Primordial Sequence

Chapter 302: The Castle in the Dream

In Billing City, after paying the cleaner's wages, Camus returned to his home with a faint floral scent. It was said that this was a new detergent that was very similar to the soap in his previous life.

"I'm so tired." Looking at the brand new bed, Camus fell down with nostalgia, and fell into a deep sleep in the softness.

In his sleep, Camus came to a place full of mist. He looked in one direction, and a certain familiar feeling echoed in his heart. He groped his way over and suddenly saw a huge red castle reaching into the sky. This castle is completely red and looks very eye-catching.

"Red Castle?" Camus subconsciously spit out the origin of this building, and he looked at the castle dumbly.

"How did I come here? Isn't this the place where the Book of Destiny is kept?" The red castle became increasingly gloomy in the mist, and Camus clenched his fist and walked over.

As if sensing his arrival, the tall and tightly closed door opened with a creak, revealing a space filled with gray mist. In the middle of the gray mist, a pure white staircase led directly to the top. Camus had just stepped onto the first step. With one step, the gray mist on both sides condensed. They condensed into monsters, some with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, and some with ferocious faces. When Camus looked at them, he felt like he was in hell, just when he wanted to retreat. , suddenly found that these monsters seemed to be blocked by some kind of barrier. They hit the invisible wall and turned into clouds of smoke.

"Master... the master is back." A low, slightly surprised voice came from above. Camiao suddenly felt something inexplicably familiar. He walked through the passage full of monsters and stepped onto the stairs.

Madam Red, who was far away in Billing City, suddenly covered her chest when Camus entered the Red Castle, and she murmured softly.

"I seem to feel that I have lost something important. I abandoned my characteristics and inherited the characteristics of Relimon Camus. Whether it is good or bad, if I don't get rid of the sequelae, I will always be a puppet of that existence. "After thinking about it, Madam Hong was no longer worried. In her opinion, although her strength was greatly damaged, it was all worth it.

In Frank City, Laura, who was sleeping, suddenly recalled the memory of her mother in her dream. He saw the familiar scene and familiar words, but this time the dream did not end at the end, but the picture continued.

"It is said in "Hidden Philosophy" that the sequelae of sequence are constraints and shackles. Even if we obtain the extraordinary characteristics of high-order, I'm afraid..." Susie's father said worriedly. Freemasonry has not created anything yet. The reason for the high order is partly due to the lack of extraordinary characteristics. Another reason is that there seems to be an unknown existence blocking everything. Coupled with the knowledge interpreted from the golden tablet, they suspect that if they do not get rid of the sequelae of the sequence, even if It is also dangerous to advance to a high-ranking position. Of course, this is just his guess.

"Laura is still young. I can't wait any longer. If I can't advance to a high-ranking position, I will die." Laura's mother is also a cursed fox. He looked at the sleeping Laura and spoke dotingly.

"But I feel that the appearance of the Kadom Gate this time is too sudden, and I have a bad feeling." Ti Singh said with a worried look on his face.

"I don't have time. It has been a long time since the sequelae of your promotion broke out, so Laura will be left to you." The beautiful female cursed fox touched Laura's face, gave an order, and then disappeared on the spot. .

"I still feel something is wrong, maybe I need to find a makeup artist." Seeing his wife leaving, Ti Singer also pushed Laura back to the house, and he walked to a mirror.

"Eternal Prophet, Gru, I need your help, and I will use the contents of the Golden Tablet in exchange."

As he roared, the mirror in front of Ti Sing distorted. A tall man with dark red skin wearing a leather jacket walked out of the mirror. His slightly gloomy face glanced at Ti Sing. After the grid, he spoke in a low voice.

"What do you want to predict about the future?"

"About the Gates of Kadom."

"No... this is beyond my ability. You should change it. If you insist, this deal is over."

When he heard that it was difficult for the Eternal Prophet Gru to tell him about the Gate of Kadom, Ti Singh's face suddenly turned gloomy. He thought for a while and spoke in a low voice.

"My future, my daughter's future."

"You have no future, you are destined to die. As for your daughter..." After hearing this question, Gru walked into the mirror again. After a while, he walked out of the mirror and gave Ti Singh a clear answer, But when it came to Laura, Gru pursed his lips.

"Your daughter, I can only give her guidance. I cannot see her future and I dare not change it. We must respect the past and the future. Those who change everything are destined to have a tragic ending."

"I have no future? What do you mean?" Ti Singh said anxiously when he heard that he had no future.

"It's too late. Even if you didn't ask me to predict it, your fate would be equally tragic. You advanced to stage five and lost your last chance." After hearing such mysterious words, Ti Singh spoke uneasily.

"What's the meaning?"

"You read the golden slate, didn't you find anything? There should be some vague mentions there, right?" Gru turned his head and glanced at the sleeping Laura, and spoke calmly.

"You mean, sequelae?" Ti Singh took a deep breath and expressed his previous concerns.

"After stage five, the sequelae are completely mature and you lose the last chance to deprive him."

Ti Singer smiled after getting the answer. Maybe this is his destiny. He turned to look at Laura and asked in a low voice.

"As a deal, you need to give my daughter guidance."

"I saw the traces of the Gate of Kadom in her future picture. Her guidance is where the Gate of Kadodon exists. And in the subsequent clear journey, there is an item that is particularly important to her. It will appear in the city of Fran, the Principality of Asgar. The guidance is plague." Gru stopped talking at this point. When Ti Singer heard it, he immediately handed a book to Gru. Gru took the book and walked back into the mirror.

"Huh..." Laura opened her eyes in her sleep. She held her chest and panted loudly. He looked at the dark room and hugged his knees and cried.

"No wonder you want me to go to Caldecott City for training, no wonder you want to tell me about the harm of sequelae, that blood is yours, right, father, it's not mother's blood at all." With the word father, some kind of power in Laura's body seemed to awaken, the runes on her body became more beautiful, and a light red figure appeared in front of Laura, looking at Laura with a doting face.

"You finally found it."


Seeing the familiar figure, Laura rushed over with red eyes, but she rushed into nothingness in an instant. She looked back at the phantom and opened her mouth.

"Laura, when you saw me, I was probably dead. You are right. The path of Freemasonry is wrong. We can never create powerful life when we create life. This is a rule and an agreement. Since I met Gru, I dare not change anything about you. Your mother had to go to the Gate of Kadom because of the outbreak of sequelae. Because of Gru's warning, I didn't dare to go to Caldecott City at that time." At this point, Ti Singh spoke lightly.

"My guess is right. Kadom is indeed a trap. Because of the death of high-sequence people, their extraordinary characteristics have certain deficiencies that need to be supplemented. This is a trap tacitly set by both sides, just to make these high-level extraordinary people make up for the missing characteristics. This is why they only sealed the Gate of Kadom. They are waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the day when Kadom will be reborn."

"As expected, as if guided by fate, you went to Caldecott City. I don't know what happened to you. I am your father. I have no future, but you still have a bright future. After you went to Caldecott City, I made a deal with the Rose Cult and asked them to send a powerful extraordinary person to assist you. This extraordinary person has our Freemasonry's life manufacturing technology and the Rose Cult's plague curse. He will help you get the important items that belong to you. In exchange, I will give away my extraordinary characteristics and the Freemasonry's "Secret Philosophy". Laura, remember, you must live well." At this point, Ti Singh's shadow suddenly collapsed into grains of red sand and disappeared without a trace.

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