Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 148 :Lucky hit

La one one

"5:3, Hyotei will score!"

This time, the imitation of Huaji is Sanada's super smash move-aggression is like fire!

Huadi, which is already powerful, used "fire" to increase its wings and caused great trouble to Sanada.

At this moment, the cheerleaders of Hyotei's support team are like crazy, shouting their support slogans frantically--

"Hyotei! Hyotei!"

"The winner is Hyotei!"

"The winner is Huadi!"

Maybe no one except Atobe could think that the taciturn of the first-year Huadi could do that level in the game.

The atmosphere at the Rikkai player's bench has become more solemn--

The reason why they put Sanada on singles three is not because the deputy minister of Rikkai University loses!

"Ahhhhh! Vice Minister Sanada, come on!"

"Hurry up and beat him!"

Kirihaya couldn't hold back any more, and directly stood up and shouted to the court.

Kirihaya, who lost to Sanada twice in a row, saw that Hyotei's country had scored three points in Sanada's hands. How could he sit quietly!

He didn't immediately rush to the court to fight Kabaji Munehiro. It was already the best result of Renji, who was next to him, reaching out!

"Akaya, be quiet!"

"Xianichiro is not so easy to lose!"

Yanagi Renji got excited about Kirihaya, but couldn't do anything but to dissuade him repeatedly.

#Never like now I hope Sanada will give him a slap here#

"Akaya, Sanada hasn't done his best!"

Marui Bunta sees it more thoroughly.

"Fenglin Volcano" only showed two moves, "Its as fast as the wind" and "Aggression as fire". It can be seen that Sanada is still in a comfortable state; even if he is suppressed for a while, he will not be in the lead at this time. We lost all consecutive rounds so that the singles lost three times!

However, the predecessors' dissuasion and explanation can't calm Kirihara Akaya's emotions at all--

He almost couldn't win a game in the hands of Sanada who went all out!

That Hyotei's Kabaji Munehiro and him are both first-year students, and he was able to win three rounds, and depending on the situation, he will win this round!

How can Kirihaya, who is competitive by nature, refuses to admit defeat, and has targeted Sanada since his fiasco, can accept the score in front of him, how can he accept the current situation of the game!

The panic on the Rikkai player's stand due to Kirihaya's mood swings once again attracted a lot of inquiring eyes from the audience and Hyotei players' stand.

- What happened to Rikkai's freshman?

Oshitari Yuushi and Mukahi Gakuto heard Kirihaya's bluffing and turned their attention to Rikkai's big player seat.

There won't be any "emergency situations" again?!

These two Hyotei doubles, who were completely suppressed by Marui and Kuwana just now, had a bad feeling.

Last time, because of Kirihara Akaya, Rikkai's freshman, the Rikkai big player stand was turbulent, so that Rikkai big doubles used the original hidden "homology" stunt;

Now Rikkai's big player seat is in a mess again because of him-although Sanada does not seem to be the kind of person who unconditionally spoils the younger generation, but in case, the deputy minister of Rikkai suddenly broke out to use a new trick or something. .

Xiang Ri just thought about it, and quickly put this frustrating thought behind him--I saw Shishido Ryoh, who has a poisonous mouth and a beautiful ponytail, is indeed full of manliness. After treating Otori Cyotaroh, the elementary school brother, who was unconsciously accommodating and taking care of each other, Xianghi confronted Sanada, the seemingly tough Vice Minister Rikkai.

There is really no confidence!

#Appearance and heart are opposite#

#The harder and harder you usually behave, the more you actually like the soft and cute elementary school brother#

#护短的 Rikkai does not have a short-term deputy minister, who do you want to lie! #

Because of the above thoughts, Mukai was more and more disturbed and stared at Genichiro Sanada on court--

I saw that the deputy minister of Rikkai University heard the sound and looked at the player's bench of Rikkai University, and his face was completely black!


Mukahi Gakuto couldn't help covering his face, he seemed to have foreseen the story afterwards

Sanada stood on the court with a completely black face-Kirihara Akaya, can you be more stable!

Always so anxious and irritable, the xinxing is too immature!

Sanada, who was black-faced because of his dissatisfaction with the younger generation, increased his hand swing to hit the ball.


"Game6:4, Rikkai Osanada wins!"

In the end, the deputy minister of Rikkai University Sanada Genichiro won.

But the winning Sanada's face was terrible--like he lost the game!

- Kirihara Akaya, go back and pack you up!

After hearing the referee's decision, Huadi stood there blankly - Hyotei, lost

A sour mood permeated my heart completely, and the pure Huadi never knew that losing the game was so sad;

He didn't care about winning or losing the game before.

But this time he lost. He lived up to the expectations of the man he had been following and lost a crucial game.

Huadi is not afraid of losing, but at this moment he hardly dared to turn around and return to the Hyotei player seat. Losing the game, Hyotei has lost hope of winning

Atobe on the bench frowned-he seldom does such unglamorous things; however, he can no longer care about his gorgeous image.

--Huadi's mood is wrong!

No one knows this teenager who has followed him silently for nearly ten years better than Atobe Keigo;

Huadi, is he sad?

It's not gorgeous, isn't it just a loss? Isn't this uncle also lost to Yukimura, the minister of Rikkai University?


Atobe snapped his fingers--

"Keep shouting to my uncle, the game is not over yet!"

"877 Huadi, you did a good job, this game is pretty gorgeous! Come back!"

Hyotei's support team was stunned for a moment, and the well-trained they quickly started shouting according to Atobe's instructions--

"Hyotei! Hyotei!"

The birch on the court tensed at the moment Atobe snapped his fingers, and then he heard a sound like a natural sound

"wushi! "

Still expressionless, Huadi returned to the players' bench.

But unlike before, the sour mood is gone, replaced by a soft and sweet feeling like cotton candy

-ーXiaojing, in fact, has always been a very soft-hearted person~

Oshitari Yuushi saw this scene and immediately understood Atobe's hidden comfort.

Hyotei's failure this time is actually his share, but Atobe just said that those two seemingly heavy but light-hearted words let go of his responsibility.

It's great to have Minister Atobe!

Oshitari once again confirmed that it was extremely correct to run from Osaka in Kansai to Tokyo Upper Junior High in Kanto!

PS, in the plot of the third country, Huadi can rely on talent and hand to fight to 6:7. If it is not for the rain to disrupt his rhythm, it may really beat the hand and create a miracle! The heart of a child is a miracle. Level of talent!

However, he who is only in the first country, of course, cannot be as strong as the second country.

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