Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 425 The Oldest Existence Of Chaos Cannot Be Surpassed At All

From the appearance of the Flame Hammer King to the quick capture of the lava god Semaraiel and the ice demon god Nemiars, the middle process was very fast, that is, a few minutes.

However, the gods of Chaos City are very calm. After all, they have lived for such a long time and haven't seen anything, although this kind of fighting phenomenon basically does not appear in Chaos City.

But occasionally there will always be some brain-twitching characters, and they are no strangers to this kind of thing.

Sensing that the matter was completely resolved, they quickly withdrew their own eyes and continued to cultivate.

But this incident was a huge stimulus to Daode Tianzun and others, and none of them have recovered until now, like a dream.

"It's so perverted, did you see just now, the two gods have been turned into powder, and they are still alive?!"

Patriarch Styx was stunned.

"Indeed, I sensed that the two gods just now were slapped into pieces with one palm. It seems that they are dead and can't die again, and it is impossible to resurrect." Ancestor Kunpeng also agreed.

"You do not understand."

Yuanshi Tianzun said in a deep voice: "This is the god, the god who comprehends the law of the great way, and all the beings who have reached this level have Immortal bodies, and every cell in the body is fused with their spiritual imprints.

As long as there is a cell, no, even a trace of tissue is still alive, it can devour the energy between heaven and earth, quickly revive it, and then return to a complete state.

"No way, is the god so perverted? Doesn't that mean that he can't be killed anyway?"

Nuwa said in shock.

"It's not that it can't be killed, it's just that it's very difficult to kill.

Daode Tianzun shook his head: "However, according to the information I got, such a powerful recovery ability like those two gods just now is probably a minority among many gods.

He thought that the two gods who fought in Chaos City just now were considered powerful even among many gods, "Otherwise, they wouldn't have such a strong recovery ability.

"Those two gods are nothing. The one who is really terrifying is the Chaos City Lord. I don't know if you have noticed. The Lord City Lord didn't show up at all. It was just a thought, and he smashed those two gods with a palm from the air. It was crushed into powder, what kind of supernatural power and strength is this?"

Zhunti Daoist said with a look of enthusiasm.

"No, it's not just that.

Daoist said in a deep voice: "If the Lord of Chaos City wants to kill those two gods, he is fully capable of doing so, but he didn't kill them, he just smashed them into powder and completely injured them, but he didn't Hurt their lives. This kind of control over power is simply wonderful.

Zhen Yuanzi and the others couldn't help but nodded. The more they thought about it, the more they felt the horror of the Chaos City Lord's strength, which was simply beyond imagination.

Being able to control the power of own, happened to severely injure the two gods, but did not hurt the lives of the two gods, what does this mean?

It's like a father beating his son, and a Great Master beating his apprentice. Only by far surpassing the two gods can the power be controlled to such an extent that they can be severely injured without killing them.

To be honest, they can't even imagine the strength of the gods, so how high the level of the Chaos City Lord will be.

"It's nothing more than the control of power, but what's even more powerful is that he didn't show up at all, it was just a thought, the time and space of the entire Chaos City stopped, it seemed that the entire Chaos Universe was revolving according to his mind, all The law of origin obeys his orders, and stops when it says stop, as if he is the master of the universe.

Daode Tianzun's eyes showed a frightening light.

Yes, dominate!

It gave him the feeling that the mysterious Lord of Chaos City is the master of everything, even the chaos airflow, the law of chaos, the law of origin, everything obeys his master.

"I have heard other creatures introduce on the chaotic virtual network, even gods have different levels."

Fu Xi clenched his fists: "The gods who have just entered the realm of the gods are called Divine Armament, which is just a soldier among the gods, and if it goes further, it is the Divine General, who can already become the general who controls many Divine Armaments at this time.

If you can go one step further, that is God King, that is the king among the gods, and now the leaders of all major forces are God King, the real king of a country, the king of a world "is the overlord of all parties.

But even more detached than the God King is the God Emperor, who is an unimaginable peak powerhouse. It is said that the number of God Emperors is just a handful, very few, and can decide the life and death of countless worlds with a single word.

However, the Lord of Chaos City is the ruler of countless gods, controlling the gods. This kind of strength absolutely surpasses the God Emperor, and he is also the most peak existence in the entire Chaos Universe.

Hearing this, a group of prehistoric Powers were shocked. At first they didn't know what the concept of the Chaos City Lord was, but after hearing Fuxi's words, they knew how great the Chaos City Lord was.

"々, there is no doubt about it."

"It is said that Chaos City is an existence older than the heavens and worlds. In the heavens and worlds, before the appearance of the prehistoric world, Chaos City appeared." It is older than any world


"And this Chaos City was created by the Chaos City Lord, and it gradually became the residence of the gods. There is no doubt that the Chaos City Lord is the most pinnacle existence of the Chaos Universe."

Zhen Yuanzi said in a deep voice.

Many prehistoric Powers are holding their breaths. To be honest, as the favored sons of the prehistoric world, each of them is like the existence of a child of destiny, with strong luck behind them, and the talent is outstanding and unique.

They have the confidence to become gods, and even have the perseverance and talent to be promoted to the God King's Realm. No matter what, some God Kings are still born in the heavens and myriad worlds.

And God King is the pinnacle (of Zhao Zhao) that countless gods can reach. This kind of existence controls a vast world, and behind it stands a colossal power, and even super races.

This kind of existence will not decay for billions of trillions of epochs.

However, such a God King can only be born in the heavens and worlds after hundreds of millions of trillions of epochs pass.

One can imagine how difficult the birth of the God King was.

Even if it is the Divine Armament or the Divine General who have been promoted to the God Realm, they don't dare to hope that they can be promoted to the God King Realm.

As for the God King who was taller than the God King, and even the Chaos City Lord who was taller than the God King, this made them feel a burst of suffocation, an insurmountable existential obstacle.

This is a bit similar to the chaotic universe, they just appear in the chaotic universe, can they still surpass the chaotic universe itself? This is almost impossible.

And this feeling of insignificance made them feel extremely powerless and extremely excited. .

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