Primordial Fox Ancestor Heaven-Defying

Chapter 304 Qi Luck Connected Qingqiu Advancement

After Bai Ling left with Qingqiu, Bai Hao didn't follow him immediately.

When Qingqiu Dongtian left, the original Qingqiu Mountain Range, which was hundreds of millions of miles away, turned into a flat land.

Seeing this, Bai Hao sacrificed the Good Fortune tripod, and as one after another Good Fortune Xuan Gong fell, mountains and rivers rose above the Qingqiu ruins.

After that, Bai Hao sprinkled countless Spiritual Roots seeds, which were spawned with Sanguang Shenshui.

But in an instant, a vibrant and proud mountain range followed.

Although it is not comparable to the original Qingqiu Dongtian, it is not a rare spiritual land.

Although Qingqiu Dongtian moved away from Honghuang, this new Qingqiu mountain range can be used as the foundation of Honghuang fox clan.

After Good Fortune conquered this mountain range, the remaining fox clan rushed in to occupy this spiritual land.

"Five Zero Three" Bai Hao didn't care about anything else, and jumped straight into the chaos.

Seeing Qingqiu Dongtian and Bai Hao leave one after another, Qing Chen also led Tongtian and Dong Wanggong and others followed closely behind.

As for the others, they did not follow into the chaos, but returned to their respective dojos.

Still the same sentence, although the excitement is good-looking, it must also have the corresponding strength.

Unlike Tongtian and others, they are not guarded by others.

The departure of the fox clan had little impact on Honghuang.

The fox family is low-key, and most of its members live in seclusion in the Qingqiu cave.

Now, although the Fox Clan brought Dongtian into the chaos, they did not dare to attract the attention of the newly born Qingqiu Mountain Range.

Although the foxes left behind are not strong, but with Bai Hao's deterrence, they can still survive in the prehistoric and stable.

All the big forces have a very tacit understanding and regard the Qingqiu Mountains as a forbidden area.

But in the chaos at this time, the speed of the giant white fox transformed by Qingqiu slowed down.

Different from the Great Desolation, the pressure of the chaotic airflow filled in the Chaos is far from what the Great Desolation can match.

Even if the power of the entire fox clan is gathered, the speed of Qingqiu Dongtian is not fast.

But even so, Bai Hao didn't intend to help, but gave everyone room to exercise.

As for Qing Chen, Tong Tian and others, they also followed Bai Hao.

Although Qingqiu Dongtian is a top-level dojo in the prehistoric world, it is actually just a small world.

Not to mention compared with the Three Thousand Realms attached to the world tree, even the Phoenix Realm of Zufeng is much worse.

Therefore, this Qingqiu cave alone is not enough to exist alone in the chaos.

The reason why Bai Hao moved it into Chaos was also to make it attached to the World Tree.

In this way, Qingqiu Dongtian can not only use the World Tree to grow, but also promote the perfection of the World Tree, but the two complement each other.

And now that it has moved into Chaos, Bai Hao doesn't want Qingqiu Dongtian to continue to be under the control of Heavenly Dao, so the Outer Chaos where the Three Thousand Worlds is located is more suitable.

The move of Qingqiu was naturally not small, even those strong men in Daluo knew about it, so naturally they couldn't hide it from Heavenly Dao.

But for this, Heavenly Dao is also happy to see the success.

Although Bai Hao existed in the prehistoric world, he was not under the control of Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao was even more happy that Bai Hao left earlier.

Although Hongjun also knew Bai Hao's actions, but because of the previous battle, he didn't want to touch Bai Hao's brow again.

He doesn't want to control everything about Bai Hao, and he can't control it.

In this way, under the protection of Bai Hao, Qingqiu Dongtian successfully reached the Outer Chaos.

"Little Brother, is this bringing the fox clan into chaos?"

When Bai Hao and his party arrived in Outer Primal Chaos, Zu Feng greeted them from afar.

"That's right, now that the fox family is here, it's good to be a neighbor with my sister." Bai Hao said with a smile.

"It's just right. Although this chaos is good, it's a bit lonely after all. I can also be a companion with Bai Ling Little Sister in the future."

Seeing such a big move by Bai Hao, Zu Feng was also very happy.

Although there are quite a few tribesmen in the Phoenix world, there is no difference between superiority and inferiority, and Zu Feng really doesn't have a friend to talk to.

Although the Three Thousand Worlds is also here, the center of Bai Hao is still in the wild at this time.

Now that Bai Ling moved to Chaos, Zu Feng also has a close person.

As soon as Zu Feng finished speaking, Qing Chen and Tong Tian rushed forward to salute and say hello.

No matter Zu Feng's identity or cultivation base, he is their senior, plus the relationship with Bai Hao, they dare not neglect her.

And because of Bai Hao's relationship, Zu was also very gentle with them.

As for Bai Ling, at this time she is unintentionally Divine Partition.

Although Qingqiu Dongtian has come to Chaos, it has not yet laid a foundation here.

Just when several people greeted each other and said hello, the huge white fox let out a long howl, and then flew towards the World Tree.

I saw that white fox flew under the World Tree with one body, at the same time, those nine huge fox tails were entwined towards the World Tree.

Although World Tree is Bai Hao's Spiritual Roots, it is very familiar with the fox family connected to Bai Hao Bloodline.

While the fox's tail was winding towards the World Tree, the three-thousand avenue divine pattern engraved on the World Tree—lit up, and was connected to the white fox through the fox's tail.

At the same time, the seven-color Phoenix surrounding the World Tree raised its head to the sky and screamed, and then the Phoenix spread its wings, and a seven-color flame flew out.

At this time, the white fox's body was lit up with patterns of laws, and the colorful flames were helping the white fox refine the power of those laws.

Under the blessing of the World Tree and the Phoenix Realm, Qingqiu Dongtian gradually merged into the chaos and took root under the World Tree.

After the white fox absorbed and refined the seven-colored flames and the divine pattern of the law, the huge white fox's real body exploded several times again.

5.2 If you look closely, you can find that there are countless mountains, rivers and rivers in the body of the white fox, and there are hundreds of millions of foxes living in it.

At this time, great changes have also taken place in Qingqiu Cave.

Under the blessing of the World Tree, the area of ​​Qingqiu Dongtian has more than doubled, and it has advanced under the blessing of the Three Thousand Ways.

It can't be said that it is not as big as the Phoenix world, but it has successfully advanced to the middle thousand world.

So far, Qiu Dongtian has completely stopped in chaos.

I saw that in the chaos at this time, Caifeng, Tianhu, and World Tree, the three are connected to each other, but they complement each other.

With the promotion of the world, it is a bit inappropriate to call it Dongtian, but now it can be called Tianhu Realm. .

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