Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 406 The Eighth Doomsday Appears, A Weird And Terrifying Doomsday

"Petrochemical Doomsday and Virus Doomsday have been captured, and there are three Doomsdays left."

At this moment, Furukawa Divine Sense moved, and felt that the petrochemical doomsday and the virus doomsday were being imprisoned in the cage obediently by him, believing that they could never escape again.

To be honest, with his current strength, he can completely wipe out these doomsdays, but what's the point of destroying them, and the benefits won't necessarily be great.

It's better to thoroughly study these doomsday powers, and even take the doomsday powers as your own, so that you can really get all the benefits.

After all, he is still not very familiar with the use of the power of the Lord of the Universe, but the Eater is different. The other party is an ancient existence who has lived for an unknown number of epochs, and the use of the power of the Universe has already reached a state of perfection .

And the power of doom it possesses must be an extremely high-level power. After he thoroughly researches it, he will be able to truly grasp the power of doom [and even be able to compete with the eater.

It's like in the previous life, some hostile countries always liked to capture the stealth aircraft, aircraft carriers and other weapons developed by the other party.

Because these weapons contain extremely high technology content, once the research is clear, they can be integrated into the own technology system.

The same reason.

Furukawa's study of these doomsday forces can also gain great inspiration533 and benefit a lot.

In any case, these doomsdays have great research value, and they cannot be killed casually. This is really too wasteful and too reckless.

"Interesting, have these three doomsdays entered the heavens and myriad realms?"

Furukawa squinted his eyes, he clearly sensed the remaining three doomsday cores, and at some point, they had sneaked into the heavens and worlds silently.

Among them, the grotesque doomsday has appeared long ago, making wind and rain in the heavens and worlds.

However, the remaining two Doomsdays hid themselves quietly and entered one of the Great Thousand Worlds, slowly accumulating their own strength, waiting for the time to deliver a fatal blow.

And the remaining two Doomsdays are not as crazy as the previous Doomsdays, quietly hiding, slowly developing and devouring power, and constantly evolving.

From a certain point of view, the remaining two doomsdays are among the most dangerous doomsdays.

If it was before, Furukawa would not be able to find the remaining two hidden doomsdays, but now it is different, he can find the core of the remaining two doomsdays in an instant with a move of his mind

He sensed that the two cores of doomsday darkness were shining brightly, containing the power of incomparably mysterious laws, which were so eye-catching in the chaotic void, that they couldn't be concealed at all.


Furukawa clenched his fists and immediately went to track down the eighth doom. To be honest, he was very curious about the power of the remaining two doomsdays and why they would pose such a threat to him.

But at this time, the original bamboo world, which is one of the nine trillion worlds, is extremely ordinary.


A few minutes later, Furukawa's figure suddenly appeared in this place, because he sensed that the eighth doomsday was hidden in this great world.

"I see."

With a sweep of his Divine Sense, he instantly perceives the entire vast world, understands every corner of the world, and touches the power of the end of the world.

And he immediately knew what doomsday it was, it was the puppet doomsday.

The power of this puppet doomsday is very terrifying. It can replace lives one by one silently, replace the existence of the other party, and then let the puppet replace it.

Moreover, such a puppet is no different from the original life. The soul, appearance, blood, personality, and even memory are exactly the same. Even the wife, son, and parents will not perceive any other differences.

It can be said that even if it is hundreds of millions of years of life, relatives will not be aware that they have lived with a puppet for such a long time. Basically, even the magic mirror will not be able to see the flaws of this puppet.

That's why the puppet doomsday is so terrifying.

It is said that the universe invaded by the puppet doomsday, the doomsday comes silently (dbeg), spreads silently, one life after another is slowly replaced, until the last life is replaced by a puppet.

Moreover, the process of replacing them with puppets was silent, basically no wars or fights took place, and all life was silently killed like this.

Often even the last life left does not know that the life around him has long been replaced by a puppet, and does not even know that his Life is in a puppet world.

"The puppet doomsday is indeed a terrifying doomsday power. To some extent, it is probably even more terrifying than the grotesque doomsday."

There was a gleam in Furukawa's eyes.

To be honest, if he hadn't been promoted to the Realm of the Lord of the Universe, he probably wouldn't have been able to find the traces of Doom Puppet, nor would he be able to detect Doom Puppet's movements.

If he waits until he discovers the movements of the puppet doomsday, it will be too late at that time. I don't know how many lives have been replaced by the puppet doomsday, thus turning into puppets one by one.

"Fortunately, it came early, otherwise this Great Thousand World would have been finished."

Furukawa squeezed his fist.

According to his perception, one-third of the life in this original bamboo world has been turned into puppets, leaving two-thirds of the living life.

And this is quite a terrifying thing. The remaining two-thirds of the lives have no idea that the lives they live with day and night are actually fake lives, and they don't even know that these puppets want to kill themselves.

If his life was in such a world, he would be terrified. It was an extremely hopeless world, and no matter where he fled, he would always end up dead.

Moreover, even living beings can't tell the difference between a puppet and a real life. They don't know when it was replaced silently, and even their own companions can't believe it.

Now the power of the puppet doomsday is only spreading to the early stage, and it is limited to being a minister in this big world.

If it is one step later, maybe even many gods may be killed and replaced by the puppet Doomsday, and then placed in Chaos City.

If at a critical moment, these puppets hidden among the gods make a bold move, no one knows how much trouble and damage it will cause to the heavens and myriad worlds.

"We can't continue to let this doom puppet spread out. We must capture and seal this guy. It's too dangerous."

Furukawa was murderous.

He immediately sensed the danger of this puppet doomsday, and it really is a doomsday power that is many times more dangerous than before. This kind of power characteristic that is almost imperceptible should be too dangerous.


In an instant, Furukawa's figure flashed, and he immediately came to one of the largest mansions in the world, because he sensed that the doomsday puppet was hiding in this place. .

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