Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 707 Controversy Is Non-Competition, The Decision Of Zhenyuanzi And Patriarch Hongyun

"What treasure?"

Fu Xi couldn't help asking.

"Zerg hive."

Nuwa said word by word.

"What? Zerg brood? Why do you have such a thing?"

Hearing this, Fuxi was even more surprised: "When the master sealed the Zerg doomsday, he had already shattered the entire Zerg brood [this kind of thing should have disappeared long ago-Jiji Caiting.

"The most primitive Zerg nests have long since disappeared in the long river of history, but in fact, at the end of the Zerg doomsday, all kinds of successors were left behind in the chaotic universe, breeding broods one by one, scattered all over the chaos place."

Nuwa smiled slightly: "Because of this, from time to time, Zerg armies would come from the void of chaos and invade the heavens and worlds, causing a large number of casualties.

And once when I was traveling in Chaos, I accidentally encountered a Zerg brood that was still in a dormant state, so I used special means to temporarily seal it up.

To be honest, such a Zerg nest is naturally inferior to the most primitive and advanced Zerg nest, but it has the same ability, and a large number of Zerg genes are recorded in it

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and said excitedly: "You must know that the Zerg Doomsday is a terrifying creature and force from outside the domain, and its level has undoubtedly surpassed the level of a god emperor, and it has surpassed the universe.

Basically, the genetic information contained in it can be regarded as the pinnacle level of biotechnology, far surpassing the current biotechnology of the six universes, even the technology of the machine race can't compare.

If I can thoroughly study the biological technology, biological genes, and biological blood of this Zerg brood, then I will definitely be able to master the peak biological technology and be able to create all kinds of powerful creatures as I like. "

She squeezed her fists, her beautiful eyes showed a glimmer of light.

"I didn't expect you to find a Zerg brood that has not yet awakened. This is indeed a great opportunity." Hearing this, Fuxi couldn't help feeling, "As far as I know, once the Zerg brood awakens, it will end. If the Zerg is in deep sleep, if it encounters an invasion by foreign enemies, if it loses, it will immediately explode, destroying the gene pool of the Zerg, so as to prevent the Zerg's biotechnology from being obtained by outsiders.

So for such a long time, no god has ever obtained the Zerg nest, at most, it has destroyed the Zerg nest, and has not gained any benefits.

"Haha, this is indeed a great opportunity."

Nuwa is very proud, and she also feels that own is very lucky, otherwise, how could she get such a supreme treasure.

"But you asked me to go to the animal world together. What do you need me to do? To be honest, I'm just a fortune teller, and I don't know anything about biological research."

Fuxi was very helpless.

"Haha, big brother, what I want is you, a fortune teller. To be honest, you don't even know how terrifying your ability to deduce the future is. Especially when you cooperate with my scientific research ability, it's like a tiger with wings added."

Nuwa opened the mouth and said that Fuxi's ability is indispensable and extremely important.

"How to say?"

Fuxi asked curiously.

"Big brother, do you know how many experiments are needed to obtain the correct experimental data? At least hundreds of thousands of experiments are required to eliminate all kinds of interference factors, so as to draw correct conclusions."

Nuwa's face is very serious: "Although this method is very rigorous, it is really a waste of time. Ninety-nine percent of the experiments are useless, but the problem is that without such useless work, it is impossible to get one hundred of them. One out of ten correct conclusions, so hundreds of thousands of experiments are crucial.

But if you have the deduction ability of big brother, it will be different. You can carefully deduce all the experiments I proposed to see if this experiment can be successful. If you can't succeed, then deduce the next one.

By analogy, with your big brother's deduction ability, you can instantly simulate hundreds of thousands of experimental results in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and then find a few experiments with the best results, which can save me a lot of time. "

It's like Edison inventing the light bulb.

In order to find an economical light bulb material that can emit light for a long time, Edison tried more than a thousand kinds of materials, and finally found one of them that was suitable for an electric light bulb.

Basically, he has experimented more than a thousand times, and each experiment consumes a lot of time and energy.

If Edison had the ability to predict the future, he would be able to find carbonized bamboo silk as the material of the light bulb in an instant, and there would be no need to do more than a thousand experiments, saving a lot of time.

The same reason.

What Nuwa wants Fuxi to do is to help her predict which of many experiments will be successful.

Once she finds the right experimental method, she doesn't need to do so many failed experiments.

...asking for flowers...

In this way, her efficiency is improving with a geometric progression. At the same time, the development of biotechnology must also be extraordinary, advancing at the speed of light, which is not comparable to the previous development.

"That is to say, you want me to be your experimental assistant?"

Hearing these words, the corners of Fuxi's mouth twitched, knowing that his Little Sister wanted him to be a tool man.

"That's right."

Nuwa said confidently.

"Well, who made you my Little Sister, and this kind of thing is also a huge exercise for my deduction ability."

Fu Xi's eyes flickered, he realized that this matter was not only of great benefit to him, but also great benefit to his Little Sister, this was simply killing two birds with one stone.

"That's good, without further ado, let's head to the animal world as soon as possible."

Nuwa can't wait.

And this time, another aspect, the Earth Immortals world.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi and the good old ancestor Hongyun also gathered together.

"Zhen Yuanzi, what do you think of the Six Conferred Gods, do you want to participate?"

Patriarch Hongyun asked directly. He and Zhen Yuanzi have been friends for many years, and they spoke very directly.

"Of course we have to fight."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled slightly: "And I want to compete for a god in the heaven."

"What? Do you know how competitive the gods are in the heavens? Many chaotic demon gods and ancient gods are staring at them. Once they compete, they will be lost forever. According to your casual and non-competitive character, you actually want to make a move this time? "

Patriarch Hongyun was taken aback.

He is very clear about the character of his old friend, that is, he does not compete with the world and regards fame and fortune as nothing. The reason why he opened up the Earth Immortals world is also to protect those who have no power

Vulnerable people of any background.

"If you fight now, you don't fight. If you don't fight now, you will probably fight in the future."

A gleam of wisdom appeared in Zhen Yuanzi's eyes.

He saw the situation very clearly, and he couldn't help but fight for such a general situation. He could not desire something like power, but he couldn't live without it. This was what they needed to live and work.

Just like money, it is not a panacea, and you don't need too much, but you can't live without it.

If people have no money, then society will let you know how sinister it can be.

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