Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 167 : End, perfect first doubles

On the court, outside of the court, there was silence except for swings and the landing of a tennis ball and the sound of the referee's verdict.

When doubles is the ultimate, sublimation becomes art

It's so beautiful and fascinating, I can't wait to watch it forever.

The audience is almost unwilling to blink, lest they miss any wonderful actions and details.

Every back and forth exchange is perfect and flawless, and every ball swing is so pleasing to the eye

It's like watching a stage play that has been rehearsed for a long time. The players are the actors.

Atobe Keigo gave Rikkai the highest compliment he could say for this group of homophonic doubles--

"Very gorgeous!"

Even with ordinary swings and ordinary shots, people on the sidelines seem to be so artistic.

In this case, the court has completely become the home court of Nioh and Maori.

Maori has never felt that his condition on the court is so-better.

I can't feel tired, I can only feel the light body running tirelessly on the court!

The two have the same mind, and the true coherence is far better than the one-way "forced coherence" developed by Nioh. It's not just the effect that one plus one is greater than two, but one hundred times one hundred equals ten thousand, even the infinite accumulation of one hundred to the power of one hundred!

Nioh, who is usually a little bit tricky, completely gave up the so-called reason at this time, letting his emotions lead his body.

What theories, data, all forgotten!

The calculation of the ball point, the prediction of the opponent's movement, these are not important!

I just want to complete this coherent doubles and win the final victory

So, let's enjoy the game together!

Except for the pale Makinofuji group of doubles, basically everyone, including Makinofuji's other positive candidates, are immersed in this game and cannot extricate themselves from it.

The pursuit of beauty is human nature, and the enjoyment of beauty is the desire of human beings.

Can't wait, everyone can't wait for this doubles game to never end!


Ten minutes passed,

"Game6:0, Rikkai has a big profit, Nioh wins!"

The first doubles game ended with a record-breaking speed.

The referee announced the result with unfulfilled intentions.

Then, it took time, and the auditorium boiled--

"Rikkai is big! Rikkai is big!

"The King Rikkai is great!

"The first doubles!"

"The King Rikkai is great!"

"First doubles!"

Some spectators among them had seen Nioh and Liu's homology as early as last year, and Makinofuji's homology, and this year more people have seen Marui and Kuwabara's homology at the Kanto Contest.

But the feelings these "homology" give them are completely different from the feelings that Nioh and Maori's homology give them in this game!

It's like flowing clouds and flowing water, like a god-given art, it doesn't belong to the world at all, it's a combination that surpasses people's imagination.

Well-deserved, only in this game, people have unanimously identified this group of doubles, they are the first combination in the country!

But more people are disappointed-can we see such a game again in the future?

............ Flowers......

Maori country three, Nioh country two, next year is the time to separate. I don’t know if I will have the chance to see this kind of cooperation again in the future.

After the game, the "Tennis Monthly" spent a lot of space to write--

Let us congratulate Rikkai University for winning the national competition again and successfully defending the title.

In the final of the national competition, Rikkai's "first doubles" group, the coherence in the singles one game made us all feel the infinite charm of doubles;

We always think that singles players are better than doubles players, but after watching this game, I believe everyone will think: Are doubles really inferior to singles?

No, when doubles is sublimated into an art, it is far better than the charm of any singles game!

Doubles have unlimited possibilities, and now I believe many people agree with this sentence.

This is the best proof of the above sentence that allowed the audience to spontaneously devote themselves to watching the doubles game for ten minutes in silence!

I hope that in the future, Maori players and Nioh players will have the opportunity to doubles together. If this combination is disbanded, then the doubles performance in the final of the national competition will really become a'sweet sing', and there is no possibility of surpassing it.

Finally, let us look forward to the ever-victorious Rikkai King's Army, which will win again in next year's national competition and complete the unprecedented achievement of the nation's three consecutive hegemonies!

PS: Yes, that's the end of the national competition in the second year! Makinofuji really doesn't want to write-do I still have to write the name of the player? Sorry, I only know Byodoin! (So fast forward like this)

This chapter is the timing setting, that is, the second shift on Wednesday.

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