Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 630 This Is A God Of Plague

But at this moment, Chen Changsheng didn't seem to know what was going on around him, and he still wanted to bow down to the empty space.

"Stop him, you bastards stop him immediately, or you will all die, you all will die, you know?" At this time, the hunting devil sensed this scene, and he was so frightened that he was so frightened that he lost his mind.

If this kid is really allowed to worship, it will be completely dead, it will be eroded by endless evil thoughts, and then it will become a totem without any self-awareness, and become a true god of faith.

The so-called god of faith is the god imagined by believers, the perfect god condensed by the power of faith.

But such a god is just a puppet, born by the power of the believer's belief, and will also be destroyed by the power of the believer's belief. This is a real puppet, completely lost itself.

Of course, such power will also be extremely powerful, and the strength will increase geometrically.

But without the ego, this is not a god at all, but a totem, just a puppet in the hands of believers.

This is simply unacceptable to the Hunting Demon God.

"Dage, stop praying, please stop praying."

With a thud, at this moment, dozens of immortals nearby rushed up and threw Chen Changsheng down in one fell swoop, preventing this kid from continuing to kneel down.

Otherwise, before this kid worshiped, they might be killed by their own gods.

"What's the matter, why can't I pray? Didn't you ask me to pray? The ceremony is not over yet."

Chen Changsheng patted his head, and asked with a simple and honest face.

F*ck, I still worship, and if I continue to worship, they will all die! This is not a believer, it is clearly a big Buddha, a great god, no, it is an ancestor.

The faces of this group of immortals turned green. To be honest, didn’t you see what happened to those leaders just now? They were killed in the air by the angry hunting demon god, or the kind of death without a whole body.

If they don't stop them, they will die. This is not a helper at all, but a god of plague.

"Dage, stop praying, please, if you keep praying, we will all die~.

"Yes, as long as you don't pray, we will promise you whatever you say."

"Spare us a dog's life, we really can't bear your worship."

A group of immortals wept bitterly. They completely believed what Chen Changsheng said just now. This guy is a pervert, the kind that cannot be judged by common sense.

The existence that even the gods are afraid of, isn't it a pervert or something.

"Well, since you all say that, I can't force you to death. But if I join the Hunting God Cult, don't I really need to hold this kneeling ceremony? Will it be unfair to others.

Chen Changsheng stood up, gave up and continued to kneel down.

Perceiving this scene, the Hunting Demon God breathed a sigh of relief. It can be regarded as recovering its life. Fortunately, this pervert was not allowed to continue kneeling down. Otherwise, its years of hard work would have been wasted.

"How can this mortal have such terrifying power of Karma and evil thoughts? It seems that he carries the evil thoughts of the whole world on his body. What kind of existence is this? There are only two people with this kind of power in the world." , one is the city lord, and the other is Pan!"

In an instant, the hunting demon god's eyes showed a frightening light, and it set off a turbulent sea in the depths of its heart, remembering the return of the gods before.

Even a Chaos Demon God like it can't bear this mortal's kneeling. There is no doubt that this mortal Chen Changsheng in front of him must be the reincarnation of Pangu.

The reason why Pangu has such terrifying power of Karma and power of evil thoughts is probably because he is one of the creators of the prehistoric world, and he contains huge merits of opening the sky.

As the power of the prehistoric world becomes stronger, the power carried on Pangu will become stronger.

You must know that this is the power of evil thoughts in the entire Six Realms World. How can it bear the mere hunting of demon gods? This kind of world cannot bear the burden. If the burden is on yourself

That would be deadly.

"F*ck, it's actually the reincarnation of Pangu. This is a hot potato. You must not let this guy stay in my Hunting God Cult, otherwise, wouldn't I be too cold to hunt Demon Gods?"

The Hunting Demon God trembled all over. It knew exactly how many Karmas Pangu had on him, how many Chaos Demon Gods were paying attention, and even the City Lord's eyes might be on him.

If it dared to make any moves, it would definitely die without a place to bury it.

send away!

No matter what, this plague god must be taken in!

The hunting demon god is afraid of this mortal Chen Changsheng. This guy is the god of plague, and he is also the scourge of endless disasters. If you plot against the other party, I am afraid that you will not get the benefits, and you will be plagued by disasters.

F*ck, still want to join the Hunting God Cult? Fuck you, get out of here immediately!

At this time, half of the faces of a group of immortals in the heavenly realm turned green. Although they didn't know as much as the hunting demon god, they were not idiots after living for such a long time.

Undoubtedly, according to the movement just now, if this kid continues to stay in the Hunting God Sect, he doesn't know how much trouble he will cause and how much commotion he will cause "how many people will be killed.

How dare they let Chen Changsheng stay here.

"〤 Cough cough, brother Changsheng, to tell the truth, our temple here is small, and it really can't accommodate the big Buddha of Xiongtai, why don't you find another one, brother Chen. A fairy coughed

He wanted to drive Chen Changsheng away right now. Their Hunting God Cult was too small to bear such a torment.

If this kid is not careful, or his head is cramped, and he comes to worship again the next morning, who can bear it.

I'm afraid they were struck to death by the Void God Thunder before bowing down. Seeing the astonishing pothole on the ground, filled with a terrifying and destructive aura, their legs were still trembling. (Mom's)

To be honest, it was the first time they were so close to Death. Even when they were attacked by billions of desolate beasts back then, they were not as dangerous as they are today.

"What do you mean? You invited me to join your Hunting God Sect just now, and now you want to drive me away? I am not familiar with the place in the heaven, where do you want me to go for a while."

Chen Changsheng immediately became a little dissatisfied. Even an honest person can't be bullied like this. Isn't this a scumbag? Think of him as someone who can come and go as soon as he can.

Moreover, this place is full of barren mountains and wild mountains. If he leaves here, where else can he go to create.

F*ck, it’s easier to please God than to send God away!

The remaining half of the faces of a group of immortals also turned green, come on, it seems that this kid has to stay here, and they can't use force at all, and they dare not use force.

But there is no doubt that this bastard is a plague god. If they don't send them away, they will be killed by this kid sooner or later. .

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