Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 186 : Oshitari:excuse me?

Oshitari, who wanted to quickly finish the singles game in earnest, took his racquet look and easily stood in front of the net, waiting for his opponent to end.


Rikkai Dai's deputy minister, Sanada-kun, what are you doing here?!

Hyotei's genius, Oshitari Yuushi, who has always been calm and self-sufficient, was completely stunned at this moment--


No way!

No, it will definitely not be what I think, maybe he is here to replace Nioh abstaining?

Oshitari thought so, and looked at the position of the Rikkai Taisho Electors - Nioh sat on the seat and gave him a fox smile!

"Thank you, Oshitari-san!"

Sanada's voice broke the last illusion of Oshitari Yuushi!

The last hope in his heart was dashed!

"Thank you, Sanada-san."

Oshitari tried to say this.

The shadow of the national game against Sanada seems to be hitting "ninety and seven" times - Rikkai, are you guys like you kidding us?

Oshitari thought for a while, oh, the previous doubles Rikkai was so big that Yanagi Renji had no idea about doubles. It was not as good as their Hyotei's Kirihaya (Shishido Ryoh: Oshitari, I thank you for your evaluation~) Kirihaya directly hardened.

But haven't you considered letting Nioh partner with Yoo?

Kirihaya can also be singles!

Wait, is it because I was afraid of being bullied by me in that first grade?

The Liu Junshi from Rikkai really protects shortcomings~

Oshitari Yuushi has fun in hardship, and his brain opens up--

Squirting, maybe Sanada can't understand Nioh, deliberately find the fault and want Atobe to cut him~

(Yiu who was spitting out in his heart by Oshitari: Actually, Sanada wanted to reconcile with Nioh and let him fight with your minister; and-if the match is 6:0, who is 6, I believe everyone will know later )

"It's as fast as the wind!"

Ever since he developed the "Invisible Swing" derivative technique of "Rapid Wind", Sanada has always used this series of quick swing skills without hesitation in the face of opponents he slightly admits. The original version "It's as fast as the wind."

This trick is one of the tricks that Sanada is famous in the national middle school tennis world (yes, it's only the middle school tennis world; the high school students are still in U17 and don't know anything about the magical middle school students), and it was also the same year. The country defeated Oshitari Yuushi for a while.

But unlike before, after the analysis of the majority of tennis lovers, the strength and moves of Rikkai the "Emperor" Sanada are no longer a secret.

As long as the eyes keep up, and then the body keeps up, in theory, this trick can be cracked.

But it's only in theory-Sanada is not a person who stands still!

And don't forget that he also has a teammate named Nioh Masaharu!

Even if this teammate sees him unpleasantly and always pits him "inadvertently", he is still a teammate after all, isn't it?

For example, after the zero-style chop was fully analyzed by Nioh in the tennis club and taught in a wide range, because Mouri was excited to use a strongly weakened version of the "Mach serve" during a match with Shitenhouji's Tetsuya last year, this high-speed serve is also used. Yukimura, who was the chief minister of Rikkai, and Yanagi Renji, a military commander, came up.

Even if there are many restrictions-to have a sufficient height advantage, it does not prevent them from learning from it, does it?

And when Yukimura and Yoo were interested, Sanada naturally followed the principle of play several times.

The consequence of this is a change in the eyes of everyone in the tennis department!

--It turns out that tennis can still be played like this

When Yukimura developed his new moves and developed the advanced version of "Missing the Five Senses", Yanagi and Sanada did not stand still.

After Sanada's assiduous research, his current "speed like wind" is no less than 240!

Compared with before, the speed has increased by more than 30 kilometers per hour!

Moreover, this is only the initial version of "It's as fast as the wind"

In the summer competition that just passed, although Sanada has been a strong victory, in fact, his true strength has not been exposed much.

Even Oshitari Yuushi has made a lot of progress, but Sanada's progress is greater and stronger!


In the blink of an eye, the tennis ball has landed.

"15:0, Rikkai Da Sanada scored!"

Oshitari stood there stiffly, a cold breath rushing to the bottom of his heart--

It's terrible, can't see clearly, can't see at all

With a serve speed of more than two hundred kilometers per hour, he can barely see the course of the ball several times with dynamic vision observation, but he can face such a fast serve-only waiting for the tennis ball to land!


"30:0, Rikkai Da Sanada scored!"

"40:0, Rikkai Da Sanada scored!

"Game1:0, Rikkai Dasanada is ahead!"

In the first game, Shinichiro Sanada's serve game, four consecutive ACEs, directly scored to win the next game!

"This guy Sanada"

Atobe stared at Sanada on court--

Last time he went to the Rikkai big challenge alone in search of a breakthrough in his eyesight, but he did not see such a "swift as wind"! When Sanada fought him last time, the ball speed was a little slower than this time!

Is this clumsy?

Then why use such strength to Oshitari?

Atobe kept tracing various answers in his heart, but he didn't expect that the reason is actually very simple-the weight is different.

In the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, weight is an indispensable equipment, and they are all in accordance with the highest limit.

However, if you leave the school gate of Rikkai University and share with other schools, even if you have to carry a load, you can't wear it according to the usual training volume!

Because they are the king Rikkai, the overlord of Kanto, and the defending champion of the national competition, even in friendly matches and practice matches, they must never lose!

When Sanada was not in a state of irritation, he never gave his opponent any chance when he pursued military tactics!

So, I can only say that Oshitari is really out of luck today


Xiangri, who had been sitting and resting, got up and leaned on the railing nervously.

He was also a member of the Kanto Competition last year. He still remembers the results of Oshitari Yuushi and Sanada last year; he did not expect that Sanada from Rikkai was so strong, so next


"Game2:0, Rikkai Dasanada is ahead!"

Oshitari sighed in his heart. One of the player types he hates most is Sanada.

He has initially practiced the trick to "block the heart", he can do his absolute hand to peer into his heart and affect his reason, so that he can be absolutely calm and find the flaws of his opponent.

But this trick has an obvious flaw-it doesn't work at all for the intuition system, that is, the kind of people who don't use their brains to play.

Moreover, facing the direct player like Sanada, it is even more discounted!

He can see Sanada's intention very clearly, but even if he knows it, whether he can fight back is another matter.

"Aggression is like fire!


"Game3:0, Rikkai Da Sanada scored!"

Sanada, who insisted on attacking head-on, made Oshitari no way to fight back for a while.

He prefers that his opponent at this time is Yanagi Renji, Rikkai's strategist, because he is not afraid of strategy and anti-data collection.

However, if this is the case, weigh the pros and cons, he can only

PS: This is the timed chapter on Friday!.

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