Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 103 : Recovery, the return of ghosts and gods!

"That's it."

The ghost glanced at Racquet and murmured.

-Once he can't just lose like that!

"Christmas wish-I want Brother Ghost to become the number one tennis player in R country!"

He has not forgotten what the children in the orphanage wrote on the Christmas wish letter paper back then!

He must realize that childish hope!

This is the unchanging belief of Oni Jujirou!

So-one he can't lose!


Break free of the holy milky white forbidden copper light, dispelling the spiritual power around the body!

The spirit of the ghost began to rise steadily!

Oni Jujiro's dark red short hair, under the strong aura he radiated, there is no wind and self-sufficiency-like the breath from the depths of hell, hair from ghosts, all over the court!

The sealed door opened--

A17 Shura from hell appeared faintly, and behind the ghost appeared an imposing ghost and god phantom!

Another dimension of Oni Jujiro, ghosts and gods, come!

Grim face, tall body, heavy aura

Everyone in Tokugawa who was watching the game was shocked by this!

"Is this the one?"

Tokugawa asked, holding back the throbbing in his heart.

"Yes, this is the original tennis gesture of the ghost!"

"When the level of tennis reaches a certain level, there will be a qualitative change-we call it a different dimension!"

"Ghost's'different dimensions'" awakened in a duel with Byodoin High School, Mingri--Ghost!

Irie explained with excitement.

how long it has been?

Even if he returned from the back of the Byodoin Temple, he had never seen such a posture as a ghost!

Today, the spirit of war that has been sleeping for a long time is finally revived!

So - the seal is lifted, and the ghosts and gods descend!

"Really a man like a ghost~"

Tanegashima couldn't help but sigh.

The reason why he rushed to watch the game was not only because of the excitement of the game, but also because of protective measures!

In an emergency, save your junior brother!

At this level, tennis can really kill people!

Once the ghost has displayed all his strength, it is not that he can stop if he wants to stop!

"Is it this?"

"Different Dimension"

Maori lowered his head and stopped going to the court.

So that's it

Tennis can reach this state-it is so exciting!

However, seniors, do you think that if this is the case, will Little Nioh lose?

Knowing what is the "different dimension" realm of gross profit, I still look forward to the match between Nioh and Nioh..


With the wave of Oni Jujirou racquet, the ghost shadow behind him moved!

Tennis rushed to Nioh with great pressure!

The mental power originally arranged has no way to face this level of attack!



"15:0, ghost score!"

With a black and red breath that seemed to come from hell, the tennis ball hit Nioh's halftime in the blink of an eye!


After a few seconds, everyone clearly saw that there was a hole in the size of a fist right behind Nioh!

And the tennis ball has long been unrecognizable as it is-charred and twisted

This is the power of the next ball in the realm of different dimensions!

How terrible!

Even if it falls on the ground, if it falls on the racquet, the holder's wrist will be broken for life!

That is, with a physique like Jujiro Oni, coupled with extremely high technology, it is estimated that he can successfully fight back without being injured.

Although Nioh's physical fitness is more than a little bit stronger than before, there is still a big gap compared with the talented players like ghosts.

After all, Nioh Masaharu is not a physically gifted tennis player, regardless of his past and present.

What's more, Oni Jujirou is three years older than him!

Three years of 847 physical development gap, innate physical talent gap-it is almost impossible for Nioh to rely on his current body to force the serve of ghosts!

The dark red ghost ghost phantom that suppressed the entire court, behind was a monstrous black and red flame, and the shadow of Oni Jujiro was even more impressive.

Bulging one by one

"30: 0! "

Faced with this level of ghosts, if Nioh doesn't want to enter the U17 infirmary after the game, he can only evade the ghost's serve in a slightly embarrassing manner--not to force it!

As a result, under Nioh's continuous dodge, the potholes were smashed by the tennis ball from the ghost, and Nioh's half-time was almost completely smashed!



"2:4, the ghost is ahead!"

Because Nioh just kept flashing the tennis balls played by ghosts, the ghosts quickly won three games in a row with the power of different-dimensional tennis!

PS, this chapter is also timed! Readers who read it on mobile browsers pay attention, this is Thursday’s update!.

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