Primordial Fox Ancestor Heaven-Defying

Chapter 295: Pangu Palace Secret Discussion

Compared with Bai Hao, the Wu clan with Pangu Bloodline is obviously more suitable for Pangu inheritance.

After getting the inheritance of Pangu, everyone in the Wu tribe was even more delighted.

"Fellow daoist, with this inheritance, is it possible that my witch clan can cultivate the primordial spirit?" Di Jiang asked expectantly.

"This is impossible. The reason why you can practice is because you have condensed a trace of primordial spirit, but other witches don't have this opportunity.

It was by chance that the ancestor witches were able to practice the way of the primordial spirit. It is obviously impossible for the entire Wu clan to practice the primordial spirit.

"Is it really impossible?" Zhu Jiuyin asked unwillingly.

If the Wu Clan can cultivate the primordial spirit, then suppressing the Yao Clan will no longer be a problem. At that time, the Wu Clan will be the real overlord of the wild.

You are able to cultivate the primordial spirit because of the remnant soul of Pangu, while other witch clans do not have this era, but if you want to condense the spirit of Gathering Origin, you may not have this opportunity if you have great merit. "

That being said, it is not so easy to get merit, 19 and if you want to condense with the merit, the required merit is not a small number.

Apparently, Bai Hao's words shattered the fantasy of the witch clan. Since the beginning of the world, those who can gain merit are all those who have great opportunities and great perseverance.

Although the Wu Clan also inherited a part of Pangu's Heaven-opening Merit, that merit has already been integrated into the Wu Clan's luck, and they cannot be easily moved.

"Brothers, we must be content in life. We are lucky to be able to cultivate the primordial spirit, but we can't force others."

After hearing Bai Hao's words, several ancestor witches fell into disappointment.

"Sister Houtu is right, but we forced it." Di Jiang quickly regained his composure.

In any case, it is a great opportunity for them to know how to cultivate their primordial spirit.

"You guys don't need to be depressed. It is indeed impossible for the entire Wu clan to cultivate the primordial spirit, but if there are people with such great merit, it may not be hopeless." Bai Hao said again.

"Isn't it so easy to get this kind of merit?" Gonggong said a little dejectedly.

"Great merit is rare, but as long as nothing can benefit the prehistoric world, it will also be boundless merit if it accumulates over time."

Bai Hao's statement is not unfounded. Although the Lich War brought a lot of disasters to Honghuang, they did promote Honghuang's development.

However, the witch clan did not have a primordial spirit before, and they did not know how to use merit.

And this also made the merits of the witch clan added to the luck.

However, if there is gain or loss, there must be gain. Although the Wu Clan failed to use the power of merit to cultivate, it also made the Wu Clan's luck soar.

"Thank you fellow daoist for your advice, but this matter needs a long-term plan." Di Jiang said.

"That's true. As for how to choose in the end, it still depends on you."

There are only so many merits of the Wu Clan. If they use their merits for cultivation, although it will increase the strength of the Wu Clan, it will definitely affect the luck of the Wu Clan.

All Bai Hao can do is tell the pros and cons. As for how to choose, he really won't make a decision for the Wu Clan.

"The matter of merit and virtue cannot be decided yet, but now that we all have the inheritance of the Father God, do we still need to go to Zixiao Palace?"

Bai Hao brought a lot of information this time, but it was difficult for them to make a decision at the moment, so Zhu Jiuyin turned to the Zixiao Palace evangelism that Zhu Jiuyin had thought of.

"The way of immortality that Hongjun talked about is of no use to us at all, I don't care if I don't see it." Gonggong said disapprovingly.

"That's right, what does it have to do with him Hongjun's building of the Pangu Avenue by my Wu clan?"

"We did not understand Hongjun's way before, but now that our primordial spirit is reborn, it is a little different."

Whether it's the previous Zuwu Body Refining technique, or the Pangu inheritance passed down by Bai Jie, in fact, it really doesn't have much to do with Hongjun's Tao.

"Bai Hao fellow daoist, do you think we should go to Zixiao Palace to listen to sermons?"

Regarding whether to go to Zixiao Palace, the ancestral witches also expressed their opinions, and in the end Zhu Jiuyin still looked at Bai Hao.

Although Di Jiang is the patriarch of the Wu Clan, that's just because he spoke out early.

If it is the most intelligent person of the Wu clan, he still belongs to the time ancestor Wu Zhujiuyin.

Although his combat power is not obvious, but by virtue of the law of time, although he does not cultivate the primordial spirit, he has the knowledge of own deduction.

The current development of the Wu clan has a lot to do with Zhu Jiuyin's plan.

It is not the first time that the Wu Clan has asked themselves about the matter of listening to Taoism in Zixiao Palace.

Because they didn't have souls before, and they couldn't abandon this wild land, Bai Hao's suggestion was naturally to go to Zixiao Palace to listen to the preaching.

In that way, although they will lose a share of luck and fortune, it will also allow them to develop in the prehistoric world justifiably.

However, with the rebirth of the ancestor Wu Yuanshen, Bai Hao can no longer make decisions for them.

Afterwards, he no longer concealed it, and told about the relationship between Heavenly Dao and Hongjun.

"What? Father God didn't die because of Kaitian, but was tricked by Heavenly Dao?"

"Damn Heavenly Dao, dare to plot against Father God, my witch clan must be at odds with him."

"That's right, let's go, let's go against Heavenly Dao470 and avenge Father God."

"Coldly calm down, revenge is right, but do we have the strength now?"

"Then what do you think, do you just let Heavenly Dao dominate?"

"Okay, stop arguing, Father God really has to take revenge, but what the younger sister said is also true, now is indeed not the time."

Seeing a few people making noise endlessly, Zhu Jiuyin yelled directly.

Although he is not the patriarch, he is also the brains of the Wu Clan. Sometimes, Jiu Yin's words are more useful than Di Jiang's.

"Zhu Jiuyin fellow daoist is right. The reason why I told you this is to prepare you, not to send you to death."

Bai Hao is also very supportive of Zhu Jiuyin. Although the strength of the Wu Clan is good at this time, not to mention Heavenly Dao, even Hongjun can easily wipe them out.

"I don't know if fellow daoist has any suggestions?"

Looking at the quiet ancestors, Zhu Jiuyin asked Bai Hao again.

"It's not a suggestion, but the Karma between God Pangu and Heavenly Dao is very complicated, and it has little to do with you. What you are thinking about now is how to improve your strength.

It's not that Bai Hao looked down on the Wu Clan, but if they were to match up with Heavenly Dao, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg. .

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