Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 740 The Truth Of Shura Dao, The Underworld Scavenger!

"In The Underworld, the karma and sins slowly accumulated over the endless years, this terrifying power of dirt, just like this has undergone incredible changes in The Underworld."

The Shura soldier said in a deep voice: "Among the endless dirt of The Underworld, with the passage of time, they have bred terrifying beasts one after another, constantly attacking and corroding the origin of The Underworld, bringing indelible damage to the origin of The Underworld harm.

And the mission of our Shura family is very simple, it is to eliminate these evil beasts, eradicate such evils for The Underworld, eliminate these karma and evil forces, so that we can gain merit

"I see."

The Immortal Emperor of Danyang immediately understood that the so-called evil beasts were actually parasites on The Underworld.

Even if The Underworld is extremely powerful and accommodates endless dead, there are still some places where it can't do it, that is, it can't kill these evil beasts.

In other words, they can be beheaded, but the number of these evil beasts is too many, endless, and they are killed again, and they are killed again.

Relying solely on the purification power of The Underworld, it is impossible to exterminate these evil beasts.

Because of this, the Shura family was born. They are the scavengers of The Underworld, responsible for annihilating these parasites of The Underworld, eradicating countless evil beasts, and cleaning the Underworld.

"It seems that you have understood the mission of our Shura family. Six Paths of Reincarnation allowed us to reincarnate as Shura, and I, the Shura Dao, formed a realm of my own, comparable to the other five realms, and I also have my own responsibility.

Shura soldier said.

"Honestly, it's kind of like playing a game."

Danyang Immortal Emperor Road.

Hearing this, the Shura soldier suddenly laughed: "Actually, you are right, our Shura clan are game players, and the Shura Dao is a large real game world. The so-called reincarnation pool is the resurrection point, no matter how many people die. It can be reborn every time, and it can be upgraded as long as it kills monsters."

"Real game world?"

Hearing this, Danyang Immortal Emperor was shocked. Although he knew beforehand that Shura Dao was extremely powerful, weird, and unbelievable, everything that happened in Shura Dao still made him feel unbelievable.

Because in this way, the many Shuras in the Shura Way are simply immortal disasters, and a group of game players can completely sweep the heavens and worlds, how powerful this is.

"Is it true that we Shura have no shortcomings〃〃?"

Danyang Immortal Emperor couldn't help asking.

"Naturally there are shortcomings, so we should seal them. If people from the outside know our immortality and can be resurrected, they can completely seal us up until the end of time. Therefore, this is the biggest secret of our Shura family and cannot be leaked out." Shura The soldier looked at Danyang Immortal Emperor very seriously.


Danyang Immortal Emperor couldn't help but nodded. This is indeed a way to deal with the Shura clan. If all the Shura are sealed, then they can't do anything, they can't be resurrected, and they can only stay in the seal forever.

"Okay, that's all for now. The reason why I said these things to you is not that I am kind-hearted and enthusiastic. It is purely because I will be rewarded by the source of Shura's Tao when I explain the things of Shura's Tao to the new students. "

The Shura soldier said: "Since you know something about Shura, leave the reincarnation pool and go to a novice village next to it, where the new Shura stays, and the evil beasts in that place are also extremely weak, just right for you to upgrade .

If your strength goes further, you can go to those big cities to deal with more powerful evil beasts, and then the speed of upgrading will become faster and faster. "

novice village?!

Hearing this, the corner of Danyang Immortal Emperor's mouth twitched. He felt more and more that Shura Dao was a real game world, and the place where they were born was in the novice village.

If they are promoted to the tenth level, they will be able to leave the novice village, go to those big cities, and come to a wider world to deal with evil beasts.

In fact the Tao of Shura is like that.

Everywhere on Shura Road, there are reincarnation pools, and countless new Shura will be randomly assigned to each reincarnation pool, and there are also countless novice villages.

And after the novice village, there will also be some cities of the Shura tribe, where more powerful Ashura survive.

"But before you leave, I need to remind you that those evil beasts are very powerful, and they like to devour our Shura's flesh and blood the most, because the power of merit in us is a great tonic for evil beasts. They are all humanoid Medicine Pills, so there will be a large number of evil beasts attacking the city every once in a while."

The Shura soldier reminded: "Although we are immortal, after we die, all our strengths will be cleared, and we have to start training from scratch, which takes a lot of time, so you don't have to be afraid of death, but you can't die at will, or you have to start from scratch." At the beginning, I will let you know what despair is."

"thanks for your reminder."

Danyang Immortal Emperor nodded earnestly. Of course he knew how painful it is to practice from scratch, and the time and energy it takes is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate, and immediately left the place where the Reincarnation Pool was, and went outside.

"々, this!"

As soon as he left the Reincarnation Pool, Danyang Immortal Emperor immediately found himself in an ordinary village, surrounded by lush, green trees and overgrown with weeds.

This village is full of wooden houses, antique and extremely simple.

He felt as if he had returned to the Immortal World at this moment, completely different from the legendary The Underworld.

But the many lives of Life in this village immediately reversed the painting style. All kinds of strange and weird lives appeared in front of Danyang Immortal Emperor, and they were all Shura.

Some have three heads and six arms, with ferocious faces and fierce spirits.

Some have three eyes, their gazes are cold and chilling.

Some have pig heads and human bodies, all of them are dressed in black armor.

Some are the head of a wolf, the limbs of an animal, with a mace in his hand.

Some have thousands of hands, like Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands, and their bodies are filled with a faint golden light.

In short, these creatures are all kinds of strange and strange, and they are many times more strange than the living beings in Immortal World.

"Sell and sell, ten high-quality wolf teeth can be refined into Innate treasures, only ten merits are needed, and children are not deceived."

"A portion of the Taotie bloodline of the divine beast has twenty merits, which can be integrated into the body, and the power is multiplied."

"The Mojing mechanical intelligent outer armor of the mechanical family, with fifty merits, wears on the body, penetrates the bones, muscles, and has a burst of defense, invulnerable to weapons, fire and water.

"Iron-winged roc shoes, 30 merits, wear them on your feet, you can gain the power of rocs to fly, hundreds of millions of miles a day."

Many Shura shouted loudly at the entrance of the village, selling their own things, very lively, just like street vendors. .

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