Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 988 Bombing And Killing Brainwashers, The Power Of Infinite Evil Thoughts


But Furukawa didn't mean to go back to the brainwasher. Since the brainwasher's strength is now weakened, he will kill it quickly while it is sick.

After all, an ancient giant like this has lived countless years of Universe Samsara, who knows if it has any special trump card, once it explodes, maybe it will be in big trouble.

So it's better to deal with the brainwashers as soon as possible.


In an instant, Furukawa made a move, holding the magic whip in his hand, and blasted at the launderer with a whip.

At this moment, the Daduhua technique on the brainwasher was stolen, the two original characters were stolen, and the power was weakened to an unprecedented level, which greatly weakened its combat power.

It can be said that the brainwasher is still an opponent under the rising and falling.

In an instant, a terrifying whip shadow came from the depths of the void, containing infinite power of Karma, the power of infinite evil thoughts of sentient beings, it can tear everything apart.


This whip hit the brainwasher firmly, and in an instant, the heavy weapon of belief it sacrificed—the brainwashing talisman was split in half and torn apart.

At the same time, the whip also bombarded its body, and the power of endless evil thoughts and sins of all beings was like a tide, submerging the brainwashers.


In an instant, the brainwasher uttered a miserable scream, and it felt that at this moment own's body and soul were being torn apart, and the whole thing was torn apart.

If that's the case, it's nothing. According to the tenacious vitality of the Lord of the Universe, even if the body and soul are torn apart, they can recover quickly.

But the most terrifying thing is the power of sin and the power of evil thoughts of all beings. They have the characteristics of terrible erosion, corrosion, devouring, degeneration and so on.

When these forces invaded the brainwasher's body, they almost corrupted its soul and body, melting them into dark matter.

In the next second, the brainwasher was already dead. He was whipped to death by Furukawa with just one blow of the whip, and his entire body and soul were shattered.

If the Lords of the universe, the titles of the continent of origin, saw this scene, they would definitely be extremely shocked.

After all, this is an extremely ancient existence with the title Master of the Universe that has been rampant in the mainland for countless years. Even in the face of the siege of many title Masters of the Universe, it is still alive and kicking.

But now, he was beaten to death by Furukawa with one whip, and it is impossible to revive him again.

If this incident gets out, it will definitely shock the entire Origin Continent and become an epic legend.

"Huh? 々!"

At this moment, Furukawa narrowed his eyes.

At the moment of the death of the brainwasher, thousands of universe masters transformed by the brainwasher, as well as 129,600 elementary universe believers, felt at a loss and at a loss.

Because the lord they believed in died suddenly now. You must know that the lord they believed in is an omnipotent, immortal existence. How could it be so simple to die?

At this moment, they felt a burst of faith collapse, and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

However, the transformation power of the brainwashers is too powerful, and it is deeply rooted. After countless years of transformation in the Universe Samsara, these believers have long since become fanatics

This is the case even for these universe masters. Even if the brainwashers die temporarily, their beliefs cannot be shaken.

But as time goes by, I'm afraid these believers [and the Lord of the Universe] will regain their own consciousness and sanity.

"These believers are precious."

Furukawa stroked his chin.

Although he could kill the believers of these brainwashers, it would be too wasteful, let alone how huge the number of 129,600 believers in the elementary universe is, and how much power of faith they can provide .

Just having thousands of followers of the Lord of the Universe can increase his strength countless times.

If there are so many powerful subordinates who return to the continent of origin to suppress the original kingdom of God, then no one can be moved by the power of the original kingdom of God.

So he wants to completely accept the believers of these brainwashers.

In fact, the same is true for the battle of faith among the gods. The gods fought each other, but the believers did not kill them all, but integrated each other into their own system.

This is actually a war to plunder believers, strengthen the power of own belief, and increase own believers.

However, it is not so easy to reverse the beliefs of these believers.

After all, after years of brainwashing, these believers' beliefs in the brainwashers have long been deeply ingrained, "it is almost impossible to convert them to their own beliefs.

If it was an ordinary master of the universe, I'm afraid he would have given up a long time ago, but Furukawa is different.

For Furukawa, he doesn't need to change the beliefs of these believers at all, just reverse their thinking and deceive them.

At this moment, sensing the Death of the brainwasher, many believers began to panic. In the billions of years of Universe Samsara, they have never experienced such a thing.

It is simply impossible for the Supreme True God, who has always existed since ancient times and is immortal, to fall at this time and be killed by other titles, the Lord of the Universe.

No believer can accept such a fact.

*`.How to return to the water? Lord, the Lord has fallen? I can no longer feel the Lord’s gaze on us, and I can’t feel any power of the Lord. Is the Lord really fallen? "

"Impossible. The Lord is a supreme and incomparably great existence. How could it be possible to say that he fell when he fell? This must be an illusion. It must be the enemy's Illusion Art, which deceived us.

"But this is what we witnessed with our own eyes. Seeing the Lord being dismembered by the enemy, isn't the Lord an omnipotent existence, an immortal existence?"

"Shut up, you heretic (concluded) who dares to presume that the Lord is omnipotent. This is a felony for you. Do you know the felony? Immediately hang him and suffer the punishment of burning with a pillar of fire["

"That's right, the Lord is impossible Death, it is a great existence, omnipotent, ubiquitous, eternal and immortal, created all things, how could it fall, what a joke."

"The problem is that our prayers are not answered, and we cannot hear the voice of the Lord. What should we do?"

Many believers of brainwashers are panicked, their faces are extremely panicked and confused, because they have never experienced such a thing in their life, it is simply unprecedented.

To be honest, they never thought about the situation of the brainwasher Death, because in their cognition, the Lord is immortal and eternal.

In fact, the same is true for tens of millions of Universe Samsara in the past, which has never changed, which makes their beliefs even more deeply rooted. .

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