Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 170 : The familiar envelope

"Yukimura, is your illness cured?"

As soon as Yukimura took his seat, Nioh couldn't wait to ask.

God knows, when he saw Yukimura appear, he was in a state of ignorance!

Perhaps it was the memory of his previous life. He always thought that there was still a long, long time before he could see Yukimura in the big tennis club of Rikkai.

And now, more than two months, Yukimura actually came out of the hospital?!

"You didn't run out of the hospital yourself, did you?"

Nioh asked tentatively.

"Ah, Minister, don't listen to the doctor's advice, go back!"

Marui said anxiously immediately.

Yukimura smiled helplessly--

"Am I such a wayward person?"

"Don't worry, although it hasn't fully recovered, it's no problem anymore!"

He looked at several pairs of distrustful eyes and explained it funny.

"Really, Yukimura?"

--Aren't you just a wayward person?

Nioh is dubious, because in his previous life, Yukimura ran out of the hospital to participate in the competition less than a month after the operation!

#Have a history of people, not worthy of trust#

#It’s impossible to be well-behaved, self-willedness is nature#

"Masaharu, are you looking at my medical record?"

"Although I haven't fully recovered, I need to exercise moderately, but it's okay to come to school!

Yukimura was a little bit dumbfounded. His illness sounded serious, but it was still "suspected" only in the early stage, so healed with medication for warmth and conditioning.

It's just a long-term job to recover the body, but he couldn't worry about his teammates, so he didn't choose to continue training in the hospital, but returned to the tennis club of Rikkai for the first time.

However, from the situation just now, he found that his decision was very correct--

Yukimura looked at Sanada sharply.


"Private competitions are not allowed, your training menu will triple from now on ""!"

The Minister of Rikkai came up with thunder means.

The amount of training in their Rikkai High School is the best, so the school, doubling the amount of training makes Kirihaya, such a mentally vigorous teenager, want to climb home; Sanada's training menu is much richer than Kirihaya, three times the amount, enough for him Practice from morning till late

In the face of Yukimura, Sanada had no confidence at the moment-after all, he had made a big mistake first, so the deputy minister who was usually majestic in front of other members obediently accepted the training and punishment from the minister.

He actually wanted to increase his training volume - Atobe has evolved, and there are new moves; I am too lax, and I haven't trained well after the national competition! Must work harder!

Seeing that his vice minister accepted the three-fold training menu and looked high-spirited, Yukimura smiled satisfied with the joy of everyone around him.

I looked around at his staff, and they were basically what he had in mind, but their momentum had increased a lot.

Looking at Kirihaya's shining eyes again, Yukimura curled the corner of her mouth and took out a stack of envelopes from her tennis bag under everyone's curious eyes.


Have a bad feeling

The pink, light blue, and tender yellow envelopes are so familiar

Deja vu-it won't be what I think

"Yukimura, this is"

Liu Sheng pushed down his glasses and asked hesitantly.

"Why the packaging looks like this?"

Marui was stunned, and said in a vague voice.

"You are right, Wen Tai

Kuwabara subconsciously agreed with his partner's point of view.

"Hey, Minister, I really want to see these envelopes somewhere!"

Kirihaya scratched his head and tried to pull out the memories of these colorful, pink and lovely XX envelopes decorated with red hearts from his almost blank mind except for tennis.

"Ah, yeah, it seems familiar."

Maori murmured with a grudging smile.

And our Liu Junshi is already stuck at this time...

Seiichi, these envelopes are 100% confession envelopes in the boutique outside the school!

Did someone give it to you?

Liu's reason at this time told him that according to data analysis, 100% of these envelopes were bought by Yukimura herself, and then they were given to them! For them!

--But emotionally it is totally unacceptable! Obviously it is for the little girl to confess..

Only our #正直的# Zhentian Deputy Minister, did not get the idea of ​​these shocked teammates at all, #天真# asked--

"Yukimura, is it a love letter from someone else?"

As a member of the discipline committee, Sanada still knows these envelopes of #copy white exclusive!

But his thoughts are completely different from those of the smiling Minister--

". "No, Genichiro, it's a "love letter" for you~"

The child of God who smiled like a flower, covered his mouth and smiled and pushed the envelopes he put on the table, and motioned his staff to quickly claim the one that belonged to him.

"Hurry up and get it, everyone."

"I wrote it for a long time~"

Minister Wen Sheng urged, watching his deputy minister complete the process of #全體石化# and then #三观碎裂成渣#.

Then, he smiled and looked at the members of his own staff who were frozen like wooden sculptures-

"Hurry up and take a look, don't disappoint my sincerity."

"Renji, quickly open your envelope!"

Yukimura looked at Liu with bright eyes, Yanagi Renji said that he would not hold love letters and open envelopes in front of many teammates, even if it was Yukimura you wrote it!

no, do not want!

I reject!

In any case, I won't take it!

# Denial Sanlian~#

But one-

(Qian Nuo Zhao) "Renji, don't you really want to dismantle it?"

Yukimura's voice was chilling--my strategist and clerk seemed to be disobedient!

Listening to Yukimura's question (order), what else can Liu do?

He still #可寶的# succumbed!

I take!

I tear it down!

Yun Liu's strategist at Rikkai University's military division masters data tennis professor Renji, holding his breath, opened his envelope in front of a group of teammates and the author of the "love letter"!

#Everyone don’t look at me, I don’t know anything#

#Yes, I have been hit by the "five senses", I can't see anything#

#笑什么笑, don't think that if you hold me back, I can't hear those soft, uncontrollable chuckles!#

# Sooner or later, you guys have to tear it down, okay?#

# Bastard, you laugh again, and all the training menus will double in the future! 国#

PS, it's Friday!

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