Primordial Fox Ancestor Heaven-Defying

Chapter 385 Goodbye Heavenly Dao Nuwa

Although it was Heavenly Dao who acted against own this time, Bai Hao was still very at ease.

Although Heavenly Dao has made a move, Bai Hao is also confident.

And now facing the Yaozu, he doesn't need to take action in person. Although the Rogue Cultivators lineup is inferior to the Yaozu in terms of numbers, their combat power is not weak at all.

At the same time, on the East China Sea, the battle between the two sides became more and more intense.

Although Qing Chen's strength is slightly better than Kunpeng's, he did not advance rashly, but used Kunpeng to hone his own Cultivation Base.

However, unlike Qing Chen's leisurely, Kun can be said to be very depressed.

Now he has completely become the target of Qing Chen's training.

As an Innate master, although Qing Chen never really hurt him, his attitude made Kunpeng very angry.

But no matter what Kunpeng thinks, he cannot escape Qing Chen's control.

As for the Queen Mother of the West, although she was facing the siege of the top ten demon saints, but after all the difference in Cultivation Base was not small, she was able to handle it with ease.

To say that the fight was the most intense, but only the Eastern Prince and Tai Yikou.

But the real 19 tragic ones are only those low-level monster races and rogue cultivators.

But for these low-level cultivators, not only the Yaozu, but also the East Prince didn't care too much.

It was still Qing Chen who couldn't bear it, and when he was fighting Kunpeng, he transformed into green lotuses to save their hostility and send them into Samsara.

If we say that at the beginning, Duke Dong and Tai Yi still had some tentative intentions, but at this time they played a real fire.

Although the battle outside was fierce, it was nothing to Bai Jie.

With his current Cultivation Base, this is just a small fight.

If he really made a move, the combined efforts of these people may not be able to resist his blow.

"Fellow daoist, I'll take a look too."

Although Bai Hao could live, Tong Tian obviously couldn't help it.

"Go, it's also a good practice to fight against the same rank masters.

Seeing Tongtian like this, Bai Hao didn't stop him.

"Master, what about us?" Dapeng said quickly.

"Let's go together, although your Cultivation Base is slightly weaker, but you are not flowers in the greenhouse, it's time to go through some battles.

There is no need for Dapeng to say more, Bai Hao directly ordered.

Not only Dapeng, but Kong Xuan and Lin Yu were also sent out by him.

Whether it is Tongtian or Kong Xuan, it is obvious that they are not the ones who stop.

Seeing that Bai Hao didn't stop him, he immediately went to the East China Sea battlefield.

After Tong Tian and the others left, Bai Hao was the only one left in the Great Hall.

But at this moment, Bai Hao's face was a little more serious.

"The outsiders are gone now, why don't you show yourself?"

While speaking, Bai Hao turned on the Restrictions on Yingzhou Island, and looked coldly at a certain place in the void.

"The fellow daoist was able to prove the existence of Hunyuan Taiji Immemorial Golden Immortal by himself, and he discovered my existence.

Just when Bai Hao had just opened Restrictions, a majestic and domineering voice came.

In the next second, an illusory figure appeared in front of Zi ah Bai Hao.

With a wave of one hand, the phantom transformed into a seat beside Bai Hao, directly writing that Bai Jie was sitting at the head of the Great Hall.

I saw that although the person who came was just a phantom, it exuded a terrifying coercion.

This person is none other than the Heavenly Dao of this world.

Although he has no body, but because of his Karma with Hongjun, he also manifested Hongjun's appearance outside.

"If you don't have this bit of ability, I'm afraid you've been plotted by you for a long time and have no scum."

For Heavenly Dao, after going through all kinds of things, Bai Hao didn't like it very much.

"The fellow daoist's remarks are biased. We and you can coexist peacefully. It is the fellow daoist who will continue to embarrass me."

Heavenly Dao also looked at Bai Hao complicatedly.

"Cooperation? Different ways don't seek each other." Bai Hao is unmoved by this.

"Hey, the fellow daoist has clearly transcended the prehistoric world, why did he come back again?" Heavenly Dao said again.

"It's not that I don't want to, but it's just that I've let go of the Karma I set up. Besides, don't forget, "All kinds of calculations against me before." Bai Hao said again.

"I was also helpless, and didn't I also pay the price for it?" Heavenly Dao said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, now, the battle outside is still going on." Bai Hao said, pointing to the battle on the East China Sea.

"They? As long as the fellow daoist is willing, there is nothing wrong with letting me give up the demon clan." Heavenly Dao promised.

"No need, to be honest, I don't trust you?" Bai Hao said.

"Do you really want to be my enemy? You must know that this is Honghuang City and I am He Dao."

Seeing Bai Hao like this, Heavenly Dao's tone also became bad.

"So what, what can you do to me?" Bai Hao raised his eyebrows.

"Bai Hao, don't go too far."

Although Heavenly Dao is very angry, it is really not good to fight Bai Hao here.

Although this is his home field, with the strength of him and Bai Hao, this predicament is not unbearable.

Let's say that as soon as Tongtian and others left Yingzhou Island, they were noticed by Di Jun, who was always paying attention here.

"Tongtian, he actually made a move."

The moment he saw Tongtian, Di Jun frowned.

Di Jun knew clearly that 310 Hongjun's original preferred disciple was Tongtian, if Tongtian hadn't rejected him, there would be a chance for him to take the position.

And although Tongtian rejected Hongjun, his strength is not weak.

Thinking of this, Di Jun had the intention of taking action himself.

After all, with the current fighting strength of the Yaozu, if one is added to Tongtian, there is really no chance of winning.

"Fellow daoist, let me go, there is still a need for fellow daoist to sit here."

Just as Di Jun was about to leave, Fuxi hurried forward and made a sound.

"Brother, wait a moment, I will accept this Tongtian."

Just when Di Jun was about to agree, he was reborn from an accident.

Quite in an instant, Nuwa and Xihe had already harnessed the light and came close.

"Little Sister, you are here." Fuxi said happily.

Seeing Fuxi, Nuwa showed a rare smile.

"Welcome fellow daoist, with fellow daoist joining, our business is a little bit sure.

Seeing Nuwa's appearance, Di Jun was also very happy.

"After all, I am also a demon clan. I will stop Tongtian this time. As for the others, I can't distract him." Nuwa said in a deep voice.

"Well, it has already helped us a lot." Di Jun didn't care about Nuwa's attitude.

Seeing Dijun like this, Nuwa didn't say any more, just flew up and flew directly towards Tongtian. .

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