Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 835 A Vision Of Chaos, The Seven-Headed Sea Monster Of The Universe Sea!


At this moment, Furukawa's heart moved. He perceived such a vast and huge chaotic vision, which seemed to attract the attention of other ancient creatures in the Universe Sea.

Just now, his strength has been greatly improved, and he has the power of 10 million Universe Samsara, which has caused the evolution of the six universes and produced huge energy fluctuations.

In this way, the true body of the six universes was revealed outside the universe sea.

There were seven universe sea monsters that happened to pass by, and they sensed such a chaotic vision, and they also discovered the existence of the six universes at once.

And they are also the famous seven sea monsters in the universe sea, each with the power of millions of universe Samsara, and they have been rampant in the universe sea for a long time.

They live by preying on elementary universes, hunting and killing life in the universe sea, and are very notorious.

"What is this, and why is there such a large chaotic anomaly? Could it be that some Universe secret treasure was born?"

A sea monster opened his mouth and said that it noticed the situation of the six universes, and perceived the huge chaotic fluctuations and endless energy tides in the distance.

Even if it has lived for countless epochs, similar energy tides are still very few.

"No, this is not a secret treasure of the universe, but a universe, a chaotic universe, and it doesn't look like an ordinary chaotic universe. It must be the top among many chaotic universes."

Another sea monster screamed excitedly.

Its eyes were extremely sharp, and it instantly discovered the traces of the six universes, and at the same time recognized that it was the famous chaotic universe, and its heart was filled with excitement and joy.

"No way, our luck is so good that we can find a chaotic universe?! If we can devour the energy of this chaotic universe, the benefits we can get are unimaginable. 27

Another sea monster yelled out, it was simply ecstatic, to be able to meet a chaotic universe in the boundless universe sea, it was no different from a pie falling from the sky, and it seemed like an ordinary person won a billion-dollar jackpot.

It has lived for so many years, and has never encountered any chaotic universe.

"Don't dream, you still want to devour the Chaos Universe. You can't break through the defense of the Chaos Universe alone. Unless you are the most powerful title, the Lord of the Universe, you don't even hope to break the defense of the Chaos Universe and enter it.".

Another sea monster sneered, it was very calm.

Although it is very lucky to meet a chaotic universe, it does not mean that they can break through the defense of the chaotic universe and get a lot of benefits from it.

In fact, the defense of the Gate of Eternal Life alone is enough to easily prevent them from entering it, no matter how they attack, they can't hurt the Chaos Universe at all.

"It's a pity, it seems that we can only sell the information of the location of this chaotic universe. W

"Yes, it is estimated that this kind of information is very valuable and can make a fortune."

"Although we can't break through this chaotic universe and get the most benefits, we can still profit from it."

"It's a pity that our strength is not enough. If we have enough strength, we can try to break through the entire chaotic universe and get all the benefits. Then we will all have great strength.

"Stop wasting time and be self-aware."

The seven universe sea monsters talked a lot, staring at the six universes with burning eyes.

Although they can't break through the defenses of the chaotic universe, they can't devour the chaotic universe, but they still have a way to make a profit, and that is to sell the news.

After all, there are too few chaotic universes in the vast and boundless sea of ​​universes, just like pearls in the ocean, they can be met but not sought after.

Many universe sea monsters may not be able to encounter a chaotic universe even if they have traveled millions of universe Samsara.

As a result, it is conceivable that if the information of the chaotic universe is leaked, it will definitely cause countless ancient creatures to go crazy.

Although they can't break through the defenses of the chaotic universe, some powerful universe overlords have such abilities. For such universe overlords, that is a supreme adventure

So this news will definitely sell for a sky-high price.

It is as if ordinary people encounter an oil field that is difficult to exploit. It is not so simple to exploit an oil field. It requires various equipment and sales channels, and the cost is simply inestimable.

So the best way for ordinary people is to sell the news of this oil field and let those rich people mine it.

"These Universe sea monsters cannot be allowed to escape."

At this moment, Furukawa naturally sensed the aura of the seven-headed sea monsters, and also sensed their conversations. If they escaped and spread the news, they would not know how many powerful enemies would be provoked.

Originally, it took him a lot of effort to suppress the three overlords of the universe. If a few more equally powerful titles of the master of the universe come along, I am afraid he will die.

Therefore, no matter what, the seven sea monsters must be kept and completely suppressed and killed in this place.

Although most of his power is used to maintain the supreme art of Parallel World Art, he is different now, possessing the power of tens of millions of Universe Samsara.

Even if only some of them [ are enough to suppress and kill this group of sea monsters.

"々.By the way, I happened to develop a doomsday technique just now, let's try the power of this technique first."

In an instant, Furukawa remembered the doomsday spell that he had comprehended before — Ragnarok. Although he had deduced it, he didn't know how powerful it was.

The appearance of these seven sea monsters from the Universe Sea happened to be the subjects of the experiment.

Thinking of this, he immediately shot without any hesitation, and the body of the original ancient snake immediately appeared on the periphery of the entire Six Paths Universe, showing a huge real body and exuding an unprecedented aura.


In an instant, the seven (Zhao Li Zhao) sea monsters all turned pale with fright. They immediately sensed the existence of Furukawa and saw a vast ancient snake emerge from the chaotic universe.

Even though they have been rampant in the universe sea for countless years, when they sense Furukawa's breath, they all tremble with fright and are extremely afraid.

"Damn it, this chaotic universe has long been occupied by another title, the Lord of the Universe."

"This is the top universe overlord, at least with the power of tens of millions of universe Samsara, invincible, retreat quickly.

"Have we come to the hunting ground of this monster? Run away quickly."

The seven-headed sea monster shouted loudly, they were able to run rampant in the universe sea for such a long time, relying on being cautious, relying on bullying the weak and fearing the tough, hitting if they can, and running if they can't.

If it's 50-50, they also run away quickly.

In short, the winning rate is not over 90%, they will run away quickly to avoid all dangers. .

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