Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 165 : National finals, intimate juniors

"The opponent in the final of the national competition is Makinofuji again.

In the conference room, Liu told everyone who was going to participate in the game the intelligence information of their opponents in the finals.

"Hyotei lost!"

Marui Bunta looked shocked.

He thought that the opponent in the final would be Hyotei Gakuen, but he did not expect that the declining Makinofuji would kill Hyotei!

"Two doubles, two singles, before the Minister of Hyotei played, Makinofuji won two doubles and one singles, and then advanced to the final."

Liu also thought it was a little weird, they knew Hyotei's strength, but it turned out to be

"One of the doubles was a pity. The combination of Oshitari Yuushi and Mukahi Gakuto could have won. But the match was caught by the opponent's protracted battle at the beginning. Oshitari was okay, and Mukahi Gakuto couldn't survive."

With that, Liu looked at Marui.


--Liu, have you misunderstood something?

My stamina is no longer a fatal flaw now! It has improved!

"Okay, let's not talk about it.

Liu smiled.

"Let's arrange the list of national finals."

"According to Seiichi's suggestion, Nioh and Maori are the doubles in the final."

"Remember to use cohomology, Nioh."

The military division specially reminded Nioh, don't forget to use "homology"-this is to ensure absolute victory, isn't it?

"Haha, come on, Senior Nioh!"

Some natural Kirihaya made a good assist for his senior Yoo and Minister Yukimura!

"Puff, of course"~"

Unexpectedly, Nioh readily accepted it.

--It is also my previous promise to play doubles in the national competition in the same tune with the predecessors~

"Then Marui and Kuwana are doubles.

Liu glanced at Nioh and withdrew his gaze.

"Other singles order, do you have any suggestions?"

There are still four people who have not qualified. Three singles and one substitute are to be selected from them.

"I'll be a substitute, Senior Liu!"

This time it really shocked everyone.

Kirihara Akaya, who is extremely keen on the competition this time, the junior who was so excited on the semi-final court, unexpectedly gave up the opportunity to compete in the final!

"Kirihaya, have you figured it out?

Sanada asked in a deep voice.

In terms of identity, Kirihaya is not currently elected, so naturally he should be used as a substitute. But now everyone doesn't really think of him as an ordinary first-year member.

To be honest, although Sanada himself has never admitted, he is really different to Kirihaya.

I believe that Liu and Marui have similar feelings.

If there is an opportunity to accumulate experience, I believe that each of them is willing to give up their position

"Deputy Minister, I'm ready.

"I'm only a first-year student, and there are still many opportunities to compete. This year is only the first time to participate in a national competition."

"I still have two years of opportunity. Apart from this year, the seniors only have next year!'

Kirihaya said seriously.

He had thought about it a long time ago, and he couldn't be so selfish.

The seniors gave him the opportunity and gave him a chance to play in the national competition, which has moved him very much. He can't rely on the love of his predecessors to grab the opportunity of the game that should belong to the predecessors.

And his current tennis strength is indeed still insufficient

How would you feel when your always naive and stupid child suddenly grew up one day, matured, knew how to care about you, and was willing to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of the overall situation? How would you feel?

Soft from the heart, sweet to the heart

The words of the younger generation are like a straight ball, and they hit the softest place in the hearts of everyone present.

Even Sanada's complexion softened, and the corners of his mouth were curled up unconsciously.

--Really, guy Akaya

Nioh felt a little moist in his eye sockets, and a stream of heat rushed over his head, wishing to rub the junior's kelp head now.

He did so.

I walked over, hugged Kirihaya, and rubbed his hair with his left hand!

*. "Senior Nioh, my hair style is going to be messed up by you!"

Kirihaya struggled.

"Senior will help you tidy up!"

Maori came over and rubbed his head.

"What hairstyle does Akaya have?!"

As Marui said, he came over and started kneading.

"Ahhhh, Marui-senpai!"

Kirihaya is starting to explode, why the seniors are interested in my hair!

"Akaya's hairstyle is really good, it looks pretty."

Liu also came over and rubbed it, then praised the messy hair of the younger generation.

Kirihaya turned into a shy face in seconds. I don't know why, he has no resistance to this kind of praise.


Liu Sheng kept his image, saying that he didn't want to rub the kelp head of the younger generation in the past, really! I really don't want to!

And - Liu, I didn't expect you to be like this Renji!

Is this to learn how to compliment younger generations with Shiraishi from Shitenhouji?

"Gentleman" murmured in his heart.

"That's Liu singles three, Liu Sheng singles two, I'm singles one!"

"Okay, the meeting is over, everyone go to train, don't relax!"

Sanada, who said "Don't relax," walked past Kirihaya, and stretched out his hand to rub the junior's hair twice.

#Hand feeling good~#

Liu Sheng:...

I didn't expect Sanada that you are such a deputy minister Xian!

I regret it, I want to rub it too!,

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