Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 846 The Immortal And Powerful Heroic Spirit, A Legend Emerging From The Myth!

"Summon Heroic Spirits?!"

At this moment, Furukawa touched his chin, and he also knew the characteristics of Star Universe, one of which is the ability to summon heroic spirits, which is extremely powerful.

The so-called heroic spirits are actually the dead.

After the souls of such dead are absorbed by Gaia, they are transformed into immortal heroic spirits, and under the control of Gaia, they become a group of immortal and powerful warriors.

The truth is that such Heroic Spirits are similar to Shura in the Six Paths Universe.

Moreover, they can also be summoned by ordinary people, fuse each other's strength, and go through life after life, so as to continuously evolve and improve their strength.

Even these heroic spirits come from the arrogance of heaven in history, each of them is the arrogance of heaven, with special abilities, and their combat effectiveness is extremely amazing.

For example, Ying Ling Guan Yun, who used to be a famous Martial Saint of Xuanhuangxing, passed three stages and killed five generals, his strength was unparalleled, and he was invincible with one against ten thousand.

After becoming a heroic spirit, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. He rode a red rabbit horse across the vacuum of the universe, and with a single slash, the entire planet would be split in half.

Many beings respectfully call him Guan Gong.

Mantra: Come and worship me, believe in Guan Gong, and get eternal life.

Zhao Kuo, the heroic spirit, used to be a well-known military officer in the Warring States Period. He was good at 227 words on paper, and his wisdom was astonishing.

He is the first generation of Internet trolls, keyboard warriors, and visionaries. Because of his actions, he once destroyed an unprecedented empire, even though it was an own country.

If it plays normally, I am afraid that three of them will be destroyed.

After becoming a Heroic Spirit, his ability has been brought to the extreme, to the point where words can be followed. As long as they are within the scope of his ability, everything he says will come true, and he can subdue all enemies with his mouth .

Mantra: There is no one I can't kill.

Heroic spirit Zhao Gao, this person used to be the eunuch next to a certain Heavenly Emperor.

But even so, he left his name in history, became a heroic spirit, and even gained a special ability—betrayal, he can gain the trust of almost everyone, and can change into the appearance of a Dutchman.

Unless he wanted to betray him immediately, the enemy would basically not be able to find him.

Mantra: Brothers are for betrayal.

Heroic spirit Lu Xun, this person is a great writer in the history of Xuanhuangxing. His representative work is Diary of a Madman, and he left many famous sayings.

"It's a cannibalistic society." - Diary of a Madman.

He obtained the ability black hole, as long as he uses it, he can swallow everything in the world, no matter what it is, it will be swallowed into the black hole, and it will be wiped out.

The mantra is: I haven't said this sentence.

Heroic spirit Shu Qingchun, also nicknamed Lao She, is also a great writer comparable to Lu Xun. He became a heroic spirit after his death, and his works are also immortalized.

"Life is a joke, and everything appears to be like this." "Soul-Breaking Gun", which is also one of Lao She's masterpieces, has left a huge reputation.

His ability name: Teahouse Destroyer Gun——Create a different-dimensional space in a small area, and can move at high speed Any object shot in the space will be molecularly disintegrated.

Mantra: You are already dead.

Heroic spirit Qian Zhongshu, he is a well-known novelist and a literary giant, his works are no less famous than other great writers, after his death he also naturally became a heroic spirit.

"For an ugly man, it is cruel to look closely." - "Fortress Besieged"

His ability name: Siege City———Building walls, establishing an absolute defense that cannot be physically broken through, once trapped by the siege, no matter who it is, there is no way to leave the absolute prison

Also because of this, he also has the nickname Warden. With this ability, he established the largest prison in Xuanhuangxing, where countless criminals were imprisoned.

Mantra: I hate ugly people.


Heroic spirit Zhu Ziqing, he is also a great writer, good at describing short articles, his works are very famous, and his name is famous in history. Basically, his name and works appear in textbooks, and he also became a heroic spirit after his death.

"The moonlight is like running water[quietly pouring down on the leaves and flowers. Thin blue clouds float in the lotus pond. The leaves and flowers seem to have been washed in the water: like a dream encased in a light entanglement."— ———"Moonlight in the Lotus Pond"

His ability is: the moon in the water, which can create a large illusion world, just like the moon in the water and a flower in a dream, it is extremely real, but getting close is an illusion, and ordinary people can hardly resist the power of this Illusion Art.

Mantra: Have a good dream.

Heroic spirit Ba Jin, he is also a great writer, with many masterpieces, has a great reputation among the people, and even won an award, but unfortunately he committed suicide and died, and became a heroic spirit after his death.

"People are so forgetful. The same person changed two faces in a short period of time. Afterwards, he thought, probably because of this forgetfulness, he was able to live in pain."—— --"Family"

Ability: The dead sun, this is the healing ability, it can heal almost all injuries, even resurrect the dead, revive Phoenix, but once the injury is cured, the memory will also disappear.

Mantra: Sometimes it's better to forget.

Heroic Spirit Liu Zheng, a famous revolutionary in history, once devoted himself to social change and made outstanding contributions to the people, enough to leave his name in history, was finally assassinated and died, and became a heroic spirit after his death.

"We are not afraid of death, we have the spirit of sacrifice, and we are always ready to be like Mr. Li, stepping out of the gate and not stepping in again." —— "The Last Day"

Ability Name: Immortality, as long as in the course of the battle, no matter how many injuries he receives, even if he is beaten to pieces, he will never die, even if he is attacked by a god, he will never die.

It's just that the injuries will accumulate, and once the combat state is lifted, the injuries may explode, but even so, they will only fall into a state of serious injuries and sleep, and still maintain an immortal body.

Mantra: Everyone here is rubbish, can anyone beat me to death.

These heroic spirits above are all well-known and powerful men in the Star Universe, no matter if they are generals, eunuchs, writers, peddlers or not.

As long as they leave their names in history, have a great reputation in the mortal world, and enjoy the incense in the mortal world, they can naturally become heroic spirits.

It is also because these heroic spirits are remembered, worshiped, and paid homage by countless people in later generations, so the huge power of faith also makes the power of the heroic spirits develop rapidly and quickly become a powerful existence.

When they reappeared in the world, they aroused the admiration and madness of countless beings, as if they were characters from myths appearing in this world, arousing crazy pursuit and pursuit. .

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