Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 134 : End of the main race, arrangements after the race

With the end of the Marui VS Kuwabara match in Group D, the main qualifier has finally come to an end, and the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club ushered in a new group of candidates.

Seiichi Yukimura, Sanada Genichiro, Yanagi Renji, Mōri Juzaburō, Nioh Masaharu, Yagyu Hiroshi, Marui Bunta, Kuwahara Jackal!

Among them, except for Maori who is a senior in the third year, all the others are second-year students!

Yukimura looked at the list of positive candidates with satisfaction.

--With this team, at least they don't have to worry about the lineup in the third country!

By the third grade, Kirihaya will be able to fill the vacancies left by Maori seniors after entering school.


The Minister smiled slightly, Renji's original intentions have also come back, Rikkai is still the same, there are no dead ends~

Satisfied, Yukimura decided to convene his candidates for a meeting to arrange the lineup for the future Kanto contest and even the national contest--

"Do you have any opinions?

Nioh raised his hand to indicate that he had something to say.

What moths are there?!

Does Nioh want to change gear?

Liu quickly began to think about Nioh's intentions.

Others also turned their attention to Nioh.

Marui also glanced at Yanagi, and caused the "gentleman" to push the glasses that didn't slide even a little bit--

Wouldn't Nioh want to "retaliate"?

Liu Sheng thought a little nervously, but his face remained calm.

Maori doesn't care--

He understands Nioh, even if it is "retaliation", he is also in court;

Hard mouth and soft heart, little Nioh~

Even if he said cruel words, he didn't release water on his hands, but Maori knew that his current little partner, in fact, always wanted to help their teammates improve their strength.

#On the thickness of the "filter" that the doubles partner looks at each other#

#Maori's life one of the biggest misunderstandings: my partner is so soft#

"Puff, Yukimura, before the Kanto Contest, I don’t want to play anymore"~"

Nioh lay on the table and said weakly.

In the second grade, he no longer has the passion to play with those weak and explosive players. Seeing that he can still play with the face of the newcomer, he can still play well, but now, it is so boring.

"Nioh, you are too lax!"

Sanada was the first to object.

In his opinion, Nioh's approach is undoubtedly an act of evading his responsibility as a positive election and wanting to be lazy!

"Sanada, those schools, can you win by playing casually?"

Nioh went back without showing any weakness.

To be honest, he has already entered the U17 gate, and he really can't take any interest in this level of competition-I really want to go to the third country soon!

"Furthermore, isn't Hyotei always keeping the lineup to play?"

Despite the opposition, Nioh insisted on giving Yukimura "Amway" the benefits of "maintaining the lineup".

"Liu, don't we need to protect our data?"

He also tried to pull Liu into his supporter's position.

"Masaharu wants to be lazy, right."

Yukimura was unmoved.

If Hyotei's approach before the Kanto Contest was for the second army to play, only one or two were selected to play;

Then Rikkai is a big game, and strives to reduce the time of each game to the lowest level, and is keen to refresh the record of game time!

"If this is the case, then you don't have to play!!

To everyone's expectations, Yukimura actually agreed to Nioh.


Sanada cried out dissatisfied.

"Wait, I haven't finished yet."

"For the county competition, let Wentai and Kuwana doubles one, and Liu Sheng singles three, and other players will look for other strong non-regular members."

"And Masaharu--"

"You lead the team!"

Yukimura announced his plan to play in the county competition.

He is a singles every time, except for the first and last games, he has never had a chance to play.

He is also very troubled!

Since this is always the case, then don't go!

It's great that Nioh took the initiative to come up with this topic!

In order to reward his caring members, Yukimura decided to "reward" Nioh for many opportunities to lead the team.

#Witty god's child#

#Stepping on the members, the Minister finally escaped the annoying pit of leading the team to the game! #

Yukimura thinks her idea is great!

Now he only needs to show his face in the first and last game.

As for the other session one-it's time to test the autonomy of my members!

Rikkai, who has no coach, is big and has always been a "democratic republic"! (Speaking in a low voice: in fact, the real government is-the monarch power is granted by the gods! The son of God controls everything~ Sanada, Sanada don't relax)

Throwing the leader of the team to Nioh, Yukimura feels like she is lighthearted~

"."Ok, deal!"

The Minister waved his hand and asked Junshi Liu to write down the arrangement, ignoring Nioh's crying expression without tears.

Liu Sheng silently raised the corners of his mouth--

Yukimura, good job!

Nioh-san, you also have today!

Seeing his teammates take on the responsibility of "leading the team", Mr. Yukimura's worship of Minister Yukimura has risen by N percentage points today.

"Yes, seniors also need more chances to play!"

Liu very much agrees with Yukimura's arrangement.

Last year, because the four of them were all nationals, they needed a lot of game experience, and they had to be famous, so that other schools would understand that Rikkai's great strength would not change even if it was updated. Therefore, the four of them almost came on the field, so that the other three. The seniors in the grades have a lot less chances to play.

Now, Rikkai's reputation has spread far, and they don't need these (Qian Zhao's) competition experience that is better than nothing-then leave it to the current third-year seniors!

Although their Rikkai team has only 52 official members, which is not as good as the more than 200 people in the Hyotei Tennis Club, Liu can definitely say that their Rikkai players, every member is at least not weaker than others in the county competition!

PS, please cherish the chance that Minister Yukimura appears in the text alive and well! (So I have added a lot of drama to him during this time~)

To be honest, if I use Time Dafa, "In a blink of an eye, Rikkai has completed the three consecutive hegemony, and it is time to enter U17..--I will definitely be scolded if I write this way (I want to fast forward~~)

(Recently I saw a Shitenhouji article! Recommend it! It's the cousin of Byodoin, the one called Ryuzawa! Well, the update should be faster than me, except for Rikkai. To be honest, I like the magical style of Shitenhouji ~~),

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