Primordial Sequence

Chapter 341: Underworld Palace

After throwing the Slaughterer out, the golden box turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

As soon as the Slaughterer came out, he saw the red monster raging on the ground. He immediately turned around and left with the extraordinary characteristics of Crying Meng, not caring about the group of people who were being slaughtered.

"Give me……"

After seeing the Slaughterer, the Eternal One, who knew everything that happened, grabbed the Slaughterer with a big hand that covered the sky. The Slaughterer was forced to stop moving forward. He transformed into a red cross, and a red cross hung above it. The 'Saint Clan' who only lost his wings was hanging upside down on a bloody cross. His body was covered in blood and flesh, and small blood vessels could be vaguely seen. It looked like his skin had been peeled off, and the flowing blood dripped down his hair to the ground. , looked extremely breathtaking, and suddenly the sleeping saint slowly opened his eyes. His eyes had no eyeballs, only empty black holes. In the middle of the black holes, a few white maggots stained with blood were squirming.

"Ah..." Just as the saint clan was awakening, a strange ability covered his body, and another piece of flesh was cut off his face. Because of the pain, the saint let out a hoarse roar. The Eternal who turned into a giant baby shrank his eyes when he saw this scene, because the Slaughterer didn't reveal too much about his strength. He didn't know the Slayer's ability clearly, but judging from the strength he had exposed before, This guy's ability is related to criminal law.

"Eye torture..." The fallen saint struggled to speak, as if another invisible force was driving him like this. He slowly opened his arms and gave the Continuator a hug.

"Come with me, it hurts... ah." The cry-like words made Perpetual's back feel cold. Just as he was about to leave, he found a bloody cross on the back of the huge red baby, holding him firmly in place. He struggled hard but to no avail.

"Damn..." Seeing this scene, the Perpetual One immediately roared, and saw that the box in his hand suddenly collapsed, and his hands and feet were instantly blown to pieces. The Perpetual One with gorgeous patterns suddenly pierced the giant baby with the tip of his needle. On the skin, blood bubbles surged inside the syringe, and about one-twentieth of the blood disappeared.

"Woo...ah..." The huge baby held his head in pain. A ring of wantonly twisted hair suddenly grew on his head. The sides of his belly exploded. Two arthropods shining with cold light pierced the belly and stretched out. The sky suddenly became dark. Under the gloomy sky, the Perpetual One who buried his head slowly raised his head. A pair of red eyes shining like the sun appeared. The Perpetual One stood up staggeringly, but that The bloody cross was still attached to his back.

"Nose punishment..." The saint who had another piece of flesh chopped off said in pain, and an invisible force enveloped the mutated Continuator.

"Hiss..." As if a sharp blade passed by, the nose of the Perpetual One suddenly fell off, leaving only two bloody holes on his face.

"Roar..." The Sustainer who lost his nose immediately went berserk. He twisted his arms to catch the Slaughterer, but before he could catch the Slaughterer, the Saint who was tortured again spoke in pain.

"Sight torture..."

"Bang..." The pair of red eyes suddenly exploded, and the bloody flesh with fragments of eyeballs scattered all over the ground. The Perpetual One endured the severe pain and forcibly grabbed the Slaughterer on the back.

"Oral torture, ear torture, beheading..." The killer, who was pinched until his eyes popped out and his mouth and nose were bleeding, immediately used all the criminal laws.


"Ah..." Looking at the brutal fight between the two first-level sealed objects, several members of the Hope Council who survived the disaster swallowed a mouthful of saliva as they looked at the extremely bloody battlefield. They saw that the Slayer was pinched by the Perpetual One. Deformed, and the eyes, nose, nose, ears, and tongue of the Eternal One were all cut off, leaving only a face full of holes. Because of their fierce struggle, the ground under their feet had fallen apart, and the monster The ground was dyed red with blood, and pieces of cut flesh were everywhere.

"Tsk, tsk, that's just a pervert. Fortunately, I didn't go." Camus said with a smile after seeing all this in a mirror. In his opinion, it didn't matter if the Eternal and the Slayer were killed. The only thing he wanted to know was It’s about what happened in the box. Does the disappearance of the crymeng mark mean that crymeng is dead? Did Jack also die inside if he didn’t come out?

"That's enough, Slaughterer, no more fighting, stop." After a while, the Perpetual One, who didn't have any good meat in his body, let go of the Slaughterer, because he knew he couldn't stay here anymore, regardless of whether it was from any major organization. Humans, or difficult Slayers, are all a big problem, and there will be nothing that can be done about it for a while.

The Eternal One did not speak. The saint hanging upside down on the cross was crushed into a twist. His ability was not suitable for fighting, but more suitable for weird killings. Although his ranking was higher than the Eternal One, he could also get it after a while. There is nothing the sustainable people can do, let alone major organizations.

"Go back." A little boy with a weak soul walked out of the bloody cross. He spoke to the few survivors, then shrank and hung on one person's neck.

"It hurts me so much."

Because the Slaughterer left, the wounds of the Perpetuator gradually healed. The damn cross could not only hurt his body, but even his soul couldn't escape. Each of his swords cut himself alive.

The two sealed artifacts left from different places. The Perpetual One turned into a gray monster with long arms and high legs and ran towards the south. Several members of the Hope Council secretly ran towards the seaside. The dust settled. After watching the battle, Kamiao sat down on the bed without finishing his thoughts.

"Crying Dream Zachasia should be dead, otherwise my mark would not disappear. Jack doesn't know yet because he has never appeared. What happened in the box?"

The Holy Realm, Tian Sword Constellation continued to cultivate in the spiritual world after reporting to the Holy Realm. He did not gain any benefit from this matter, nor did he suffer any loss. They all miscalculated. Crying Meng is indeed very weak, but they are not afraid of 'falsehood'. The strength of the Golden Box is too underestimated. Judging from the opponent's appearance, it is where he is waiting for something, and he is in a state of complete recovery. Does this mean that the Golden Sagittarius Saint Relimon Aiolos planned all of this as early as the third era? ?

In the Discipline Center, Kidd, who had survived the disaster, breathed a long sigh of relief. The cultists were real, the sealed artifacts were real, and the extraordinary properties of Crying Dreams were also real. However, the only thing they failed to calculate was that he was sleeping in the budget. The "False Gold Box True Spirit" was in a fully revived state, and he and others entered his field rashly. If the other party hadn't let him go, they would all be dead.

I think I need to take a vacation, this task is not for human beings. "The bloated traveler spoke tiredly. Whether it was three sealed objects or a Heavenly Sword Constellation with two high-level nightmares, it refreshed his knowledge. In the past, he only knew that top-level sealed objects were perverted. For the sake of the world, Most of the safe sealed objects are in a dormant state, and he finally saw it today.

"The Adventurer's Guild's 'Wall of Justice' and the Sun Church's 'Light Fortress' both have several dormant first-level sealed objects sealed. Doesn't the Discipline Institute have top-level sealed objects? Why didn't the director mention this?" Something?" Thinking of the bloated companion with the sealed object, he thought a lot. He waved his hand to Kidd and left. He walked into the wall under the light, walked into the shadow under the light, and disappeared.

In Queens, at the home of Viscount Hanney, the Slayer looked at the person in charge of the Hope Council without saying a word. There was a spider-man standing next to this underground man, but the face of this spider-man covered with black hair was quite gloomy. He used Spider-Man's latent racial talent to hide nearby, but in the end he found no trace of Jack. He also witnessed the battle between two sealed objects. After watching it, he became even more eager to improve himself.

"What happened?" The shadow of the killing said calmly. He had already learned from his subordinates about what happened outside, but there was no way to know what happened inside the false gold box.

The child turned by the Slayer said calmly, "I exchanged the news about 'Mr. Aloof' for this extraordinary characteristic."

"Where's Jack?" Spider-Man beside him whispered. Slayer glanced at him sideways. Spider-Man suddenly felt a cold feeling behind him, and an unspeakable fear made him freeze in place.

"Okay, I don't know what kind of deal you made with 'Eternal Prophet Gru'. What about the high-order characteristics?"

Hearing this, the Slayer withdrew his gaze, and a black extraordinary characteristic appeared in his hand. Spider-Man's breathing suddenly became rapid when he saw it. Possessing this thing means that as long as this characteristic is integrated in stage five, he will become A powerful high-order character. As for the 'Mr. Aloofness' mentioned by the Slaughterer, he was also interested in what kind of news could be exchanged for a high-order character.

Seeing Zakashia's extraordinary characteristics, the Shadow of Killing's eyes narrowed. We all know how precious high-order characteristics are. He only advanced to the top of the fifth stage with the help of the White King Caesar. If it weren't for the nightmare, Characteristics, he even has the desire to rob.

"Gru told me to give it to you. My mission is completed." The little boy transformed by the Slayer threw the extraordinary properties of Crying Dream, and then turned into a small red cross and fell to the ground.

Looking at the high-order characteristics in his hand, the Shadow of Killing took a deep breath and turned to look at Spider-Man, who was staring intently.

"I will personally hand it over to Queen Fear Spider, and this matter will come to an end. It is no longer safe here. You can go back to the nightmare world."


In the dock area of ​​Billing City, a blond man with dull eyes carried a black box and boarded the passenger ship leaving Billing City. He stood on the side of the ship and looked at the bustling City of Billing without saying a word. He was the eternal man who was preparing to leave here. Continuation.

"Sir, are you also going to Creighton City?" This was a young boy with a face full of energy. He smiled and looked at the Perpetual One. The middle-aged man controlled by the Perpetuating Person lowered his eyes and nodded slightly.

"Yeah, is something wrong?"

The little boy chuckled and said, "Of course I have something to do, Hades wants you to be a guest." At the end of the sentence, the little boy's tone became solemn, and the middle-aged man instantly found that the noise around him disappeared, as if there were only two of them in this place.

The Perpetual One's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He had left Billin City as fast as he could, but he was still discovered. The reason he was eager to leave here was because there were so many powerful forces here, and there were so many terrifying monsters hidden there. Not to mention that the Adventurer's Guild and the Church of the Sun have ways to deal with sealed objects. The purpose of his coming here was the extraordinary properties of Crying Meng, but he failed, and even now he is in danger.

" looks like you don't want to. Do you still want to leave after being exposed?" Seeing that the Continuing One didn't speak, the little boy held onto the side of the boat and looked into the distance. At this moment, the Continuing One suddenly noticed that he was passing by in front of him. Countless scenery, less than three breaths, the two people on the side of the ship disappeared, but no one noticed that they were missing.

"Hiss..." Looking at the black land around him, the decadent purpose, the withered branches, and the red-eyed crows on the branches, the Perpetual One immediately took a breath of cool air. If he guessed correctly, this is the residence of Hades, that is, It was said that they had crossed over from the dock to here in the blink of an eye. What a terrifying ability this was, and there was only one sequence that he knew that could perform short teleportation, the sequence 1 was a transcendent of the black scholar path.

"Welcome to Hades." The innocent little boy spoke in a low voice. As soon as he finished speaking, Perseverance found that his feet were empty. He immediately fell from the ground and saw a dark world with no sky appearing in front of him. He quickly looked up and found a dark sky hanging above him.

"Damn, what is this?" I saw myself standing on a thousand-meter-wide black stone avenue. On both sides of the road were bottomless abyss. Waves of heat waves and red light emerged from the ground of the abyss. It was not ugly. There was lava on both sides of the road, and what didn't make my heart tremble was that the road led to a black door with no top visible. An atmosphere of death and despair rushed towards my face. I was like an ant in the sky, extremely small.

"Let's go, you can't run away." Seeing the shock of the Everlasting One, the little boy jumped in front and led the way. The Everlasting One was still standing in the same place. Feeling that the Everlasting One didn't follow, the little boy turned around The head was removed, and a big mouth spanning the entire face appeared in the eyes of the Perpetuator. The ferocious fangs and cruel diamond-shaped eyes all told the terror of this little boy.

"Don't... follow...?" The little boy spoke one word at a time. His voice was like the coldness of winter, making people shiver all over. The Perpetual One took a step forward as soon as he saw it.

"This is right..."

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