Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 843 The Gods Of The Multiverse Universe, The Wizard Slaughters The Gods!

"Teacher, I heard that there seems to be war between the gods. I wonder if this is true?"

A little wizard asked curiously.

"of course it's true."

The old wizard smiled slightly: "The strength of a god depends on the number of believers, the more believers there are, the stronger the god will be.

It is said that some powerful gods will even occupy Great Thousand Worlds one after another, transforming the lives of the entire Great Thousand Worlds into believers of this god, which will give them great power.

The problem is that the number of believers is limited, and there are too many gods. In order to increase the power of their own, seize territory, and increase the number of believers, these gods often launch wars with pictures and texts of holy wars.

In fact, although we wizards are the greatest enemies of these gods, they are not the most important enemies. Their enemies, "one, two, three" are always the gods themselves, and they are the eternal enemies. "

In fact it is.

In this multiverse universe, because too many gods have been born, these gods all become gods through faith, and there are other ways to become gods, but it is much, much harder than becoming a god through faith, and the degree of difficulty is simply not the same level of.

Most of the gods become gods through the road of becoming a god through belief, and because there are too many gods who take this road, it is like a thousand troops crossing a single-plank bridge.

In this way, the number of believers is crucial.

Whoever has more believers is stronger.

This is also the root of the power gap between the gods, so in order to rob believers, the gods continue to launch belief wars, attack the sites of other gods, rob the number of believers, and increase the population of their own sites.

Even some powerful gods directly crossed multiple universes, went to other universes, killed other parallel time and space own clones, and enhanced own power.

But although they are all avatars, each avatar is independent and has own experience, own interpersonal relationship, own thought, and own three views.

So in fact, each clone has the same appearance, but is actually a completely different life, so they naturally don't want to be killed by themselves, they hope that they will be the last one to live.

Because of this, in the entire multiverse universe, wars of gods often occur, and a large number of gods fall every moment, and a large number of believers change their beliefs.

This has also led to frequent multiverse wars, and there will be a large number of deaths every moment, which also accelerates the evolution of the entire multiverse and promotes the process of history.

In fact, wars are often catalysts for technology, and each war will force itself to accelerate evolution, or else it will disappear in the dust of history.

As for the wizard civilization, although it is also the enemy of the gods, the problem is that the wizard does not actually threaten the root of the gods, and does not intend to plunder the believers of the gods.

So to some extent, the two are actually mutually exclusive.

If the gods were united, relying on the power of the gods, the wizard civilization would have been sieved long ago, and it would be impossible to survive to the point where it is today.

It can be said that wizard civilization is actually survival in the cracks, and it began to thrive amidst the suspicion and war of the gods.

And this is actually an opportunity for wizards.

"Teacher, if this is the case, which of the gods is the most powerful?"

A group of young wizards were extremely curious.

Since there are as many gods as there are stars, there are natural distinctions between gods, there are weak gods, and there are gods who are above everything.

"Which is the most powerful? To be honest, no one is very clear about this kind of thing. After all, each god has different means. To a certain extent, different gods are restraining each other. It is difficult to say who is the strongest. In a certain way To some extent, a certain god may be able to kill other gods, and the situation is extremely complicated.

The old wizard smiled slightly: "Of course, even so, there are a group of ancient and powerful gods standing above the gods, these gods are undoubtedly powerful, you also need to pay attention, so as not to provoke these ancient gods who cannot be offended.

He looked at the many little wizards.

"Who the hell are they?"

A group of young wizards were extremely curious.

"For example, the first dragon of the dragon clan, the Dragon God of Myriad Mothers, all dragons believe in it."

The old wizard talked eloquently: "The Titan god of the Titan family holds the power of thunder and storm, holds a spear, and is unparalleled in combat power. There are countless gods who died under his spear.

The titan god of the titan family, he was born powerful, he was born as Sacred, with bare hands, it is said that with one punch, he can smash a whole world, he once crossed multiple universes, fought with other gods, and was besieged by thousands of gods. Able to retreat from the whole body, unscathed, extremely tyrannical...

The elf god of the elf family is also extremely powerful and beautiful. It created the fountain of eternity, the well of the full moon and other artifacts. Although it is rarely used, it is enough to make other gods fear it. "

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "There is also the God of Light who masters the power of light, the God of Darkness who masters the darkness, the Mother Earth who masters the earth, the God of Sky who masters the sky, and the God who masters the ocean." The god of the ocean, the god of the underworld who has mastered The Netherworld, the god of death who has mastered Death, etc. These are unimaginably powerful main gods.

He uttered many messages from the gods in one breath.

"Teacher, since the gods are so powerful, they are almost invincible. Can we wizards compete with the gods?"

A group of young wizards feel that the wizarding world is in danger, stared at by countless gods, and is in danger of being overthrown at any time.

"no need to worry."

The old wizard laughed: "Our wizarding world has survived for so long in a world surrounded by gods, so we are naturally capable. There is only one reason why those gods are so afraid of us wizards, that is, our wizards have mastered the law of becoming gods. To a certain extent, it can even kill gods.

"Tu 3.9 God?! Is this true?"

The eyes of a group of young wizards lit up, their emotions were surging, and they slaughtered gods with mortal bodies. What a feat this was, and it was simply unimaginable in the world of gods.

"Of course it is true. Merlin, the most powerful wizard in our wizarding world, once personally shot and killed nine gods with witchcraft, frightening the gods. This is how the wizarding world survived and was not touched by other gods. .”

The old wizard stroked his gray beard.

Mortals become gods, wizards slaughter gods?!

These words made many young wizards extremely excited. This is simply a feat and a great example. If Merlin can do it, then maybe they can do it too.

And this is also the way for mortals to fight against the gods, and the way for the gods to be terrified. .

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