Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 13 : The phantom of evolution, absolute strength

Are you ready? Sanada, vice minister! Let you see my current strength Nioh Masaharu! Don’t only see Tezuka in the future!

The world of tennis is very vast...

"It's as fast as the wind—"


"15:0, the serving side is leading! Nioh Masaharu scores!"

"Kendichiro--how could it be possible?!"

Yukimura clung to the barbed wire with both hands, and he couldn't keep calm anymore.

Seeing "Sada Genichiro" who completed the serve in the field and the opposite Sanada, he was shocked...

The reason why it is said to be "almost" is because the Mirage "Sanada" is a bit more mature than himself.

Is the Nioh Phantom not precise enough?

No, Nioh just apparated for the first time, there is no difference at all. The difference now...

In addition, the "Wind", which was scored by serving directly, was much faster than the "Wind" played by Sanada himself, and Sanada did not react at all! Even if Sanada's strength is reserved, the "wind" can't reach this level! ?

"Nioh's'It's Like Wind' is at least 80% faster than Sanada's speed! It is possible that Nioh has already mastered Sanada's moves and completed further development!"

Liu Fen writes fast, good data! Be sure to record in time!

However, Liu, who has always been neatly written and neatly written, writes crookedly on the notes at this time...

Nioh Masaharu...

Liu thought of another possibility in his heart.

There is another possibility...

He can phantom-the future!

Does this possibility really exist?

Liu and Yukimura glanced at each other, neither opened their mouths to express the terrible conjecture in their hearts.


Minister Mita opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Is this guy a human?"

Maori said that he played fake tennis before! Can you "transform" playing tennis? Oh, and "Second Transformation"!

------ Even so shocked off the court, Sanada's reaction in the court can be imagined!

"Damn it! Don't lie! I won't be fooled!"

Sanada tried to maintain the surface calmness.

Phantom future?

How can there be such a trick? !

He must be cheating!

Yes, it must be exerting psychological pressure!

Thinking about this, Sanada cheered up, focused, and prepared to fight back Nioh's next serve-just not ready! This time I can definitely catch it!

"Huh! Are you still unwilling to accept reality? Then let me take you into the abyss of defeat!"

"Sanada" snorted coldly and began to serve.

"It's as fast as the wind—"


"30:0, the serving side is leading, Nioh Masaharu scores!


Snapped! Snapped!

"3:0, Nioh Masaharu leads!"

How can it be?

Sanada held the racquet in his hand tightly. He didn't catch the "wind" from Nioh on the other side!



Yukimura asked in a trembling tone.

"No---that's right! Nioh's serve is getting faster every time!"

Liu can't keep calm anymore...


"I won't admit defeat!"

Sanada looked at the more mature "self" opposite, and roared.

"It's as fast as the wind—"


"It's as fast as the wind—"




In the face of absolute strength, there will be results without persistence.

Today, the absolute power gap between Nioh and Sanada is not a little bit because the will can be reversed!

So--Puff, Sanada, try to catch up!

"Gameby Nioh Masaharu 6:0!"

Huh, huh, except for the serve game, there is no ball at all! It's too lax!

Listening to the referee's voice, Sanada flashed various training methods in his mind.

--------We must work harder! Nioh's strength... is stronger than Tezuka!

Train hard and I will definitely beat him!

Nioh looked at Sanada with relief in his heart.

Yes, that's it! Sanada, as the deputy minister of Rikkai Dai (coming in office), don't always think about Seigaku's Tezuka Kunimitsu! Yukimura can't solve your obsession, then let me do it!

But-Sanada, no matter how hard you try, you can't beat me!

[After all, I have been ahead so much, with such an advantage, it is absolutely impossible to lose! 】


"Puff, Wentai, Sangyuan, I'm back."

Nioh patted Marui, who was already in a petrochemical state, and said while looking at the sculptural Kuwanabara.

"Ahhhhh!!! Nioh! You won! No! You have been lying to me before! Damn white-haired fox!"

Marui was really shocked.

That fox has such great tennis skills! He is still worried!

"Don't talk nonsense, did I say that I can't beat Sanada? Okay, how about you and Kuwana for a cake?"

Nioh smiled with a fox and shook the VIP membership card of the XX cake shop in his hand.

Comforting Marui is actually a very simple job.

[And this guy is not really angry...]

Nioh, who has seen Marui Bunta's real angry state, doesn't care about Marui's seemingly angry state at this time. *

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