Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 803 The Spiritual Seed Of The Supreme Universe, The Second Spy

A few days later, in Huaxi City, New Century Hotel, in the back kitchen.

Many gods are washing dishes in the back kitchen, and one of them is Hengdong.

"Damn it!"

Constantly gnashing his teeth, extremely aggrieved.

Originally, he didn't want to come to the restaurant to wash dishes even if he was killed, but he was looking for a job in Huaxi City for several days, but no matter how hard he tried, there was nowhere to ask him.

Because his ability is too mediocre, he can't stand on the stage in the God Realm, and all kinds of abilities are half full, which leads to him being completely unemployed.

If he just wants to eat and wait to die, then that's no problem at all, but he has a heavy responsibility to lurk in this world where the demons from outside the territory live, and he must not let this decadent continue.

So after much deliberation, he decided to come to the restaurant to wash the dishes.

After all, this is the best job he can find at the "930" with his current ability. Besides, he really can't find a second job with a high salary and such a safe job.

The so-called great missions from the heavens are also assigned to people, and they will surely suffer their hearts and minds, exhaust their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skins.

He is also a cultivator with great perseverance and great wisdom. He understands that this is just a temporary suffering. As long as he can gain a foothold in this world of evil spirits outside the territory, he will grow up sooner or later.

And washing dishes is not that simple.

Because most of the food in the God Realm is very special, containing special powers such as blood, flesh and blood of wild beasts, savage beasts and other terrifying creatures.

To be successful in cooking, a lot of special seasonings are needed.

Even if the food of these gods is loaded, a specially refined plate is required to carry it. Every time food is loaded, a plate made of special materials will be polluted.

This plate is covered with curses and other stains.

If you want to clean it completely, you need the gods to use Magic Power to remove it bit by bit, but this is a hard job, and it is obvious that powerful gods don't bother to do this kind of thing.

But in this way, the restaurant needs to recruit a large number of low-level gods to help wash the dishes. After all, these dishes are specially refined and expensive, so they cannot be discarded at will.

Fortunately, otherwise, those lower gods would not be able to find a job without any requirements.

From another perspective, it can be regarded as promoting the employment of ordinary gods and providing job opportunities.


After a day's work, I didn't know how many dishes I had washed, so I took a deep breath, left the restaurant, and returned to my temporary residence in Huaxi City.

"No, you have to contact other spies. If there are other spies to help, maybe it doesn't need to be so hard." Heng Moji's eyes showed a gleam.

In fact, he is not the only spy who sneaked into the world of extraterritorial demons this time. Basically, every supreme universe will select a spy.

However, not every spy was able to hide from Six Paths of Reincarnation smoothly. Some of them were killed instantly after being discovered by Six Paths of Reincarnation, and some sneaked in smoothly.

And his constant motion is one of them who successfully sneaked into this world.

Even if part of the spies died, there should be some spies left. As long as he can successfully contact other spies and gather the strength of everyone, maybe he can change the current situation.

In order to be able to distinguish the difference between the enemy and our own people, the original will of the Supreme Universe planted a spiritual seed deep in the souls of these spies, which is extremely powerful and unique.

With this spiritual seed, they can distinguish the spy relationship between each other, and they can even sense each other at a long distance.

"I don't know if there are other spies in this city."

Constantly moving his heart, he stimulated the spiritual seeds in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, and continuously diffused the spiritual fluctuations in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, spreading out circle after circle.

If such special spiritual fluctuations meet the same spiritual seeds, they will immediately resonate with each other.

However, he felt that his chances of finding a companion were not very high. After all, the God Realm was so big that he didn't know how many cities stood in it.

If you want to find a companion in the vast crowd, it is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

But he just tried it out, to the best of his ability.

"Hmm, wait, this city actually has spies from other supreme universes?!"

In an instant, Heng Dongdong was taken aback. He sensed that in another place in Huaxi City, there was actually a spiritual seed echoing Own's mental fluctuations in the distance.

There is no doubt that this must be another spy from the Supreme Universe, and the location of the other party is not very far from where I am now, only two or three streets away...

The world is too small.

Heng Dongdong was so excited at this moment, he rushed out of the house without saying a word, and chased in the direction where another spy was.


It didn't take long for Hengdong to move forward. Along the way, he passed a gloomy street surrounded by dilapidated houses, ruined walls everywhere, and garbage on the ground.

This place is a well-known slum in Huaxi City, and many people who are so poor that they lose their pants will come to live here, because there is no need to pay rent in this place.

So it turns out that the big hermit lives in the city, and the little one hides in the mountains? It must be that this companion chooses to live in a slum and mingle with the local residents in order to avoid revealing his own identity.

Thinking of this, Heng Dongdong immediately became more fond of this companion who had never met before. It is really rare to see a god who can endure hardships like this and abandon his dignity.

Soon, according to the perception in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, he came to a dilapidated thatched hut, and there happened to be this old man in tattered clothes lying inside.

The other party seemed to have been disheveled for a long time. The hair on his body was thick, his face was full of beards, and his hair was like weeds. The ground was full of wine bottles, and the air was filled with an unpleasant stench of alcohol.

It's as if the other party hasn't showered for a long time. 4.4

"Ex, senior."

Seeing the appearance of this old man, Heng Fudong was a little stunned. To be honest, if it wasn't for the perception in the depths of his consciousness, he would have thought he had found the wrong person.

He couldn't believe it at all, the old man in front of him was actually a spy sent by the source of the supreme universe just like himself.

"Damn usury."

In an instant, the old man woke up with a start, as if he had sensed the constant aura, he moved like a rabbit, his movements were very sloppy, and he wanted to escape from here all at once.

It is conceivable that he did not know how many times he has gone through such an escaping action, practice makes perfect.

"Wait, senior, I'm not a loan shark, don't rush to run away."

In an instant, Hengdong yelled loudly, indicating that he did not come to trouble the other party. .

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