Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 126 : Yukimura's arrangement (or Liu's sorrow?)

"Renji, how do you think we should arrange the roster for this main contest?"

The smiling Minister Yukimura gently asked Liu's opinion.

"Um, list"

Junshi Liu is rarely stuck.

What does Yukimura mean?

Are there any special arrangements to talk about?

Could it be that Akaya was deliberately placed in the elected position to build momentum for his future successor?

E, this will give Akaya a lot of confidence and encouragement

I thought too much about Liu in my heart, I didn't know that Yukimura looked at him with disappointment at this time-damn it, Renji was too disappointed!

--It made me bet I lost to Masaharu

Yes, after fighting contentedly against four "badhearted" people, Nioh turned his attention to Rikkai's military division-Yanagi Renji!

Liu is actually a sensible and calm player, but he is helpless-his heart is too soft! (Or, to those who have invested in feelings, he is always habitually soft.)

In his previous life, he felt guilty and panic. One of the big three, because he was mentally defeated, he had a tennis ability, but he played in a mess, not to mention his "data tennis";

In the end, I lost to Inui Sadaharu-even if Liu has been busy with the internal affairs of the tennis club for three years, he can't regress to this level, right?

Being flustered is still a taboo for ordinary players, and for data players, it is a fundamental disaster that shakes their strength!

Using emotions, it is impossible for Liu to exert his true strength when facing certain people he cares for.

In his previous life, Liu gradually understood his fatal weakness until the defeat of the Rikkai Great Power Three Kanto Competition-so he did not hesitate to cut Kirihaya a zero in U17, let him know the real strength gap between them, and then abstained.

Now, Nioh is a little boring. I want to let their Minister Yukimura get to know the inner world of Rikkai Army Master more than a year in advance~

--As for what kind of "entertainment" will Liu receive in the future?

Nioh gambled on Marui's cake, Kuwana's hair shaver, and Yanagyu's mystery - absolutely indispensable, Rikkai's signature skill "Destroy the Five Senses"!

God bless Army Master Liu~

I hope he will have the energy to help Kirihaya learn English~

"Since Renji has no objection, just fight with me!"

Yukimura smiles softer and softer-I will "enter" Renji well~

Can't live up to the bet with Masaharu~


Liu felt like a thunderbolt.

Hasn't Yukimura been with Sanada all the time?

"In order to fight Renji, I gave Genichiro to Masaharu~"

Well, yes, the gambling chip for the bet is - and Sanada's qualification to play in the same group!

So, from this point of view, is it true that Sanada is the most popular opponent in the tennis club?

Mr. Nioh, who did not show up, said-it's not like that!

If the minister fights with the military division, isn't it only Sanada is left alone?

I kindly helped the minister solve the problem of his grouping list~

And ah, it's not just the opposite in character, but also in style, Nioh and Sanada are also in opposition to each other in tennis~

As for who is restraining who - Nioh said that as long as Yukimura agrees, he is willing to be assigned to the same group with Sanada every time the main match!

"As for Akaya--"

Yukimura paused deliberately, and saw his military division become nervous. (Hey, isn't the Minister your just now that scared him?)

"Just go with Maori-senpai and Yanagyu!"

If Akaya can really beat Yanagyu, Yukimura doesn't mind Kirihaya's following offenses and directly becomes the first choice-wasn't he like this in the first place?

As for the Maori senior one-

Heh, the keen Minister Yukimura said, Masaharu, you turned the trump card of the golf club to the tennis club. Isn't it just "changing thoughts" and wanting to doubles with Yanagyu?

So what about the Maori predecessors?

Seniors still have to stay in the tennis club for a year~

Yukimura completely forgot at this time. Mōri Juzaburō was originally a real singles player-it was only Nioh's proposal, and then the two of them formed doubles.

Also, in the Kanto contest and the national contest of Nioh National One, the doubles partner is Yoo!

Isn't Maori split by you personally to serve as singles three?

At this moment, Minister Yukimura completely ignored those things about Kuni I. Isn't Masaharu now the doubles partner of the Maori seniors?

That being the case, Masaharu, how can you half-heartedly go to Yanagyu again?

Take a look at Wen Tai and Sang Yuan. It's been more than a year, and they have never changed partners!

Yukimura expressed his dissatisfaction with Nioh's intention to "change partners" (Nioh: ??? How can I want to change partners? I promised Maori-senpai to be in the same tune with him in the game!), so--

"New love and old love" dispute, current partner and future partner, Masaharu, who do you cheer for and who do you support?

Although Yukimura-kun is a minister with a strong aura and is also known as the "son of god", he is a teenage middle school boy after all

--Youth,". "It's not too late for a gentleman to get revenge for ten years", but it's too late for a young man to get revenge for a second!

Yukimura who lost the bet (few) long (years) said that he is very unhappy now - Renji is too disappointed! Masaharu is also very cunning!

Therefore, we must accept this little "punishment"~

"The remaining Marui and Kuwana group!"

There is no doubt that the last set is so determined!

In this way, Yukimura, who specifically asked Liu Junshi for "inquiry", set up their grouping list in a few sentences--

That's right, it's a positive list to be precise (or more accurately: a positive selection and a waiting list for a positive selection?)!

Group A: Seiichi Yukimura, Yanagi Renji...

Group B: Sanada Genichiro, Nioh Masaharu

Group C: Mōri Juzaburō, Yagyu Hiroshi, Kirihara Akaya

Group D: Marui Bunta, Kuwahara Jackal

E, the ellipsis at the back will be filled in by the military division himself!

Otherwise, why is our Minister Yukimura coming to Junshi Liu for?

The military teacher, of course, should do these things (Qian Wanghao) and a series of internal affairs in the tennis department. Rain...

It is said that as a minister, as long as you have the overall situation, Yukimura is good.

Leaving Liu, there was a long time lost looking at the documents and the list of nine names filled in the main match list--so, where did he offend Seiichi?!

Let him die and understand, okay?!

PS, today's Minister Yukimura still feels bad for the group of teammates, but the face of "Son of God" is always smiling with lilies in full bloom~-- Hallelujah~~~

And, this chapter is also known as-Liu Junshi’s "Dying" Daily Life~ (Except for the Minister, everyone else is either dying or walking on the road to dying--whether you believe it or not, after going through the plot, I believe NS!)

PPS, thank you everyone for the monthly tickets and flowers on 5 and 3, and rewards! So this is the second change of 5 and 4! (I only planned to change it~).

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