Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 750 The Quota Of The Six Gods Is Undercurrent

"All we have to do is seize the Supreme Universe?"

A god emperor was concerned about the task content, and his eyes showed a gleam: "So that's the case, no wonder we found it difficult to make progress after we were promoted to the God Emperor Realm. It is possible to take the last step only when the Dao is integrated.

It suddenly realized, and comprehended the breakthrough way of the god emperor.

"Opportunity, it really is a supreme chance. I knew this time that the Six Paths Contest was a big deal, but I didn't expect it to be a supreme chance to help the God Emperor breakthrough to the Realm, the Lord of the Universe."

A god emperor was beyond excited.

Originally, when it was promoted to the realm of the god emperor, it thought that the road had almost come to an end, no matter how hard it tried, it would be difficult to break through, but now it looks like "it's just the west of the Long March.

In fact, when it saw the scene where Furukawa was fighting with the three major alien creatures, it knew that even the god emperor was still like an ant in front of such a monster, not worth mentioning.

I am afraid that only the Realm who has been promoted to the master of the universe can barely match the opponent.

No, maybe it's not that simple. After all, a great supernatural being like the Chaos City Lord can easily provide so many opportunities to break through to the Lord of the Universe. I am afraid that the strength of the Lord City Lord has long surpassed the ordinary Lord of the Universe, reaching an unimaginable level. It is estimated that even in the vast sea of ​​universe, it is the absolute overlord.

"You are worthy of being the Lord of the City. He is really too strong. In order to fight for the gods of the six realms, he actually directly captured 360 supreme universes in the sea of ​​universes. You must know that this is the supreme universe, a universe, that is to say, arrest it Was it caught?"

Many gods simply admire Furukawa.

To be honest, a universe is a universe, not a great world at all, not even a prehistoric world that can be compared, it is a super world that includes infinite worlds.

Even the elementary universe is not an ordinary life that can be arrested if it is arrested, not to mention that this is not an elementary universe, but a supreme universe that surpasses the high universe, second only to the chaotic universe.

None of them can imagine the boundless magic power of the city lord, and they don't even know how far it has reached.

"One world corresponds to sixty supreme universes, not one more, and one less. Sure enough, it was right for us to come to the human world, so as to avoid the fierce competition in the heavens, which is equivalent to having sixty people vying for the supreme universe. The quota, and no one can snatch it, is really great.

A god who had sneaked into the human world a long time ago was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

On the spot, in order to avoid the fierce competition in the heavens, it sealed the Cultivation Base on itself, sneaked into the human world, and waited for the start of the Six Paths Contest.

Up to now, the Six Paths God Contest has finally begun, and it has finally succeeded.

After all, there are too many gods in the heavens, hundreds of billions of them. With its strength, it is simply impossible to stand out among so many gods.

But it's different when you come to the human world. The number of gods in this world is rare, which means it has huge opportunities.

If it can succeed in seizing a supreme universe, it may immediately be promoted to the realm of the master of the universe, surpassing the god emperor, and reaching an unimaginable realm.

"Damn, what's going on, why are there so many old antiques hidden in the human world."

In the next second, the god's face turned completely green, because it sensed the powerful aura bursting out one after another in the human world, and it did not hide its power at all.

Such breaths are not just tens of thousands, but millions.

Obviously, it is not the only god that thinks of it, there are too many gods who want to avoid the fierce competition in the heavens, and thus lurk in the human world.

After all, smart people are not just one of them.

"Three hundred and sixty supreme universes, three hundred and sixty six-path righteous gods, once someone wins the house, it means the end of the supreme universe's competition for gods, and one can get a six-path god.

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of a god emperor: "It can be said that this is a competition. Whoever can win the supreme universe at the fastest speed will become the righteous god of the Six Paths. This is a contest of speed."

It can sense the urgency of this battle for gods, because all gods are competitors, and whoever can win the supreme universe first will be able to surpass the god emperor and be promoted to the Realm of the universe lord.

It can be said that this is a winner-takes-all competition.

"No, it's so easy to seize the supreme universe. Seizing the entire world is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be assimilated by Heavenly Dao and become a puppet of the untamed."

Another god emperor shook his head: "Not to mention that it is the highest universe, if you want to win the house, the difficulty is many times harder than the Heavenly Dao who wins the world, this is not a game where you can win quickly. If you don’t play steadily, I’m afraid you will fail in the competition.”

It thinks that the Six Paths Contest is not that simple. This is a long-distance race. It is not whoever runs first will win. It depends on who can persevere until the end.

In fact, it believes that seizing the supreme universe is also risky, and it is not so simple to be promoted to the Realm of the universe master.

"々. That's right, if you just rely on one person to fight alone, it is almost impossible to succeed in taking over the supreme universe. You must form an alliance and have the help of the gods to succeed."

A god emperor saw the mystery contained in this battle of the six gods.

That is to say, the position of a righteous god is actually the leader of a god faction.

If one wants to succeed in seizing the supreme universe, then the entire god faction needs to give full support to let the other party successfully seize the supreme universe. This is the correct way of doing things.

Once the boss of the god faction becomes the master of the universe and becomes the righteous god of the Six Paths, then all the other gods (of kings) who assist the boss of this god faction will ascend to the sky, gain huge meritorious service, and thus get other gods from the gods. bit.

This is how one person attains enlightenment and ascends to heaven.

The power of the gods is always stronger than those gods fighting alone.

"Alliance? Elect a boss who will take over the Supreme Universe?"

The eyes of the gods flickered, and various thoughts emerged deep in their hearts.

To be honest, they naturally know that this is the best way to do it. If they unite everyone's strength and let the strongest god among them succeed in seizing the Supreme Universe, then other gods can also get many benefits.

The problem is that this is an opportunity to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe, which god is willing to give up such a supreme opportunity, just to help other gods ascend to the throne.

Of course, such gods are not without it. They have self-knowledge and think that it is impossible to win the house successfully, so they will naturally settle for the next best thing and choose to assist other powerful gods. .

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