Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 114 : Red eyes, red eyes!

"15:0, Sanada is ahead!'

The members of the outside view burst into admiration - especially the freshmen who were most amazed:

"Ah, it's so hot!"

"This is the strength of our Deputy Minister!"

"Does the deputy minister and us play the same kind of tennis?"

"Too strong!"

"I really watched a big fire hit Kirihaya just now!"

Sanada's "aggression like fire" has improved again!

A deeper level of comprehension, coupled with mental luck

Looking at the outside of the field, Liu contrasted with Sanada's previous data and silently wrote down the data he had just observed.

"Xianichiro really likes this kid~"

Yukimura said with a clear smile.

"After he lost to his hand Kunimitsu back then, he also trained desperately to gain his current strength!

Therefore, even though this game, Kirihara Akaya will undoubtedly lose; Yukimura is still very optimistic about the future of this junior!


"1:0, Sanada is ahead!"

Ten minutes later, Sanada took the lead in winning the next round.

"Fenglin Volcano" is undoubtedly a national-level tactic. Even if Sanada is carrying a heavy load and did not use his full strength, this kind of tactic cannot be cracked by Kirihaya now!

"Let me take you into the abyss of failure"!

When it came to Sanada’s serve bureau, he directly used the "invisible swing" type of serve--

"As fast as the wind!


"15:0, Sanada scored!"

Can't keep up!

Can't keep up at all!

Kirihaya squeezed racquet tightly, staring at Sanada's movements.


"30:0, Sanada scored!"

Even if Kirihaya concentrates, there is still no way for Sanada's current "rapid wind".



"2:0, Sanada is ahead!"

With superb ball speed, Sanada won his serve round with 4 ACEs.

Kirihara Akaya squeezed the tennis ball tightly with his left hand, and lowered his head, making it difficult to see his expression.

Everyone outside the court is waiting to serve at Kirihaya, but Nioh has a serious look.

Nioh was quite surprised at the moment--

Just now, just when Sanada’s third "Rapid Wind" serve, he seemed to see Kirihaya's eyes turn red!

How could this happen?! I have only played a few balls now and I have red eyes?

Kirihaya, there is a sign that he is about to enter the "red eye state"!

Quickly thinking about the cause of Kirihaya's red eyes in this life--

Nioh suddenly realized that it was because of himself!

Sanada's tennis level has been significantly improved compared to his previous life, and it is him who instilled the belief that Rikkai will continue to dominate.

Therefore, the current Kirihaya is undoubtedly more stimulated!

Coupled with the greater incentives received a month ago, the one month should be more rigorous and hard training than the previous life

The above are added together--

"I won't admit defeat!"


Kirihara Akaya looked up, and his blood-red eyes seemed to be contaminated with a brutal atmosphere.

Red eye state, achieved!

At this moment, he has entered this state, his eyes are red, his strength and speed soaring again!

".[15:0, Kirihaya scores!"

A serve, got rid of the original rhythm in Sanada's hands, and hit him by surprise!

Sure enough?

Nioh sighed inwardly.

The prelude to "demonization", "Red Eyes", also known as ""red-eye state", appeared!

Although part of the physical strength was sacrificed, what was gained was a surge in strength and speed, as well as a temporary increase in mental strength!

The strong belief not to admit defeat, not to be reconciled to a miserable defeat, and the strength at this time slightly stronger than the previous life, prompted Kirihaya to develop his unique game state in advance!

On the court, Sanada glanced at the tennis ball at his feet, and looked slightly solemn at (Qian Li Zhao) at Kirihaya on the opposite side of the net--

what is this?

As a national player in the middle of the country, Rao has never heard of anyone playing red eyes!

If you talk about the increase in the strength and speed of the body, it is like a simplified version of the selfless or!

"Haha, haha! I will win!"

Kirihaya laughed wildly.

With his red eyes now, and the serve that remembered to share just now, for a while, there was silence inside and outside the court.

PS, this bear kid was 2 years old because the toy was taken away by his sister, and he had red eyes for the first time!

And, this is timing!.

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