Primordial Sequence

Chapter 225 Dark Clouds

Camus, who returned home, picked up Taylor from the carriage and pointed to the house in front of him, speaking in a calm tone.

"This is my home."

"Will it be my home?"

Taylor suddenly replied, his eyes were clear and calm. Seeing his eyes, Camus fell silent. What was his mentality when he helped this little girl? Was he pitiful? Or his kind humanity, maybe both.

Seeing Camus' silence, Taylor jumped down from the carriage. At the moment of his beating, Camus immediately saw her exposed calves. A pair of calves full of bruises entered Camus' eyes, and his breathing suddenly stopped. After a while, he pursed his lips and smiled.

"Yes, you can use it as your home. If you don't have any objections, I will help you find another school."

Taylor's body stiffened when she heard the answer, and she slowly turned back and asked Kamius another question.

"Will I still be in pain when I grow up? Or is it just like this when I was a kid?"

Hearing this question, Camus' movement to pay froze. He looked at Taylor's clear eyes, his mouth opened but he still didn't speak. If he deceived her, would things really go in this direction? She lost her mother when she was a child, lost her father a month ago, and was bullied in an orphanage. She is only 8 years old now. Her current childhood is inherently painful and pathetic than most people. She will bear these wounds. It will be painful to walk for a lifetime, but who can guarantee that she will no longer be in pain for the rest of her life?

"Little girl, I don't know what happened to you. I think I can answer this question. Pain as a child does not mean pain as an adult. You will be happy." The coachman put a silver coin into his arms and said Speak calmly.

"Really?" After getting the answer, Taylor looked at the driver and asked again.

"Really... no one will be unhappy all his life. We have to strive for more things, new friendships, new family ties, and a new life." The coachman's eyes were a little lost, as if he was remembering something, and he murmured lightly.

It seems that this coachman is also a person with a story.

Seeing that the coachman was in a daze, Camus reached out to hold Taylor and led her home. Taylor just followed Camus blankly, lowering her head and thinking about something.

"Why did you kill my father? And why did you help me?" Taylor walked to the door and raised his head to look at Kamius.

"I won't answer this question. You will know when you grow up." Kamius replied with a slight smile and opened the door of his room.


The doorbell rang loudly, a quick footsteps sounded from inside the house, and Lux's beautiful face appeared in Camus' eyes.

"You're back, brother."


"I bought everything I need to buy at home. Hu Lin is really a qualified housekeeper." Kamius glanced around and found that his house had a completely new look, the broken windows had a new look, and furniture of all sizes appeared in the room. , some brand new furniture.

"Very good, this is Taylor, this is Lux, my sister."

Camus didn't care about the new furniture. He pointed at Lux and Taylor and introduced each other.

"Hello, my name is Lux." Seeing that Taylor was just a child, Lux extended her arms to welcome Taylor.

"Taylor." Taylor whispered back, her eyes looking at these luxurious furniture and beautiful ladies, which she could not see in the lower-class civilian areas. This place looked like the palace that adults said, she looked at Lark Silk's beautiful clothes are a bit restrained.

"Take her to take a bath, did Nichole help?" Kamius gently ordered and sat on the sofa. She had been out for at least one afternoon. When she came back, the room looked completely new. It must have been Nichole who took action.

"Well, he is a qualified lady and very fast. It only took her ten minutes."

"Very good, I'm going to cook. Let's buy clothes... tomorrow." Camus sat up on the sofa as soon as he heard it, because he had already seen the vegetables and meat not far away, and Lacus bought enough ingredients. It was getting late, it was time for him to cook.

Later that night, the church bell rang six times, and the sun set along with the bell. The gas lamp in Relimon's house was warm, and a group of people ate beef and potatoes stew with very satisfied expressions.

"Brother, the food you cooked is so delicious. I didn't expect you to learn such good cooking skills after you came out." Lux leaned lazily on the chair. She lost her ladylike appearance and her tone was full of laziness. .

Taylor, on the other hand, showed a long-lost smile and touched his belly with his little hand.

"This is the second time I've eaten meat this month. It's so delicious."

"You will eat it often." Camus smiled slightly and spoke softly.

The air suddenly warmed up, and the atmosphere in the air gradually became happy. Lux forgot the fear before, Taylor forgot the pain, and Camus forgot all the conspiracies. He suddenly thought that it would be nice to go on like this forever.

In Qiuri City, several people wearing silver armor stood at the door of Sun Church. Their faces were covered by silver helmets, and their expressions could not be seen clearly. The knight at the front held a piece of paper in his hand, and he looked at it with concentration. information in.

"They disappeared completely. Have their bodies been found?" A deep voice sounded. He turned and looked at the knight behind him, waiting for his answer.

"The Glory Team has disappeared collectively, including their souls, but they did disappear in the Autumn Forest."

"what reason?"

"I don't know, and the Sun Church doesn't know what they did, but Munro's body is still here." The knight shook his head slightly and spoke in a heavy tone.

"My lord, could it be someone from the innermost part of the forest?" A knight heard the conversation and whispered his suspicion.

"Impossible. It has signed an agreement and it is impossible for it to take action." The leading Silver Knight shook his head slightly. He also felt that this incident was too bizarre. The Glory Team had completely disappeared, including its soul.

"Sir..." Just at this moment, a knight flew back from the sky. He quickly ran over on his pony and started in a hurried tone.

"Found it. The Glory Team died in the Dark Swamp. I got the information from a monster. Where did the war happen? Where did I find the incomplete battle flag and broken armor."

"Any idea who did this?"

"They don't know, but I got a piece of information. A monster from the dark swamp once said that those people wore masks."

"What about ability?"

"This... I don't know where I found the burning traces and huge craters. I don't know which sequence it is yet."

After hearing all kinds of information, the leading knight took off his helmet, revealing a gloomy face. He looked at the gloomy opening of the knight on the ground.

"The souls have also completely disappeared. They are wearing masks. Is there any specific description?"

"No... there is no more specific information except for the scorched blackness and potholes. Moreover, during the recent autumn forest riots, many traces have disappeared."

Hearing the riots in the Autumn Forest, the leading Silver Knight immediately rubbed his head. They came here with two tasks. One was to investigate the disappearance of the Glory Team, and the other was to assist the local Church of the Sun, the Adventurer's Guild and the Sanctuary. The tree demon who suppressed the riot.

"How is the battle going recently?" Thinking of the tree demon, the tall knight planned to deal with the tree demon incident first, and then deal with the matter of the Glory Investigation Team.

"It went very well. Those monsters are almost dead."

"Is there any information on Munro? Does he have anything left?" The leading knight suddenly remembered something, and he spoke calmly.

"I don't know. If there is, it must be in the Glory Team."

"Trouble... follow me on the expedition." The leading knight complained after hearing this. He put on his helmet and walked not far away. The knights followed him neatly.

In the Autumn Forest, after the death of the Tree Demon Elder and the Tree King, the entire Autumn Forest was in chaos. The tree demons who lost their leaders took great action, and the war also burned to the side of Qiu Ri City, the Church of the Sun and the adventurers in Qiu Ri City. The guild reported the situation to the headquarters, and then they arrived. Until now, the riots have been gradually suppressed, leaving only a small number of out-of-control tree demons, while the tree king in the deepest part of the forest did not make any move.

In a deep dark cave in the autumn forest, a man with an evil face laughed wildly, and the sound echoed in the dark cave.

"Succeeded. Kadom didn't lie to me. After the heart of the tree king and the heart of the tree demon merged, it was indeed the heart of the fallen tree. I succeeded." After laughing for a long time, it stopped. A bright light flashed, and a person with no facial features and skin The gray monster is holding a black heart, which is still beating slightly. In his right hand, he holds a shining stone.

"It's time, the Church of the Sun and the Adventurer's Guild are here." After saying that, the man in black robe crushed the stone and slowly walked out of the cave entrance.

It was almost late at night in Cadde City, about ten o'clock in the evening. Lux led Taylor back to the room, and Camus was reading carefully with her promotion knowledge.

"Hmm... Makeup? Why do you need to learn this? Do faceless men need to use makeup?" Camus subconsciously said something while looking at the knowledge in the book. He didn't know much about the profession of faceless men. He just recently learned it. Have time to read these promotion knowledge.

"Ji..." Just when Kamius was thinking secretly about why he needed to learn makeup, the space in front of him was distorted, and a fox with colorful mushrooms on its back ran out, holding a white cloth bag in its mouth. Ka Miao immediately smiled when he saw it

"Hey, the book is here, Laura and the others have gone back?".

"Chi chi chi..."

The fox let out a chirp as soon as he dropped the bag, his eyes sparkling, and he nodded to Camus before disappearing.

"I'm envious. When did I have such a pet?" Camus stood up, walked over and picked up the bag, and smiled when he opened it. There were seven or eight books inside. The books were yellowed and had something on the cover. Kamiao suddenly smiled bitterly at the words he didn't recognize.

"How to learn this? Laura joins the Dream Cult? Or go find Su Lan. I remember she said he can speak these two languages."

"Let's talk tomorrow."

After thinking for a while, Camus carried the bag to the top floor and fell asleep.

In the Triumph District, Fiona sat on a high-backed chair and looked out the window. She did not turn on the gas light. She just looked outside quietly. She held a glass of wine in her hand and tapped the edge of the chair with her other hand. , the rhythmic knocking sound echoed in the darkness.

"Why don't you turn on the light, Fiona?"

Suddenly a deep voice appeared behind him. He said Fiona's name and snapped his fingers.


The extinguished gas light suddenly came on, and a well-dressed middle-aged man wearing a black tuxedo appeared behind Fiona. He had two black moustache and the same black hair and black eyes as Fiona.

" are here."

Fiona froze when she heard the voice, then put down the cup, and stood up with a calm face. He looked at the man behind him, especially looking at his deep red ruby ​​ring, and spoke in a calm and unhurried tone. of opening.

"Don't be so serious. It's better for girls to smile more. I'm very happy to see that you are okay. This is what you want."

The middle-aged man took a look at Fiona and found that her condition was normal. A smile appeared on his face. He elegantly took out a black box from his arms. The box was only the size of a fist. Fiona took the box. She didn't open it but put it aside.

"I'm fine. My mother's body saved me." Fiona said calmly. He pulled out the high-backed chair and let the man behind him sit down.

"Do you know how anxious your father was when he saw your distress message? You have the same blood."

"I know, I have a lot going on here."

"I have received the message. Eternity has appeared again. The appearance of Sindra, the descendant of the evil god and Queen of Diamonds, is no small matter." Before Fiona could say anything else, the middle-aged man touched the ring and Open your mouth.

"The Perpetual One?" Fiona asked doubtfully. He returned home after meeting with Su Lan today and didn't know what happened.

"Oh...don't you know?" The middle-aged man asked back when he saw Fiona's expression and didn't want to lie.

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