Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 198 : The strength has changed qualitatively, the black aura

"Nioh-san, is it not good to be gloating"

His doubles partner, Liu Sheng, pushed down his glasses. The emotions in his eyes were still indistinguishable under his superman-like lenses, but Nioh could hear the hidden mood swings in his tone.


"Birushi, how did you hear it?

Tilted his head, Nioh pretended to question-.

[How did you hear it, Nioh-san, you have no concealment at all! Haven't you already reconciled with Sanada? Is this fox still unilaterally awkward? Is it so happy to see Sanada? It's so self-willed, Nioh-kun-still treat yourself as a kid to be coaxed -?]

Liu Sheng, who is ruthlessly speaking with his partner in his heart, actually still has some resentment towards Nioh in his heart.

"Is Bilys afraid? If you are afraid, I can lend you a hug from my partner at any time.

Nioh didn't know that he was called a "willful kid" in the other's heart, and he was still joking with his partner perseveringly.

- Yukimura’s "five senses" is really scary, especially in the middle school tennis world, which can be called a peaceful utopia. This kind of game is very scary, although it is actually more ordinary than the high school tennis world. "NS!

"No, Nioh-san, you should watch the game seriously.

Liu Sheng didn't even look at Nioh, and replied indifferently.

- Seriously with Nioh Masaharu? Oh, then you lose!

Liu Sheng suppressed the slightest resentment towards Nioh-how did the Maori predecessors get along with this guy in the first place?

He swears by his name, Yagyu Hiroshi, that if he hadn't been cultivated since he was a child, and was trained and raised by the standards of a gentleman, he would have long since caused a campus murder!

#My partner is still so interesting today, by白狐狸#

The court took off for a while, and Sanada on the court was in the most serious "crisis" in his tennis career.

"Crisis"-yes, it is a crisis!

He can't feel tennis, he can't feel his body, he can't feel everything!

I don't even feel breathing anymore

Apart from consciousness, what is left of him?

The emptiness from the depths of darkness, and the fear buried deep in everyone's heart, filled his consciousness.

Just like the famous "little black house" in psychology, Sanada felt that he was in a completely sealed space with no sound and no light.

--Nothing can feel the darkness, all around the country is darkness, there is no light!

--All five senses are deprived, what am I left with?

Sanada couldn't help but question himself in this environment.

--No, I still have, I still have racquet!

Can't see, hear, and feel nothing, Sanada waved racquet frantically in this situation!

The members around watching the battle showed a sense of unbearableness.

Even the positive elections, such as Kirihaya, felt their own fears from the bottom of their hearts.

But Yukimura was unmoved.

He raised his hand, waved, serve--


"15:0, Yukimura scored!"

Sanada was still trapped in the illusory dark world deprived of the five senses. Even if he kept doing various swinging movements, he just took some effort in vain.


Yukimura can't wait, it's another serve.

"30:0, Yukimura scores!"

Kirihaya's hands clenched into a fist were already shaking at some point.

Liu Sheng looked calm, but Nioh knew that this person was only on the surface. As for the heart, he should be beating at a speeding speed.

"Look up, Bilys."

Nioh stretched his arms and put them on Yanu's shoulders, and leaned half of his body's weight on him.


"30:15, Sanada scored!"

Yukimura dodges, and the high-speed tennis ball almost breaks the hairband he wears on his head-but he escapes in the end.

[Yeah, I'm almost ashamed, Kanichiro really can't take it lightly. 】

Yukimura, who lost points, is still in the mood to think about his image, which shows that he is in a good mood.

It's finally here, Nioh looked at the court playfully, thinking like this.

Sanada, who was originally deeply trapped in the "destruction of the five senses", now has an even better aura, and is surrounded by the black aura that everyone can see!

"Go on, Yukimura!

The deputy minister of Rikkai University finally broke Yukimura's unique trick "to kill the five senses" today!

He is full of momentum. Obviously, he broke through on the spot and entered a new realm after completing this trick, and he has a certainty of victory over Yukimura!

"Yes, it's time to end.

Yukimura said so.


Surrounded by the black spirit, Sanada rushed to catch the ball, but--

"40:15, Yukimura scores!"

"It's me who won in the end."

The "Son of God" at the court said lightly.

Sanada was taken aback.

Not because of losing points, but because he clearly saw the tennis just now and caught the tennis. Why did he lose points?!

Holding his breath, the black air behind him suddenly became more intense.

Sanada finally discovered that the yellow tennis ball had fallen to his right half, and he had just ran to the left to catch the ball!

This is

[Is this Yukimura's new trick? I really miss it. 】

Liu, who was on the court appearance, took notes, flashing in his mind the semi-developed tricks that Yukimura showed in the finals of the past year.

[Oops, I can't help but want to play. 】

Liu, who kept recording the data he obtained from this game, had a fiery fighting spirit hidden under his calm surface!


"6:0, Seiichi Yukimura wins!"

Obviously, before Yukimura's new tricks and superb tennis skills, Sanada, who had just completed a breakthrough, could not make a counterattack.

"I lost again, Yukimura.

Standing in front of the net, Sanada smiled bitterly.

He has really lost in front of Yukimura many times, and he has always lost since childhood.

"Kendichiro has improved a lot."

"I believe you are also faintly aware that your tennis has entered a whole new level."

Yukimura saw Sanada's breakthrough and was happier than he won the game.

"Thank you for your help!""

Sanada looked straight and thanked earnestly.

"Do you still want to thank you?"

"In that case, Genichiro, you will be my painting model for one day!

Yukimura's eyes lit up suddenly.

Sanada suddenly had a bad feeling--"Yukimura"

………Please ask for flowers….

"Minister! Minister!"

"What's your trick?"

Little kelp ran over happily, intervened in the conversation between the two, and choked on Sanada's evasiveness.

Behind him is a string of Rikkai Taisho elections that are coming up.

"That trick is called'Dreamland."

Because Kirihaya ran over and they came along, Nioh heard these words from Yukimura as soon as they approached.

Marui: "Pop--pop!"

The big bubbles that were blown round and full directly confused his master's face.


Kirihaya's eyes lit up, it's not

"Cough!" Liu Meng coughed

"Sanada, what's your trick called?" Nioh didn't seem to hear Marui's burst of bubbles and Kirihaya's joyful voice.

The actions of these two people are for the personal safety and mental health of everyone (in order not to be angry)!

Liu coughed, and quickly pulled Kirihaya over, and started rubbing the younger generation's hair (damn, you can't cover your mouth in front of Yukimura!); and Nioh can't let Kirihaya talk anymore, even for himself, so he cited the topic. To Sanada.

#死道友不死不死道, Sanada, you go all the way#

"No name yet.

Sanada said with a weird expression.

It seems that the amazing words of Kirihara Akaya when we stayed with Hyotei are still in the heart of Vice Minister Rikkai.

[So, Yukimura, isn’t your move really inspired by the "Saint Seiya" serialized in "Jump"? Talk about the Shaka]

As Sanada thought about it this way, Yukimura's smile became brighter with an unusual expression.

"Kendichiro, don't forget what you promised me."

Huh? What's the matter?

Sanada shuddered in his heart. He just seemed to have promised Yukimura to be his art model!

"Yukimura, please give me a name for my move!'

The vice minister who refused to face the reality abruptly changed the subject.


"Then, it's called--"

"Black Aura' Alright!"

Yukimura came up with a wonderful name with interest.

Nioh twitched the corners of his mouth, he suddenly thought of a secret data of Yukimura that he had seen in Liu's notes in his previous life--

The head of the Tennis Department who loves art and loves painting is actually a nameless person!

As a professional "minister blowing", Nioh Masaharu praised himself secretly in his heart--

"Black Aura", what an easy-to-understand, concise and expressive name!

"Black" shows that Sanada's moves are colored, and "Aura" vividly summarizes the range of black air currents.

I'm sorry, Yukimura, I can't make it up

Sorry Sanada, I can't save your move name

At this moment, Nioh looked at Sanada with guilt and compassion in his eyes-"Fenglin Volcano Yin Lei". The names of this series of tricks are the same as "Black Aura" except that they are all four words. , And the style is so independent; I hope Sanada, you have the courage to call out the name of this move on the court!

PS (Friday Timing): #The hair band is unbroken, and the jacket is always on the shoulder! The minister is so handsome!#

# However is a good self-named waste#worker.

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