Prince Charming Upgrade System

Chapter 583 The Emperor Jiutian Palm!

Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses of Tongtian Tower almost stared out all their eyeballs!

If it could be considered unprepared before, this led to the death of the companion.

And until this moment, the luck in their hearts has completely disappeared!

There was a feeling in their hearts like a awn on their backs, and the tip of their nose seemed to smell the breath of death approaching!

"Withdraw!" The tall and thin man gave an order.

A group of transcendental powerhouses nodded in unison, facing Ling Xiao, a figure like a god of death, no martial artist could remain calm.

It's about his own life, no martial artist would joke about this kind of thing!

But the question now, will Ling Xiao let them go?

The answer is simple, it is naturally impossible!

Just when the strong people of Tongtian Tower were fighting and retreating, Ling Xiao's cold shout resounded through the audience again, "Huangji Jiutian Palm!"

This is the third-style martial skill that comes with the "Royal Nine Heavens Art"!

Ling Xiao had not been able to perform it before, but after mastering the artistic conception of martial arts, Ling Xiao found that he was able to perform it!

There was an extremely cold killing intent on the corner of Ling Xiao's mouth, and his hands slammed away at the powerful towers of Tongtian Tower!


There was a sound like the sky burst, and a loud bang resounded!

A terrifying force of life and soul that made everyone on the scene palpitate, came out from Ling Xiao's palms.

This palm slammed out like a command from the King of Hell who controls life and death. No one on the scene could fight against it!

" is this possible!" The tall and thin warrior screamed in shock.

Although the rest of the Tongtian Pagoda warriors did not shout, the panic on their faces expressed all the meanings they wanted to express!


Huangji Jiutian Palm slammed into a group of Tongtian Tower powerhouses, making a loud noise.

The moment the two sides contacted, a group of strong men flew out one after another!

Rao is that they tried their best and tried their best, but they still couldn't compete with them!

Not only that, the two towering strongmen who bear the brunt of the contact were blown up and turned into a pool of blood mist at the moment of contact!

"Ding! The host shows the true character of a male god, and the force of life +5!"

"Ding! The host shows the true nature of a male god, and the power of the soul is +5!"

"Ding! The host showed the true nature of a male god and obtained a small amount of Life Soul Stone fragments!"

"Ding! The host shows the true character of a male god, charm +10!"


A series of system prompts kept ringing in Ling Xiao's mind.

While Jiang Tao and the others were shocked by Ling Xiao's strength, they did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards the remaining Tongtian Pagoda powerhouses!

Looking at their appearance, it was like a hungry tiger rushing at a sheep, as if to tear each other into pieces.

In fact, this is the truth, but in just a short time, except for the tall and thin, the rest of the Tongtian Tower powerhouses died!

The tall and thin man's eyes were dull, and his face was full of horror.

His eyes fell on Ling Xiao, and he kept shouting, "Let me go! Lord, spare my dog's life!"

Looking at him like this, it was as if Ling Xiao had already been scared to death.

If you think about it, you will understand that the eight detachment fifth-order powerhouses of Tongtian Tower, facing the eleven detachment fifth-order powerhouses of other forces, are almost said to be a must-win battle.

It turned out to be such a fiasco at the end, not to mention the reason for the fiasco, not because of Jiang Tao and others, but because of Ling Xiao, a seemingly insignificant third-order detachment!

(To be continued)

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