Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 366: The Cage That Imprisoned Creatures From The Continent Of Origin

"Well, it seems that we need to add a few more seals of the Chaos God's Forbidden, so that the natives in the secret realm world cannot escape, otherwise it will definitely cause great harm.

There was a gleam in Furukawa's eyes.

Although in a short period of time, these creatures from the origin continent are not so easy to escape, but as time goes by, these secret realm worlds continue to develop, and they will eventually regain their peak strength.

At this time, the power of the laws of the secret realm world alone may not be able to suppress these creatures, so it is necessary to add more chaos gods to these secret realm worlds.

And in this way, even if the natives of these origin continents regain their peak strength, it will be difficult to escape from the secret realm world, and they can only be permanently suppressed in these places.


Thinking of this, Furukawa made seals with both hands, and added 129,600 levels of chaos gods to these secret realm worlds. Once any native creature tries to leave the secret realm world, it will be instantly suppressed by the chaos gods, or even killed. die.

It can be said that these secret realm worlds are the cages that trap these native creatures. Once they dare to leave, they will be killed instantly.

And during these 463 times, races from the mainland of origin, such as the Nielong, Yinqiu, Shadow Killer, Sea Monster, Shapeshifter, Earth Devil, etc., also entered their respective secret realm worlds.

They also finally wake up at this moment, because when they were sealed by Furukawa, they fell into a deep sleep completely, and] there was something outside.

"I, we are not dead?"

An evil dragon woke up, it felt the strong vitality of its body, and its body didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, and then confirmed that it was still alive.

To be honest, it thought it was dead. After all, it knew so many secrets, and at the same time, it was captured by that fierce man.

But now it is not dead, and it has not been abused too much, so it can't help but rejoice.

"What's going on? What about the other companions, are we the only ones?"

A few evil dragons next to it also woke up, but it found that there were only a dozen companions around it, and the other evil dragons were missing, and they didn't know where they went.

In fact, this is Furukawa's purpose to prevent the evil dragons from being too powerful. If they gather together, they may cause too much damage to the secret realm world.

So he scattered thousands of evil dragons all over the secret realm world, and the secret realm world is so huge that these evil dragons may not be able to gather again in a short time.

"I don't know, I don't know if they are dead or just like us."

"It's strange, what is this place, there is the breath of origin energy, but I don't know how many times it is thinner. Are we no longer in the origin continent?"

I don't know, anyway, this must not be the origin continent, we were caught by that fierce man to a strange place. "

"Why? That fierce man didn't kill us, but left us in this weird place. What's the purpose and plan of that guy?"

"I don't know, the information is insufficient, and it is completely impossible to judge the intention of that strong man."

More than a dozen evil dragons talked about it, they were completely confused, and they didn't know what Furukawa's intention was. After catching them, they didn't kill them, and didn't abuse them. Instead, they left them in a weird and strange place. This is completely unreasonable, they are all dumbfounded.

"Wait, why did the power in us disappear? How could we be so weak? The ten evil dragons couldn't help but screamed in horror.

It found that it had lost the power of the Primordial Saint level, and had been weakened to an unimaginably weak level, probably only equivalent to the level of a human immortal.

But a powerhouse of this level is just a baby in the continent of origin, no, even weaker than a baby.

To be honest, it has never been so weak in its life.

"Weak, we are too weak. Could it be that the fierce (dbea) man is a pervert who wants to seal the power of us and watch us be tortured and killed by other strong people? Does he have the hobby of watching others be tortured and killed?"

An evil dragon trembled to the extreme.

"Shut up, calm down, this is no longer the origin continent, maybe the situation is not as bad as we imagined. We may not be so weak."

Another Nielong shouted loudly to dissuade the other companions from calming down.

"F*ck, we are all weaker than a baby, and you still say this, have you ever seen a creature weaker than a baby?" Another evil dragon cursed and almost went crazy.

To be honest, it's no wonder they are ignorant.

Because they are used to being in the Origin Continent, everyone in the Origin Continent is a fierce person, even a rabbit may have the power of the Primordial Saint to make a mess of brutality.

The strength of Human Wonderland?

Please forgive their ignorance, it is really unimaginable that there are such weak creatures in the world, so it is the first time for them to feel such weak power.

And although they are evil dragons with tyrannical power, they really don't have any sense of security in the mainland where there are countless fierce people.

Therefore, all of them have developed the habit of being as cowardly as a mouse. Once there is any danger, they will immediately run away. It is a bit of a waste of their powerful strength and Talent.

"In short, let's find a place to hide for the time being. Let's check other environments and creatures first, and we must not act rashly. "Let's survive this extremely dangerous place first."

"That's right, we must be cautious, and we must be foolproof before we can act, otherwise we will be really cold."

"Regardless of the purpose of that fierce man, in short, we'd better survive first. If we can't survive, let alone looking for the purpose of that fierce man, we can't do other things."

Many evil dragons talked a lot. To be honest, they also want to know the purpose of that fierce man, but they are also realists. If they can't even save their own lives, then they are talking about farts.

whoosh whoosh!!!

All the evil dragons hid quickly, and they would find a cave first. After checking the strength of the creatures in this place, they could make the next step.

In fact, it's not just the Nielong that's like this, other creatures from the continent of origin are also scared to pee, and they never thought that they would be so weak.

Moreover, they came to a completely unfamiliar place, how dare they act rashly, all of them were scared and hid, even if they encountered the native creatures here, they dared not move around at will, so as not to scare the snake.

They intend to observe the surrounding environment before beginning to explore this strange world.

But no matter what, these creatures from the continent of origin, together with the creatures born in the secret realm world, will definitely collide fiercely in the future, thus forming a splendid epic. .

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