Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 622 The King Of Wild Beasts In The Animal Realm, A Disaster Sweeping The Six Realms

The prehistoric world, the human world.

At this time, Chen Changsheng had already returned to the human world from The Underworld. Although it seemed that a long time had passed in The Underworld, due to the speed of time, not an hour had passed in the human world.

After returning home, he was immediately overjoyed. Chen's father and mother, who had died, were actually resurrected at this moment, and their bodies were stronger than ever.

His body, which was scarred and scarred by overwork from doing farm work before, has recovered to its original state at this moment, and there is no sign of decay at all.

"King Yama, you really are the one who keeps your promise."

Chen Changsheng was very grateful.

Early the next morning, the news of Chen's father and Chen's mother's resurrection also shocked Hedi Village. They never expected that someone could really come back from the dead, which surprised countless people.

But after all, this place is only a small place, and it is only spread in a few villages around it, and it is not known to people in other places.

Even if people in other places know about this incident, they will think it is a rumor, and it is nothing more than rumors spread by the villagers. In fact, similar rumors are emerging in endlessly in major villages, so it is not surprising.

And Chen Changsheng didn't take this matter seriously, he just regarded this experience as an adventure, he still went to the mountains to cut firewood, went home to plow the fields, feed the cows, etc., and lived a busy and fulfilling farm life Life.

But at this time, an earth-shattering event happened in the world of six realms.

At this moment, in the heavens, many quasi-sages and Saints have sensed the huge changes that the world of the six realms is facing at this moment.

"Oops, something went wrong in the animal world."

A Saint perceives that the animal world among the six realms has undergone tremendous changes. In fact, the animal realm is the lowest among the six realms, because its time flow is too slow, even slower than the human realm.

This makes the animal world the most unpopular world for the reincarnation of all beings.

But even so, this does not mean that the animal world is the weakest. On the contrary, the animal world is by far the world with the strongest foundation among the six worlds.

This is because many desolate beasts born in the prehistoric world have to enter the animal world, and these desolate beasts are quite terrifying creatures, born from the Chaos Demon God of the Chaos Era, coupled with the power to kill the doomsday.

And this has led to the extremely powerful power of these desolate beasts, and even the blood in their bodies is more terrifying than ordinary Chaos Demon Gods, almost invincible in the same rank.

The most important thing is that these desolate beasts are also very fertile, and they usually have a litter in their lifetime.

In particular, some locust and ant-type desolate beasts, their number is calculated in trillions, which also leads to the number of lives in the animal world, which can be called the highest in the six worlds.

Fortunately, these desolate beasts don't have any intelligence and can only act on instinct, so the creatures in the prehistoric world can barely suppress these powerful beasts.

But at this time, the situation in the animal world seems to have changed.

"Those kings of wild beasts gave birth to wisdom."

The other Saint has a serious face. In fact, this is the reason for the huge changes in the animal world. Originally, these desolate beasts did not have any wisdom, they were ignorant and could only act on instinct.

But as time went by, countless desolate beasts continued to fight, they devoured each other's flesh and blood, and their strength continued to grow. On a certain day, when their strength reached a certain level, they suddenly opened up their own wisdom.

They learned to think, learned to learn, and possessed wisdom.

Such changes are extremely astonishing.

Especially some kings of desolate beasts with strong strength, after possessing wisdom, they can display a fighting power thousands of times stronger than before, and they are unparalleled.

The strength of these Beastmasters is not weaker than Saint.

After all, they were conceived from the flesh and blood of the Chaos Demon God. Coupled with the power to kill Doomsday, their strength and aptitude have been raised to an unimaginable level.

In fact, they also have part of the traits of the killing doomsday, that is, they can become stronger by devouring the flesh and blood of the enemy through killing. The more enemies you kill, the more you devour.

They will become stronger.

There is even no upper limit to such an increase, which is the characteristic of the killing doomsday.

To put it simply, these beast kings are like the side effects left over from the killing doomsday, they are equivalent to the hosts who have inherited the killing system, but there is no way to spread the power of this killing system.

Since these desolate beast kings were born with wisdom, they also knew the prehistoric world and the six worlds, so they were very dissatisfied with the status of the animal world.

Why is it also the Six Realms, but the status of the Animal Realm is the lowest, they are looked down upon by many creatures, this makes the beast kings extremely angry, want to start a war and rule the Six Realms.


They want to prove that the animal world is the strongest world in the Six Realms.

"Damn desolate beasts, what are they trying to do?"

"There is no doubt that they want to rule the Six Realms, so they plan to launch a war."

"It's just a group of beasts, and they want to deal with the Six Realms, what are you kidding, are they crazy?"

"They are not crazy. They do have such strength. The number of wild beast kings alone has exceeded one million according to current estimates."

"Impossible, the King of Desolate Beasts can at least compare to Saint in strength, but their number exceeds one million, which is more than the number of Saint in Heaven?!"

"Nothing is impossible. Before Sanqing, Zhunti, Jieyin and other Saints did not appear, these kings of desolate beasts were actually sanctified, and their strength was enough to rival the gods. It's just that they were trapped in the secret realm world. Can't come out.

But the city lord divided the six realms. Although all these desolate beasts were driven to the animal realm, in fact, this approach is equivalent to liberating these beast kings and letting them escape from the secret realm world. "

"Wow, if that's the case, countless desolate beasts from the animal world appear in the other five realms, what kind of terrible disaster will it cause, and how many lives will die?"

"This kind of thing is unavoidable. The kings of the desolate beasts have already issued an order. It is estimated that they will attack the heavens, the human world, and even the evil ghosts and Shuras in a short time."

"In a situation like this, we can only ask for help, and let the gods of Chaos City take action."

"Don't dream, let the gods of Chaos City take action, the price is probably greater than fighting against the king of this group of desolate beasts.

"That's right, the gods have long wanted to get their hands on the world of the six realms and planted their hands in the world of the six realms. On the contrary, they will not stop this crisis, and may even contribute to the flames. They are better than us primitive natives."

"Damn it, it seems that this crisis can only be stopped by ourselves."

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not ask for help."

Saints in many prehistoric worlds talked a lot, and their faces were extremely solemn. They knew that the biggest disaster in the world, such as the heavenly world and the human world, was about to happen. .

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