Prince of Tennis: Mental Manipulator

Chapter 308 : The shocking accident happened suddenly

During the rest time between the sets, everyone talked about each other, guessing the process of the second match.

Regarding the strength of Mushen Yi, the audience has already seen from the matchup in the first set. With the skills of Tristan and DiModi, it is impossible to break point.

Just like the gap between college students and elementary school students, there is an essential distance between the two sides, and it is still difficult for Tristan and DiModi to catch up!

But this is a doubles match after all, not a singles match.

As Mushen Yi's partner, Kunimitsu's overall strength is also very good, but for Tristan and Di Modi, it is not an unbeatable existence!

In fact, they have always set the goal on their hands.

Don't expect to beat the Japan team, as long as they can get a point, a goal or a game from the Japan team, they are honored to lose!

Amidst various opinions, the break time passed quickly, and the second match began in the much-anticipated set.

At the beginning of the match, there was a fierce duel, which greeted fierce applause from the audience.

But it is undeniable that even if this match is a doubles match, Mushen Yi can still play 26 with a singles match dominating the audience.

At this time, ordinary audiences realized one thing--

For a master like Mushen Yi, even if it is one enemy two, he can still defeat Tristan and Di Modi.

There is no difference between doubles match and singles match for Mushen Yi!

What's more, the performance of the hand's partner is also very good, even if there is a slight accident, Tristan and Di Modi find a chance to attack, Mushen Yi can quickly help defend.

Under the circumstances, the duel process of this second set was almost the same as that of the first set.

"0:3! The Japan team won this round!"

The Japan team easily won the streak three games, let everyone once again feel the momentum of Mushen Yi dominating the audience!

Many professional players, even the king of heaven, once again deeply experienced the power of Mushen Yi from the scene!

Tristan, DiModi and Kunimitsu were panting and sweating on their backs. It was obviously physical exhaustion caused by violent sparring.

On the other hand, Mushen Yi has a stable breath and a normal posture. Except for some slight sweat on his forehead, he can't see the appearance after strenuous exercise at all.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought that Mushen Yi had just warmed up instead of having two tennis matches for nearly an hour!

Is this Mushen Yi's physical strength too strong?!

It's not!

Many people in the audience have watched Mushen Yi's video, and media reporters have analyzed and investigated this popular supernova.

Mushen Yi's physical fitness is definitely a hindrance.

If Mushen Yi's tennis skills and mental strength have reached world-class levels, then his physical fitness is completely at an ordinary professional level.


Mushen Yi forcibly used his superb technique to reduce his physical exertion to the extreme.

He can use the easiest return to hit the strongest and most powerful return. He can run the longest distance with the least consuming way of running.

This is how the gap widens little by little!


The heavenly king sighed and said:

"This is the rhythm of a tennis match, just like a marathon. Professional players can run at their own pace, with the least consumption, the fastest speed, and the longest persistence."

The friend beside him analyzed and said:

"According to your score, Mushen Yi's technique is as high as 9 points or more, and his mental power is even close to full marks. As for other aspects, his speed is about 5 points and his physical strength is 5 points, and his strength is a little bit blind."

"If the Japan team can continue to win the championship, the Australian Open wild card awarded will definitely be handed over to Mushen Yi, and we may be able to break through from here."

The weakness that Tristan and DiModi cannot take advantage of will be a winning method for world-class and heavenly professional players like them!

This is the sense of distance brought about by the power gap!

"This is the only way!" The heavenly king nodded and said, "The premise is, don't be manipulated by his spirit!"

This kind of dialogue appears in the mouths of many professional players.

In the early stages of the Odalia Tennis Open, they did not train well and came to watch the game.

Apart from coming here, I just want to study Mushen Yi through field observation.

The results of this match undoubtedly gave them good data.

What's more, there will be three matches after that, enough for them to study thoroughly on site!

"The break time is over, the match continues to start" The break after the odd round soon passed, and the referee's voice sounded on time.

Amidst the applause of the audience, the players of the two teams played separately and exchanged venues. In the fourth round, it was Kunimitsu's serve round.

After seeing this scene, the audience looked forward to it.

For those professional players, they have the idea of ​​studying Mushen Yi. But for ordinary audiences, they just want to watch a wonderful match!

"I don't know if Tristan and Di Modi have found a countermeasure?"

"Just now in Mu Shen's serve game, they still haven't made much progress. I hope that in Kunimitsu, they can show us miracles!!

"The performance of the two players of the Faguo team is already very good. It doesn't matter whether it can be done or not, after all, that trick is really too unsolvable!"

"Tennis Rule Restriction: You must wait for serve to bounce back before it hits. Zero-style serve does not bounce back after it hits the ground. The opponent must hit back at the moment of rollback.

The requirements for technology, timing, speed of shots, etc. are extremely demanding. It is simply as difficult as the sky!"

The audience looked forward to seeing the miracle happen, but they also understood that it was really difficult.

In the eyes of everyone, Tezuka finally began to serve.


A high-speed serve flew across the net. The tennis ball did not rebound after landing. After a violent rotation, it rolled back towards the net.

Just now.

Tristan quickly catches up to 783, swinging and slamming!


At that moment, there was a kind of dexterity to pick up, and the tennis ball was directly picked up and shot forward.


It was one-third of the height from crossing the net, and the tennis ball was directly intercepted.

"Hang the net!"

Referee's voice sounded: "15:0! Japan team scored!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience!

The audience called it a pity!

It is this one-third of the distance, about 30 centimeters, but it is like a sky trench, horizontally between the two teams, it is insurmountable!

Among the various opinions, Tristan and Di Modi exchanged serve. The two exchanged briefly and shared their experience.

Shoujia's face was expressionless, and he started serve again.


After the tennis ball hits the ground, it does not rebound, but rolls back toward the net, which is still a "zero serve".

This time.

Di Modi quickly predicted to catch up. At the moment when the tennis rolled back, he swung the racket down with lightning speed due to the inertial force of the tennis rolling back.


When the head collided with the tennis ball, Di Modi directly picked the tennis ball. At this moment, the wrist immediately exerted force, which made it the ultimate pick.

call out!

The tennis ball flew directly forward and hit near 10cm below the top of the net. This scene surprised the audience a bit!


Only a little bit short of it!

But at this moment.

A scene that made the audience sensational appeared. .

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