Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 554 Primal Imperial City, Void Train!

"We're in business.

Lan Zhongjie revealed his purpose of entering the Primordial Kingdom of God.

"I see, where are you from?"

The doorman nodded.

After half an hour of interrogation and registration of information, Lan Zhongjie and Lan Junni finally got the pass token and were able to enter the interior of the original kingdom of God.

After entering the Primordial Kingdom of God, they also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were no major accidents, and they were finally able to enter the Primordial Divine Kingdom smoothly.

"Big brother, I didn't expect the system of the original kingdom of God to be so strict. It seems that this country is not simple."

Lan Junni said with emotion.

Although they just entered the city gate, they were greatly baptized and felt a completely different culture, which gave her a huge shock.

"Indeed, and this registration system is actually worth learning from the Canglan Nation. If everyone who enters the Canglan Nation registers, those rebellious officials and thieves will not be so arrogant and sabotage everywhere."

31 Lan Zhongjie's eyes revealed a gleam of coldness.

"Look at big brother, what is that? A huge and lofty mountain, no, it seems to be a stone monument."

At this moment, Lan Junni looked up and her eyes widened.

She immediately saw a huge and majestic stone tablet, straight into the sky, towering above the earth, piercing through the sky like a sea needle, exuding an eternal breath.

Just seeing this stele, she seemed to have received a huge shock. She had never thought that there was such a majestic object in the world, and no mountain could match it.

"Haha, little girl, don't make a fuss, this is the most famous fetish in the Primordial God Kingdom—the Immortal Monument." A passer-by next to him laughed, "It is said that it is a universe secret treasure of the Lord, which suppressed the entire Primordial God Kingdom. The country's Restrictions formation, pervades the Immortal end.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Immortal Monument that it is able to resist countless Xiaoxiao who coveted the original kingdom of God, and countless Yuan Beasts who tried to attack the original kingdom of God.

"It turns out that the Immortal enchantment was made from this Immortal monument?!"

Lan Junni was amazed. Before that, she was still wondering why the original kingdom of God could have such a huge enchantment. It turned out that it was a secret treasure of the Universe.

But even so, it can prove that the tyranny of this universe secret treasure is absolutely unbelievably powerful.

"By the way, we have just entered the Primordial God Kingdom, and we can actually see the Immortal Monument. Doesn't that mean that we are very close to the Immortal Monument?"

Lan Junni thought of this.


Hearing this, the passenger suddenly laughed, and laughed loudly: "You are totally wrong if you think this way, the reason why you see this Immortal monument is not because it is close, but because it is too big .

Let's put it this way, if someone with the strength of Hongmeng Saint flies, it may take ten billion years to reach the location of the Immortal Monument. "

Ten billion years?!

The brothers and sisters Lan Zhongjie and Lan Junni were stunned. Although they knew that the Immortal Monument might be far away, they didn't expect it to be so far away. It was really unbelievable.

"Where is the location of the Immortal Monument?"

Lan Zhongjie couldn't help asking.

"Naturally, it is the kingdom of my original kingdom of God—the original imperial city!"

The passer-by next to him said proudly.

The so-called Primordial Imperial City was originally the location of the Blood God Kingdom, but at this moment it has been transformed into a huge and vast city by Furukawa, housing countless races, and has become the core location of the Primordial God Kingdom.

"Big brother, doesn't that mean that we want to reach the original imperial city? It takes ten billion years to fly to get there?!"

Lan Junni couldn't help looking at her big brother, their task was urgent and they couldn't delay it for so long.

To be honest, before she came here, she knew that the territory of the original kingdom of God was huge, and it was not many times larger than that of the Canglan country, but she never expected it to be so large.


Lan Zhongjie frowned. He never thought that the original imperial city was so far away, but if he didn't reach the original imperial city, he would not be able to meet the king of the original kingdom of God.

"That's nothing to worry about."

The passer-by next to him smiled slightly: "The reason why my Primordial Kingdom of God is powerful and rapidly rising is naturally a special product, and that is the unique Void Train of my Primordial Kingdom of God."

"Void Train?!"

Lan Junni and Lan Zhongjie blinked their eyes, it was the first time they had heard such a name.

"That's right."

The passer-by said proudly: "At the beginning of the founding of the country, because the country's territory is too big, and the distance between the cities is extremely long, the Lord Lord wants to rule the whole country and facilitate the communication of the country's residents. That's why the Chaos Supreme Treasure like the Void Train was refined.

So the lord of the country built a series of void passages between each city, and the void train can gallop and run in the void passages.

This Void Train doesn't have much of an advantage, the only advantage is its fast speed. If it goes at full speed, its speed is comparable to that of an elementary universe master. "


Hearing this, Lan Junni and Lan Zhongjie were taken aback. The speed of a mere Chaos Treasure can match the speed of an elementary universe master flying at full speed, which is inconceivable.

In fact, this Void Train is the highest technological crystallization of the Mech Clan, and then fuses a part of the original power of the Void from Furukawa, so as to exert the ultimate speed.

This is equivalent to transferring the technology developed by the chaotic universe to the 160 continent of origin, thus exerting an incredible effect, which also makes the whole country integrate

"To be honest, after the appearance of the Void Train, we don't know how many times it is convenient to travel. We can travel to any city in the country by taking the Void Train, which speeds up the communication between us. We never dreamed that there would be such a good thing before. .All of this is thanks to the Lord of the Kingdom"

The passer-by said with emotion.

Before, they basically could only live within the range of thousands of years, because their strength was weak, once they left this range, they would probably be killed by the origin beast in an instant

Or be killed by passing gangsters, which is extremely dangerous.

But now, the entire primitive kingdom of God has become an extremely safe place, even the weak have a place to live, and they can reach any place in the primitive kingdom of God at will

Life doesn't know how many times better.

"If we take the void train to the original imperial city, how long will it take?"

Lan Zhongjie asked.

"Ten thousand years, but the ticket is not cheap.

That road is humane.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Lan Junni and Lan Zhongjie smiled slightly. To be honest, they are not people who are short of money.

Everything that can be solved with money is not a problem. .

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