Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 429 Great Ax Chaos Monument And Infinite Chaos Monument

whoosh whoosh!!!

Thinking of this, the group of geniuses calmed down immediately, and began to walk along this corridor. They began to watch the patterns seriously.

However, the genius from the prehistoric still stayed in place thinking about strategies.

"Dage, what shall we do then?"

Lingbao Tianzun looked at own Dage Daode Tianzun, he felt that this matter seemed a bit in a dilemma, he didn't know how to choose to be favored by the gods.

After all, if they can worship a powerful god as their teacher, the benefits to them are self-evident.

But if they worship a weak god as their teacher, it will be very detrimental to their development.

"Lingbao, you've got a picture."

Daode Tianzun said indifferently: "I'm lucky if I win, and my life is lost, as long as you follow your heart, you came to Chaos City to find your own way, not to find your own master.

It’s okay if the gods like us, but if the gods don’t like us, will you give up your pursuit of Tao because of this failure?”

Dage, I get it. "

Hearing these words, Lingbao Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly realized, as if they saw the blue sky through the clouds and mists, their eyes became firm all of a sudden.

To be honest, although the talents of the three brothers are not far apart, but their comprehension of the Tao and the open-mindedness of their minds, they are really far behind their own Dage moral Tianzun, so in the future on the road of practice, it is still Morality Tianzun goes a little further.

"But Dage, how should we choose the Chaos Stele?"

Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

"Just follow your heart, your Dao heart will guide you.

Daode Tianzun said in a deep voice.

"Dao heart?! I get it."

The eyes of Lingbao Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun showed a gleam, and immediately centered on their bodies, they emitted bursts of unique law fluctuations.


In the next second, they seemed to perceive that the patterns on the wall were also exuding strange law fluctuations, which contained an extremely mysterious path of Tao.

But the laws on these pictures did not resonate with the laws on them.

But instead of being surprised, they were overjoyed, and quickly walked towards the corridor, trying out the patterns one after another. Once a pattern could resonate with the Dao heart on their bodies, it must be the Chaos Monument they were looking for.

The same is true for Dao Tianzun, he seems to have entered the Realm where Deva is united, Dao heart blends into nature, and when he walks over, countless original principles are triggered.

"found it."

At this moment, Lingbao Tianzun quickly found one of the pictures, and there were many geniuses standing in front of this picture, and they were also watching carefully.

He fixed his eyes on the past, and his body was shocked. He suddenly found that the pattern was a titan standing upright, as if it was an ancient demon god that had existed since ancient times.

Holding a huge axe, this ancient demon god stands in the void of chaos.

In an instant, this ancient titan seemed to come alive, and the huge ax in his hand smashed over in an instant, splitting the entire chaotic void in half.

And at this moment, the chaos was separated, and it seemed that the whole world was born.

Although this ancient titan didn't use a sword, but a huge axe, but all the cultivations lead to the same goal. He seemed to see dense ax marks appearing on the pattern.

It seems that every ax mark contains the mysteries of chaos and infinite, deducing the changes of billions of trillions.

This is the pinnacle of all skills and Tao, and has reached the realm of turning decay into magic.

"too strong."

Lingbao Tianzun was extremely startled, feeling that his blood and soul were boiling and trembling uncontrollably. Compared with this indomitable titan, Own's swordsmanship was like a baby.

The opponent's ax has the power to open up the world, and it seems to have stood at the peak of chaos. Compared with it, own swordsmanship is not worth mentioning.

He can also feel that if he has a deep understanding, it will definitely be of great benefit, from which he can comprehend the way of own swordsmanship, and comprehend many truths of swordsmanship.

"This is the Great Ax Chaos Monument!"

Lingbao Tianzun's eyes showed a frightening light, and he found that this pattern corresponds to the giant axe Chaos Stele, which is the Taoism left by the legendary Chaos Demon God Pangu.

"This is the Chaos Monument."

In an instant, Lingbao Tianzun made a decision. There is no doubt that the giant ax chaos monument is the most suitable path for him. Nothing is more suitable for him than the Chaos Monument, the Chaos Demon God who created the prehistoric world.

"found it."

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun also found a pattern suitable for owning, but there is no genius in front of this pattern, because there is only a chaotic nebula on this pattern.

In this chaotic nebula, it seems that there are densely packed Star light spots, and one after another nebula emerges, implying the meaning of finiteness including infinity.

If an ordinary genius sees this picture, although he perceives it is extremely mysterious, but can't see anything, it means that his understanding is not enough, or it is not suitable.

But Yuanshi Tianzun is different. For his outstanding Talent, he can copy all magical powers and spells, and he can instantly learn all knowledge.

But the moment he saw this picture, he was at a loss, because this picture is all-encompassing and contains endless messages of the Dao, even according to his Talent, it is impossible to copy it completely.

If he tries to copy, the endless amount of information will burst his head in an instant.

But for Yuanshi Tianzun, he was extremely excited, because this was the first time in his life that he encountered something that he could not duplicate. This kind of infinite artistic conception made his blood boil.

It seems that in this picture, he saw the whole universe.

"The finite contains the infinite, and the infinite contains the entire universe, and the entire universe is constantly expanding, and finally returns to the original singularity. It's wonderful, it's really wonderful."

In this picture, Yuanshi Tianzun seems to have seen the big explosion of the universe, the rapid expansion of countless nebulae, and the life of the universe, from birth, growth, peak, to decline and destruction.

It seems that this pattern contains the sound of Universe, which touched his soul incomparably and expanded his mind infinitely.

He glanced at the bottom of the pattern, and it read: Infinite Chaos Monument.

"This is the Chaos Monument created by the City Lord himself."

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes showed a gleam, and he was extremely excited. He sensed a ray of aura from the Chaos City Lord emanating from it, although it was only a glimpse a month ago

But he remembered the aura of the Chaos City Lord.

So he could tell at a glance that this must have been created by the Chaos City Lord.

"That's it."

Yuanshi Tianzun made up his mind at once. If it was the Chaos Monument created by a strong man like the Lord of Chaos City, it must be the supreme avenue pointing directly to the peak, and his choice would not be wrong. .

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