, with clear air rising and stale air falling.

Countless dark thunderbolts flickered, seeming to split open the matter of the infinite The Underworld world, completely split these The Underworld matter, and turned them into mountains, ores, soil, lava, etc.

For such things as opening up a world, Furukawa has long been familiar with it, and he does not know how many great worlds have been opened up, so opening up a The Underworld world is also a piece of cake for him.

Kacha Kacha~~

Under Furukawa's manipulation, with a light swipe of his finger, time and space were split, dividing the entire The Underworld world.

In an instant, layer after layer of The Underworld worlds emerged. Under Furukawa's control, it didn't take long for one hundred and eight layers of The Underworld worlds to appear.

...asking for flowers...

The area of ​​each layer of The Underworld world is vast and boundless, with almost no end in sight, and as time goes by, the space area is still expanding.

The reason why so many The Underworld worlds are divided is to better imprison various types of evil spirits. The stronger the evil spirits, the deeper they will fall into The Underworld world

And the evil spirits can only fall, not rise, and will only be trapped in The Underworld forever.


At this moment, layers of The Underworld world also present a different scene.

There is a lot of ice in the Underworld, and there is ice and snow everywhere, blowing the cold wind of The Underworld, as if a ray of cold wind from The Underworld blows, it will be frozen in an instant, and even the soul will be imprisoned in this place forever.

A thick layer of ice formed on the ground, exuding an eternal aura of desolation.

Some are burning The Underworld, where super volcanoes emerge one after another, endless lava flows, and the air is filled with a strong smell of sulfur.

And this place is almost silent, burning with the eternal fire of The Underworld.

Some are Thunder The Underworld, and the entire The Underworld space is covered with dark clouds, one after another, extremely thick, like mercury, falling trillions of trillions of The Underworld Thunder all the time.

All creatures that enter this Underworld will encounter countless thunder and punishment until they are wiped out.

There is the Gang Wind The Underworld, this place is blowing The Underworld Gang Wind all the time, every wisp of The Underworld Gang Wind is extremely terrifying, blowing on the life body, it will instantly weaken the flesh and blood in the body, leaving only the skeleton.

All creatures that enter the Underworld will probably be blown into skeletons one by one, and even the skeletons will turn into dust and disappear completely in this world as time goes by.

Some are highly poisonous The Underworld, this The Underworld is full of highly poisonous swamps, every drop of liquid is extremely terrifying and highly poisonous, even the air flow here is filled with terrifying poisonous gas.

Once entering the highly poisonous Underworld, even evil spirits will be poisoned until their bodies ooze pus and their souls will be scattered.

But these The Underworld are just child's play, they can only be counted as the first eighteen floors of The Underworld, once they fall below the nineteenth floor of The Underworld, the power of The Underworld will increase exponentially. .

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