Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 738 The Mysterious Of Shura's Way, The Newborn Shura Born From The Reincarnation Pool

"Interesting, heaven and earth Samsara, Karma retribution?"

At this time, Furukawa, who was at the origin of chaos, naturally sensed this scene, and suddenly smiled.

To be honest, when he created Six Paths of Reincarnation, he didn't think so much, he just did it according to the historical trend.

But in fact, even if he didn't think so much, the result of Six Paths of Reincarnation did objectively cause Karma Samsara, and the retribution was unhappy.

Before Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared, the heavens and worlds were chaotic, and the strong of countless races fought each other. At this time, the strong are respected, The Weak are Prey to the Strong.

Even in the more remote era of chaos, countless chaos demon gods fought and fought, and finally a supreme demon god was born, which laid the foundation for many forces of chaos.

But by the time Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared, The Weak are Prey to the Strong "September 27" has been greatly reduced.

Because these powerful cultivators know that if they do too many sins, once they die and fall into the Underworld, they will be tortured forever and cannot be reborn forever.

It's not that we don't report, it's just that the time has not come.

This is like a sword of Dachmos, hanging over the heads of all life, falling down without knowing when.

Of course, some powerful beings are rebellious and rebellious. They think that they will not care about the flood after death, and they never think that they will die, so they keep doing evil.

However, this kind of life is still a minority, and they are also called demons.

In fact, the vast majority of powerful beings, including the Chaos Demon God, can't help but reduce their killings, their sins, and their karma.

After all, none of them can guarantee that they will not die.

If one day, they really face Death and are killed by a powerful enemy, at this time, if they have a lot of merit, they can be reborn as Samsara, and may even enter the Shura path, eternally immortal.

It can be said that this is a back road they have prepared for the future.

People without thought, he must worry about!

These powerful demon gods are not idiots, and they will be prepared with both hands. After all, it is just to reduce killings, and it is not difficult for them.

Just like ants, humans will not kill ants if there is nothing wrong, unless those ants provoke humans recklessly.

The same reason.

The powerful Chaos Demon Gods will not kill casually, and have restrained themselves.

In this way, this also makes the powerful beings in the heavens and the world fearful. Knowing about Karma retribution and knowing that there are gods standing above their heads, this also gives countless weak beings a chance to survive.

"The Ten Temple King Yama was actually born. It seems that the development of The Underworld Tao is indeed good. It has entered the right track and is very mature." Furukawa is very satisfied with the actions of Vajra Demon Pig and other Chaos Demon Gods.

It is indeed correct to entrust The Underworld to them for management. They not only have absolute strength, but also have amazing wisdom, and can manage many dead people in The Underworld in an orderly manner.

To this day, there has never been a dead riot in The Underworld, nor has any dead escaped from The Underworld.

"I don't know what's going on with the Evil Ghost Dao and the Shura Dao?"

Furukawa stroked his chin.

If the Underworld Road is the Samsara of the living and the dead, then the Evil Ghost Road and the Shura Road can be regarded as the real fighting forces of The Underworld. They are real evil spirits and will never be reincarnated Cheng Yang's life.


At this moment, he set his eyes on the Shura path.

Immediately, all the circumstances of the entire Shura Road came into Ji's eyes.

At this moment, Shura Road, a huge blood-colored pool.


At this moment, the blood-colored pool continued to roll, rolling like lava. In the next second, countless blood-colored liquids condensed, and finally turned into a humanoid creature, which appeared in the pool out of thin air.

"Is this the Shura Road? I, the Immortal Emperor of Danyang, have come to the Shura Road?"

This humanoid creature claimed to be Danyang Immortal Emperor. He opened his eyes and looked around suspiciously, wanting to observe the surrounding movement and know what was around.

I saw him looking around, here is a huge blood-colored pool, surrounded by carved dragons and painted buildings, engraved with densely packed ancient patterns like birds and animals, exuding a terrible breath and power.

On top of the bloody pool stood dozens of hundreds of Shura soldiers holding spears, with cold expressions, scars on their faces, and a fierce aura on their bodies.

To be honest, he was originally a powerful Immortal Emperor in the Immortal World, and he is very hopeful to be promoted to the God Realm and ascend to the God Realm...

Unfortunately, during an exploration of the extremely dangerous secret realm world of Immortal World, he was attacked by a space storm in an instant, and he was caught off guard.

When he woke up, he had already descended to The Underworld, waiting for the trial of the judge of The Underworld.

Fortunately, Danyang Immortal Emperor usually did good deeds and accumulated virtues, and he did not kill wantonly. He accumulated a lot of merits and virtues, which also allowed him to be treated very well in The Underworld, and he did not need to be sent to the evil ghosts to be tortured.

He can have two choices, one is to reincarnate directly into the human world and start all over again, and according to his merits, he may be reincarnated into a wealthy family to enjoy the glory and wealth.

The second is to keep the own memory and reincarnate in Shura Tao as Shura.

The Immortal Emperor of Danyang chose the second one without hesitation, and entered the Shura Road to become a Shura. After all, if you reincarnated in the human world, it is better to say that you are reincarnated, but your memory is gone.

Moreover, there are many difficulties along the way of immortality. He doesn't know how many difficulties and adventures he has gone through to reach the Realm he is today. If he is given another chance, he can't believe that he will be promoted to the Realm of Immortal Emperor .

It can be said that in the process of cultivating the Tao, he may not even have the chance to become an immortal.

That being the case, he might as well reincarnate as Shura, so that he can still retain his own memory, and this is not considered Death, but a second life.

Even a fool, 3.2 knows how to choose, so he chooses to enter the Shura Road to be Shura.

"Come on, don't stay in the reincarnation pool for so long."

A Shura soldier suddenly spoke and said to Danyang Immortal Emperor.

Reincarnation Pool?!

The Danyang Immortal Emperor is not an idiot either. As the name suggests, this pool should be the place where Shura reincarnated. All new Shura will be born and bred in this reincarnation pool.


In the next second, Danyang Immortal Emperor did not hesitate, and immediately walked out of the reincarnation pool and came to the shore.

"Well, my strength?!"

At this moment, Danyang Immortal Emperor's heart moved. He found that his Immortal Emperor-level strength had disappeared without a trace. Now he seems to be just a mortal, without the earth-shattering combat power of his life. .

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