Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 648 The Speculation Of The Demon Gods, The Beginning Of The Crisis Of Annihilation

"Then what do we do now?"

Chen Changsheng asked.

"Don't worry about it, a Chaos Demon God like this won't pay attention to little people like us, the reason why we meet is probably fate, we just come to the library to read.

The Book of Wisdom.


Chen Changsheng nodded, that was indeed the case, no matter how much he thought about it now, it would be useless, he was just someone who came to the Chaos Library to read.

Although he was lucky enough to meet these three Chaos Demon Gods, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't have any other Chaos Demon Gods worth coveting, so it was enough for him to be himself.

Thinking of this, he immediately felt relieved, and planned to read books quietly in this chaotic library to increase his knowledge.

At this moment, in the Chaos Library.

"Zero Six Zero", the dark spider demon, the octopus demon and the moth demon gathered together to chat.

"Have you seen it? The kid I met today, if I'm not wrong, should be the reincarnation of Brother Pangu." Moth Demon smiled slightly.

"It is indeed the reincarnation of Brother Pangu. To confirm, I went to meet him personally. It has been confirmed, but his memory has not yet awakened."

The dark spider demon nodded.

"Not only that, but he seems to have the aura of Magic Treasures bestowed by the city lord. It seems that the city lord has personally refined two powerful accompanying Magic Treasures. It seems to have unlimited potential. I'm really envious.

The octopus demon envied.

"I can't help it. Back then, Brother Pangu was a Chaos Demon God who was strong enough to fight the City Lord. He was also the Deputy City Lord of Chaos City. Even among many Chaos Demon Gods, he was second to none."

Dark Spider Devil Dao: "To be honest, if he hadn't been seriously injured by the doomsday and fell into a deep sleep, I'm afraid brother Pangu today doesn't know what kind of Realm he can reach."

"However, even if he resumes his practice, I can still perceive his endless potential, and it has not been fully stimulated. In time, I am afraid that he will reach an unimaginable Realm

The octopus demon said in a deep voice.

"Brother Pangu's aptitude cannot be doubted, and if the city lord does not restore brother Pangu's memory, it is probably a test." Moth Devil Dao, "It's like reincarnating and rebuilding. If you understand it, you will definitely be able to forge the Supreme Dao Fortress."

"However, I don't know if you have noticed that the city lord seems to be very nervous, and he is always practicing relentlessly, as if a huge catastrophe will befall the Chaos Universe. According to the unfathomable strength of the city lord, why are you still so nervous? , seems to be afraid of something."

Moth Demon squinted his eyes, he was very curious about this, because he could feel the tension and worry in Furukawa, he never slack off, he was always practicing, as if there was a great danger behind him.

"I don't know, according to the strength of the city lord, but still afraid and nervous things, I'm afraid it's not trivial." The dark spider demon said in a deep voice, "And I don't know if you have discovered that the nine doomsdays that invaded the chaotic universe before, are now actually They all disappeared without a sound. According to speculation, they may have been sealed by the city lord, so they couldn't make trouble.

But if this is the case, then the question arises, where did these doomsdays come from, who created them, and for what purpose?"

To be honest, it is not stupid. After so many years, many Chaos Demon Shendu are actually wondering about the origin of the doomsday.

Doom does not seem to be a force born naturally from the Chaos Universe itself, but rather a force from an extraterrestrial world.

"I remember the city lord said about a portal before. It is the gate of eternal life. It is said that it is the only portal from the chaotic universe to the outside world. If we want to leave the chaotic universe, we must open the gate of eternal life."

Moth Demon's eyes revealed a gleam: "However, I have searched for countless eras and united with many Chaos Demon Gods, but so far, I have not found any trace of the Gate of Eternal Life, and I don't know where it is hidden."

It wants to find the location of the gate of eternal life.

"Don't look for it. Actually, I know a thing or two about this matter. The gate of eternal life may be hidden by the city lord. It is in the gap between illusion and reality. You will never find this gate no matter what."

The dark spider demon shook his head: "Or even if we find this door, with our strength, we can't even touch the door frame of the door of eternal life.

It is said that the reason why the nine doomsdays appeared in the Chaos Universe was that the Lord of Death, the Lord of Destruction and other Chaos Demon Gods died and opened the door to eternal life, allowing such existences to enter, leading to the Death of many Chaos Demon Gods. ..."

"Is there such a thing? The nine doomsdays actually came in from the gate of eternal life?"

Moth Demon was also a little surprised.

"This matter is taboo, so don't spread it casually."

The dark spider demon narrowed his eyes: "And I have a hunch that the peaceful days like now may not be very long, and there will be a real crisis of annihilation soon."

"No way? Are you scaremongering? Now the power of the chaotic universe is getting stronger and stronger, and a billion gods have been born. It is a tyrannical force unimaginable in the era of chaos. Who can destroy this era."

The octopus demon frowned.

"Hehe, one billion gods? It sounds very powerful, but in fact it is completely vulnerable. If nothing else, just the nine doomsdays back then. At that time, the doomsdays hadn't grown up, and they almost destroyed all of them. The Chaos Demon God, if the nine doomsdays grow up completely, no, even if one of the doomsdays grows, can we deal with this doomsday with our strength?" The dark spider demon sneered.


The octopus demon and the moth demon fell silent, unable to say anything. They are not idiots, and they can naturally perceive the horror of the doomsday. This is not a matter of power gap, but a matter of level.

It seems that Doomsday and them are not a creature of dimension 5.5, just like the gap between Saint and mortals, no matter how many mortals there are, it is impossible to get Saint.

The same reason.

There is such a qualitative difference between them and the end of the day.

To be honest, until now they don't know exactly how Furukawa sealed the terrifying Nine Doomsday "Chaos City Lords" and how powerful the Emperor possessed.

"In short, hurry up and become stronger, at least to the Realm of the God Emperor, otherwise, when the power to destroy the world invades, we may all be wiped out in the catastrophe.

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of the dark spider demon.

And at this time, outside the Chaos Universe, near the Gate of Eternal Life.

At this moment, the Gnaw seems to have awakened, and it is filled with a terrifying and destructive atmosphere, as if countless doomsdays have awakened at this moment. .

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