Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 697 The Terror Of The Eye Of Ten Thousand Mothers Makes The Title Lord Of The Universe Pregn

Thinking of this, Furukawa didn't hesitate, and he took out a special universe treasure on his body-the Eye of Ten Thousand Mothers.

In fact, this eye is not a lethal universe treasure, but only has an auxiliary function, but the power of this universe treasure cannot even bear the title of the master of the universe.


In an instant, Furukawa circulated the huge and vast universe original energy on his body, and instilled all of it in the Eye of Ten Thousand Mothers, making the power of this eye play its greatest role

Immediately, an eye appeared in vain over the billions of trillions of parallel universes, looking at the three titled masters of the universe, the Eater, the Exterminator and the Brain Eater.


At this moment, the Lord of the Universe, the three titles of Eater, Exterminator, and Brain Eater, was still studying how to decipher the supreme Illusion Art of this parallel universe.

But at this moment, they suddenly discovered that in the depths of the void, one eye opened, as if it contained the eternal mystery of the universe, filled with the power of the source of all mothers, which is the origin of all life.

Great, Vast, Immortal, Eternal...  

It seems that all the adjectives of praise are not exaggerated for this eye, even the three titles of the Eater, the Exterminator and the Brain Eater, the Lord of the Universe, are shocked by it.

"Damn it, what calendar area is this?!"

In the next second, the faces of the masters of the three titles of the Eater, the Exterminator, and the Brain Eater suddenly changed. They found that they were glanced at by this strange mysterious eye, and only after one glance.

Unbelievable changes have taken place in their bodies, their stomachs have begun to swell slowly, and a mysterious organ has begun to conceive in their bodies.

At this moment, they immediately knew what happened to them.


They are pregnant!

The masters of the universe with the three titles of Eater, Exterminator, and Brain Eater are confused. They are terrible monsters born from the universe sea, and they are the only special existences in the universe, basically without any other differences.

So they don't have any reproductive ability, and they never thought that they would be pregnant.

But the Eye of Ten Thousand Mothers is such a secret treasure of the universe that can produce incredible changes in all things in the world. Even the title Lord of the Universe cannot resist this special ability to impregnate all things.

After being glanced at by the Eye of Ten Thousand Mothers, the huge mother-origin of all things permeates in, immediately allowing the body of the Lord of the Universe, the three titles of Eater, Destroyer and Brain Eater, to be forcibly changed so that he can give birth to offspring.

Because this is not a bad thing for them, their instincts did not produce an early warning.

"Bastard, what the hell did the natives do to us?!"

The Exterminator is simply crazy. It has lived countless Universe Samsara, and it has never encountered such a thing, and it never thought that it would give birth to offspring one day.

After all, it is the end, the spokesperson of extinction, the existence of the end of everything, the end of all things, how could it be possible to have such absurd things as the birth of descendants.

However, the Eye of Myriad Mothers can turn decay into magic and the impossible into possibility. This is a miraculous power.

Although the birth of descendants is not a big deal for ordinary creatures, but for the only special existence in the universe like the Exterminator, it is a deadly threat

Because if such an existence gives birth to descendants, it will disperse the power of own, so that half of the original invincible power will be given to the descendants of own.

In this way, that is to say, it basically weakened its invincible power, so that it only had half of its combat power.

Even in the process of gestating offspring, this time is extremely long, and the more it reaches the end of the production of offspring, its strength will be in the weakest state.

If the enemy attacks it at this time, it may be easily killed.

It can be said that the power of the Eye of Ten Thousand Mothers severely weakened its invincible power and created a huge weakness for it.

So the All-Destroyer was shocked and angry, and he wanted to kill Furukawa.

It's a pity that it can't find where Furukawa is now, even if it is very angry inside, it has nothing to do.

In fact, it's not just the Exterminators who have this situation, the Eaters and Brain Eaters have also discovered abnormalities in their bodies, and their faces suddenly darkened.

Because they discovered that they were more than just giving birth to an offspring.

The Brain Eaters gave birth to triplets.

Gnabblers bred ninetuplets.

That is to say, if offspring are born, their strength will be weakened even more, one will be divided into four equal parts, and the other will be divided into ten equal parts.

...asking for flowers...

This is simply a deadly threat to them.

Almost instantly, they realized the current situation, because if they became weak, the biggest enemy might not be Furukawa, but the companions around them.

If they are detected by their companions in their weak state, the companions may take action and kill them in an instant.

After all, compared with devouring the chaotic universe, devouring their original energy is faster and has more benefits.

Even if one of them devours the other two, I'm afraid it will be promoted to the supreme realm of dominance immediately, and it will be impossible for mere Illusion Art to stop it.

But no one wants to make a wedding dress for others.


"The matter has come to this, we have fallen into the enemy's trap, this is our mistake, we really underestimated the natives of this chaotic universe. We also paid a heavy price for this, this is a profound lesson."

The brain eater said: "So, this time, our cooperation will be temporarily suspended, and I'll separate for the time being, and each of us will go to find the weakness of this Supreme Illusion Art. Whoever finds it will be able to break through this Supreme Illusion Art. "

"I agree that in this situation, it is really not suitable for us to stay together."

The Nibbler nodded.

"Damn native, I will find him and kill him, no, I will deprive him of his soul, let the fire of doomsday burn billions of Universe Samsara day and night, I will make his life worse than death.

All-Destroyer hated Furukawa to the extreme, but it also agreed with the other two companions.

Although it also knows that the other party must have a problem, it still doesn't know how big the problem is.

Since the information is insufficient and he has fallen into a weak state, he should not stay together anymore. Who knows if the current companion will suddenly become the enemy of life and death.

whoosh whoosh!!!

In an instant, the Lord of the Universe, the three titles of Eater, Destroyer, and Brain Eater, shook his body and shuttled through parallel universes in an instant.

Since there are billions of trillions of parallel universes, they are endless.

So they randomly find one of the parallel universe planes, hide their aura, treat it as their own temporary lair, and temporarily hide in it. .

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