Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 172 : The understanding Minister Yukimura

Watching his original teammate Yanagi Renji directly "rebel and turn to the enemy", Sanada's "shy" wandering things, Kirihaya, Marui, and Kuwabara even dug a hole by themselves and then jumped in. The rest is temporarily not available. The love letter, but I'm about to get it, the three of Nioh, Mouri, and Yagyu who are very nervous, have their bodies tight, and they have activated the highest police mentally.


#QAQ, the minister's love letter is poisonous!#

#Let’s not double training and become tired as a salted fish! #

Yukimura slowly picked up three envelopes from the table, felt the more nervous emotions of the three members, and said softly and softly--

"Which one of you will come first?

Life and death!

The time has come to test your friendship!

The three teenagers looked at each other, and then a powerful aura filled with danger and malice quickly formed between them!

#Life and death are related, who cares who you are?#

#你说什么?Partner? Sorry, I don't know him!#

The scene was stalemate for three seconds, and then--


"Little Nioh!"

Yagyu and Maori point to the same person tacitly.

At this moment, their thoughts reached a consensus one-first throw out the white-haired fox that is the most disruptive, or they will definitely be pitted!

#So, Masaharu, what kind of impression (shadow) do you leave on your partners? #

Yukimura said he was not surprised at this scene~

"Yukimura, is your body really okay?,

Nioh calmly took the envelope from Yukimura unexpectedly, and then asked calmly.

"Uh, it's really okay.

"It just needs to recover slowly."

Yukimura can't laugh or cry, why is Nioh still focusing on this now?

He felt that he really couldn't see through his own "fraudster", but one-he deserves to be my member!

The game is perfect, and I still care about myself so much, although the personality may be a little different-but isn't it the special feature of our king Rikkai?

#Looking at the members, I brought myself a filter that is as thick as a net court#

#Every day I feel that Rikkai's member is the best member in the world, Yukimura-kun#


"Puff, I have a place to recommend you to go~"

"I will send you relevant information when I get home!"

Nioh said nonchalantly--ignoring the weird eyes that Moori looked at and the twinkling lenses of Yanagyu.

"Can't Masaharu say it here?"

Yukimura seemed to be aroused by curiosity, and then looked at the #快说,给我数据# look like his military division's #快说,给我数据# and asked.

"No way, Minister~"

Nioh slowly opened the envelope and replied.

"You must wait until I get home before sending you a message!"

He added-he doesn't want everyone to know yet~

"Oh, then you go home quickly!"

Under the stunned Yanagyu and Mori, Yukimura actually stopped Nioh from trying to open the envelope.

--This also works?!

# Minister, are you eccentric again today?#

A certain member with white hair and pigtails evacuated the meeting room with the attention of a group of Rikkai Taisho elections and a sluggish junior.

After leaving the tennis club smoothly, he breathed a sigh of relief.Nioh walked towards the school gate and finally let go of his disguise.The fox's eyes had joy and a little bit of moist traces, and the palms of his hands were deeply imprinted by his two ring fingers. Two bloodstains

He didn't know if Yukimura sensed his own emotions that seemed to be about to collapse the next moment he stayed there before letting him go.

The current Nioh just wants to leave Rikkai University quickly and calm himself down.

Angle of view shifted to the tennis club meeting room one-

Watching Nioh leave, the expression on Maori's face at this time was simply indescribable.

He and Liu Sheng looked at each other, and suddenly felt the feeling of #同道中人(同病相痛)# for the first time in their lives.

"Little Minister--"

He tried to speak, wanting to leave the meeting room, which currently makes him feel #室息暴望的地方#.

But before Yukimura could say anything, Yoo opened the mouth first-

"Senior will leave the department soon, right?"

This sentence caused Maori's melancholy and reluctance.

"Isn't it okay to get along with us more, Senior Maori?"

Liu continued.

Maori has always been a person who often escapes training in the tennis club, and basically only plays with Nioh.

............ Flowers......

Although they have also had a lot of cooperation training, even Marui, Kuwana, and Yanagyu and Kirihaya from behind have also trained with Nioh and Maori for a period of time, but to be honest, there are very few opportunities to get along with Yanagyu, Yukimura, and Sanada. ,

Maori felt sad because he was about to leave his ministry, and it was even more sad to hear Liu's complaining and unwilling words.

Not only that, he even felt a sense of guilt for Yukimura and them called #无用的前代#-it seems that besides playing the game, he has not contributed much to the affairs of the tennis club.

Thinking about it this way, when he reacted, he was already standing in front of Yukimura, reaching for the envelope.

He lowered his head and opened it. When he raised his head, his face seemed expressionless, but if you look at his eyes that are about to cry, you will find how moved and unwilling Maori is at this moment.

"Little Minister"

He called out Yukimura.

"Senior, do you want to talk to me privately?"

"Liu, Liu Sheng and everyone, let's disband and go home today."

"No, Liu Sheng, here you are.

Yukimura got up, walked to Yanyuu, reached out and gave him the last letter.

"Oh, I'm leaving now, Minister.

Liu Sheng didn't react in time. He thought he would be embarrassed to open the letter in front of so many people.

Regardless of his appearance, he actually froze-especially after Nioh left.

I have to say that although Nioh's daily life is unreliable, Liu Sheng also has a defensive heart for him, but at the critical moment, especially just now, standing next to Nioh, he actually has an inexplicable sense of security.

Probably because the tennis club was given to him by Nioh "Amway"

I thought a lot in my heart, but Liu Sheng's pace was not slow at all. He pushed the door and left first, for fear that Liu would say "instigate" Yukimura to keep him also to talk-because he was seen as a joke, the result was "blackened" The military teacher is really terrible, and just a few words pitted Senior Maori into it!

"Senior has something to tell me?"

"About the youth training camp you and Masaharu went to?"

After Yukimura waited for everyone to leave, he closed the door thoughtfully, and then gave Maori a murderous smile

PS: The Minister is really considerate--you have to trust me~Gong.

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