Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 887 The Light Of Supreme Supernatural Powers Guides And Guides Infinite Sentient Beings


Hearing this, many sentient beings of the six realms couldn't help but look outside, only to see that outside is a huge city, and there are countless lives living in it, with surging vitality.

"What do you want us to see? There is nothing outside."

A group of gods were puzzled.

"Look carefully and perceive the omnipresent Dharma power deep in the void."

A god emperor said in a deep voice.


In an instant, many gods took a closer look, and their Divine Sense instantly merged into the chaotic void, sensing within a radius of hundreds of millions of light years.

At this moment, they found that the whole world has undergone tremendous changes.

whoosh whoosh!!

In an instant, from the depths of the void, one after another golden light descended, piercing through the chaotic void, landing on every corner of the city.

Countless golden rays of light are intertwined together, as if turning into a huge Buddhist enchantment, covering all directions and penetrating into the chaotic void.

Countless Buddhist runes emerged in the depths of these golden lights, and countless swastika runes were wriggling, containing unimaginable Buddhist power and supernatural power.

Vaguely, at the moment when the golden light descends, there seems to be the voice of countless Buddhas singing, the heavenly maidens scattered flowers, and the ground springs golden lotuses, giving birth to countless Buddhist visions.

It seems that at this moment, countless lives are influenced by such Sanskrit sounds of the Buddha, and the killing, anger, resentment, jealousy and other negative emotions in the heart are swept away, replaced by absolute peace and harmony.

"What, what is this?"

"Yeah, why does it look so dangerous?"

"It seems that if we are hit, our souls will fly out of the body, unstoppable."

A group of gods were stunned. They felt that such a golden light contained incomparable mystery. It seemed that if the own soul was hit, the soul would come out of the body, be summoned, and disappear into the chaotic void.

Their hairs stood on end, feeling a great crisis, and couldn't help but want to escape from this place.

In fact it is.

whoosh whoosh!!!

Waves of golden light descended on various places in the city, seemingly penetrating the starry sky, and ordinary mortals couldn't see such golden light at all, only the dead, or those with great supernatural powers could perceive such golden light.

At this moment, there are elderly people lying on the bed, dying patients lying on the hospital bed, people who were killed because of vendetta, A who died because of a car accident...

These are the lives that have come to the end of their lifespans. At this moment, they opened their eyes one by one, and they seemed to see a cluster of golden rays of light penetrating through their own souls.


These beings were originally terrified of Death and the unknown, but at this moment, the fear deep in their hearts completely disappeared, replaced by calmness.

They saw a huge Buddha appearing in mid-air, sitting on top of a huge Lotus flower, clasped his hands, smiled slightly, showed compassion, and seemed to be waving to them.

In an instant, they knew that it was the Buddha who was guiding them, and all of them felt relieved.


In an instant, souls flew out of their original bodies one by one, seemingly unable to be controlled by own at all, as if controlled by gravity, they flew out of thin air, breaking away from the shackles of force.

In the next second, these souls flew up along the passages of golden light, and disappeared in front of everyone in a short time, as if submerged in an unknown space

And the people around these dead people seemed to have sensed something, and they all showed compassion and chanted scriptures, as if they knew that the Buddha had led them into the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

"See, this is the famous guiding light of the Buddhist Zhunti Daoist."

The god emperor showed a dignified look on his face: "From the Land of Ultimate Bliss, trillions of trillions of guiding lights can erupt, and as long as they are Buddhist believers, after Death, they will be inspired by the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

No matter where the Buddhist believer is, a guiding light will come through the void, directly leading the Buddhist believer to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

Also because of the power of the guiding light, the souls of all Buddhist believers will enter the Paradise to survive, and the soul of any Buddhist believer will not die, and all become part of the Paradise. "

It speaks out what it knows.

"No wonder there are so many lives in Death every day, but each life can basically enter the world of bliss. You must know that even in the six universes, there will occasionally be some fish that slip through the net. The jailers of The Underworld need to catch these fish that slip through the net. A god suddenly realized, "But the Buddhist Paradise is different, because you have already believed in Buddhism, and the soul has left the imprint of Buddhist belief. Once Death, immediately touch the light of attraction, and instantly hook the believer's soul back. Nothing was left out."

...seeking flowers 0

He immediately understood what Buddhism did.

"This is something that can only be done by guiding Daoist. His supreme supernatural power to guide the light has long been famous all over the world." I am afraid that all of them will be transformed into Buddhist believers and Buddhas in an instant, and their souls will be led into Leiyin Temple."


"Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, a group of sentient beings of the six realms were startled and their hairs stood on end.

They originally thought that the power of Buddhism can only deal with ordinary people, and it should have no effect on gods like them who have almost attained the Tao.

But according to the god emperor, this is not the case. The famous Zhunti Daoist can forcibly transform the gods, distort the will of the gods, and turn the gods into puppets. What a terrifying technique and ability.

To be honest, they would rather die than become puppets of other gods, which is a hundred times more miserable than death.

"You are still young, it's normal not to know about this, and Zhun mentioned that Daoist also knows that this ability of his own will cause taboo and anger of the gods, so he has hardly used it from ancient times to the present, only some ancient ones It exists only to know such a secret. But he hasn't used it much, it doesn't mean he can't use it.

The god emperor said in a deep voice.


The sentient beings of the six realms were extremely shocked, although they had long heard that the direct disciple of Daoist, the lord of the Chaos City, was extremely mysterious and unfathomable, and even the Chaos Demon Shendu was afraid of him.

But listening to it now, the horror that attracted Daoist was still beyond their imagination.

"So we have long been unable to compete with the Daoist. It is wise to give up. If we continue to stay, I am afraid that even we will be transformed into Buddhist believers.

The god emperor's expression was extremely serious. .

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