Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 471 The Great Formation, The Birth Of The Primordial Kingdom Of God

Thinking of this, Furukawa didn't hesitate and took action immediately. After all, the longer the delay, the more likely the dragon veins here will be discovered by other universe masters.

So he still wanted to set up the Jiuqu Yellow River formation as soon as possible.


Immediately under Furukawa's arrangement, countless materials were instantly melted, and with dragon veins as nodes, formation foundations were arranged one by one in an area with a radius of hundreds of millions of light years.

In fact, he has long been familiar with arranging similar formations. In order to protect the heavens and worlds, he arranged the chaotic star universe formation. Such a formation can shock the gods and prevent the doomsday.

But now that countless epochs have passed, his Cultivation Base and knowledge have also been greatly improved, and his formation Realm has already reached the realm of transformation, so he is very familiar with this method of formation.

Time is like running water, in the blink of an eye, thousands of years are fleeting.

At this moment, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was finally completed by Furukawa.

I saw that with the valley of the Blood God Kingdom as the center, a radius of hundreds of millions of light years was covered by a large formation, and all the dragon veins were hidden in the void and never appeared again.

And deep in the core of the formation is a huge tower, towering into the sky, straight into the sky, with endless golden light emitting from its body, which seems to penetrate the boundless darkness, turning the surrounding into an ocean of 757 gold.

This is the Gongde Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which is the core of this great formation.

But apart from this, there is another core, that is the original ancient snake talisman, which is also in another place of the formation, and it is surrounded by powerful aura.

From the depths of the original ancient snake talisman, two terrifying powers are also instilled, one is the power of transformation, which can transform countless creatures, making them convert to the original ancient snake.

One is the power of corruption, this power can make countless creatures degenerate into The Underworld creatures, lose their minds, and even melt their bodies and souls, which is extremely terrifying.

"As expected of the master, this formation is really terrifying."

The Lord of the Blood Sea saw this scene, even though he was an elementary universe master who had mastered the power of ninety-nine Samsara, and lived for countless years, he had never seen such a terrifying formation.

Such a large formation can definitely rank among the entire continent of origin.

He didn't know where this big formation started and where it ended, as if it formed an absolute closed loop, and it seemed to be a perfect circle, without any flaws.

This large array hides the secrets of chaos inside, the mechanism of life and death (dbad); the outside is controlled by the Eight Trigrams of the Nine Palaces, and the gates are entered and exited, advancing and retreating in a row, in an orderly manner. Even if the Lord of the Universe enters here, he will be completely dissipated.

"Oh, you can see the secret of this great formation?"

Furukawa asked.

"It's also fortunate that I assisted the master in setting up this large formation before. Otherwise, I would not be able to know the secrets of this large formation once the formation is complete. I can only see the flowers through the fog."

The Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood said with emotion: "If I'm not wrong, there are three talents in this formation, which contain the wonders of heaven and earth; in it are the elixir of confusion and the formula of closing immortals, which can lose the god of immortals, eliminate the soul of immortals, and form the shape of immortals." , Destroy the spirit of the immortal, lose the essence of the immortal, and damage the limbs of the immortal. The immortal enters here and becomes a mortal, and the mortal enters here and dies. There is no straightness in the nine tunes, all the wonders of good fortune, and the secrets of the immortals. No matter how Saint he is, he will not be able to escape from this.

Indeed, as the Lord of the Blood Sea said, the Jiuqu Yellow River has the power of good fortune to surpass the heavens and the earth.

First of all, the entire formation has nine bends and eighteen bends, like countless yellow rivers running through this void, turning the interior of the formation into a maze, and other beings entering it will definitely fall into a lost "no longer knowing where they are.

And if you stay in the formation for a long time, you will be suppressed and refined by the mysterious and yellow energy that pervades the formation, and at the same time be eroded by the power of the original ancient snake talisman.

It can be said that this large formation has two kinds of formation power, one is the power of the maze, making life that enters this formation unable to escape.

The other is the power of refining, the power of corrosion, which is like a furnace, refining all the enemies who enter this large formation to ashes, leaving no bones left.

Even the Lord of the Universe is doomed.

This is the so-called array of heaven and earth, and the potential of the Yellow River. The wind is howling, and the black mist fills the sun and the moon. Swinging leisurely, Yaoyao Mingming. The misery was soaring to the sky, and the haze was penetrating. Destroy your soul, let you practice for a thousand years to become a cake; if you lose your spirit and lose your spirit, even if you escape ten thousand catastrophes, it will be hard.

As the saying goes: Immortals are hard to come by, so cut off the three flowers on the top; even if your Buddha is in trouble, you will also eliminate the five qi in your chest. Doom is inevitable in this battle; how can a real person hide when meeting him?

"Master, with this formation here, even if you meet the master of the high universe, you can't do anything to the master.

The Lord of the Blood Sea was extremely excited.

Before, he was worried that if other universe masters discovered this origin dragon vein, he might suffer a catastrophe, but with the protection of this large array, it would be different.

Even if the master of the high-level universe enters the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, he will be trapped for a long time, with no light in the sun and the moon, and he will even be refined and wiped out.

As for the masters of other medium universes, let alone the masters of elementary universes, they are completely scumbags.

Of course, such a tyrannical existence as the Lord of the Universe can still destroy this large formation. After all, such a tyrannical existence is really too tyrannical, reaching an unimaginable Realm.

But they can't provoke this kind of existence casually, and this kind of strong person is also a dragon who can't see the head and tail, and usually don't know where to practice, where is it so easy to see.

"Indeed, my foundation has been established, and it's time to establish a force."

Furukawa nodded. He set up a large formation and seized the foundation of the Blood God Kingdom in order to use this place as a starting point to start his own power in the Origin Continent.

Of course, he now has a large number of subordinates, first of all, the Lord of the Blood Sea, and the Blood Clan he created, and all these elites obey his orders.

Then there are the natives of eighteen tribes including the Bailishi tribe. After these natives were rescued by me, they all wanted to recognize themselves as masters, and they actually directly relied on the Blood God Kingdom to stay.

But it is natural to think about it.

After all, after experiencing this incident, these natives deeply realized a truth, if they do not have the protection of a strong person like the Lord of the Universe, they would be ants.

Even if you leave here, it's not a dead end.

Now they have the opportunity to be protected by a powerful lord of the universe, if they don't hurry to seize this opportunity, are they really going to leave to seek death?!

Of course, Furukawa just needs these subordinates to be their own coolies, as their own team, so it is logical to accept these aborigines.

This is also a win-win option.

"I don't know the name of the master's power?"

The Lord of the Blood Sea asked.

"Then it's called the Primordial Kingdom of God."

Furukawa stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly. .

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