Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 214 : The battle of the two parts, the minister is in charge

"Fuck, is there any problem with the hands of the hand?"

On the Seigaku bench, Fuji asked Inui Sadaharu solemnly.

Atobe will never say that kind of thing aimlessly, so--is it the result of that incident?

"I have no idea "

Inui Sadaharu whispered while holding the notebook.

"Oishi! Do you know something?!"

As Oishi's doubles partner, Kikumaru clearly felt that Oishi Syuichirou was rubbing his injured hand unconsciously, and his expression was not right.


Fuji pressed.

"Shoujia, the hand injury of Shoujia may not be healed!"

Oishi said lowly. As a deputy minister, he still knows the behavior of Shoujia sometimes going to the hospital to see injuries, but isn't his injury already healed?! Has Shoujia been concealing it before!

[Sure enough, is it a legacy of the Guoyi incident, what a damn senior?

Fuji clenched his fists and watched the court situation nervously with "Nine Twenty Three" in his heart.


"40:0, Atobe scores!"

In the first round of match point, Atobe is about to win this round.

"It's not bad, hands, just rely on your hands!"

Atobe said angrily.

The handist Kunimitsu didn't say a word. This was his willing choice. For Seigaku, for the hope of winning the final year of the third year of the country, he is willing to give everything for it!

Ignoring the slight soreness and pain in the arm, the hand poses--

"what is this?!"

It's almost imaginary. The tennis ball was originally played back and forth by Atobe on the two corners, but now it is flying in the direction of the home!

"What's going on? Does the Minister of Hyotei feed his hand Kunimitsu?"

It was the first time Kirihaya saw such a game, and he couldn't believe it for a while.

"This is the realm of handicrafts, Akaya. Take a good look, your deputy minister has been defeated by this trick more than once!"

While watching the game, Nioh taught the juniors.

"Nioh Masaharu!"

Sanada was very angry. This incident was originally his dark history, but it was repeatedly mentioned again and again, and this time it was still in front of Kirihaya, who was a younger generation.

"Oh, don't worry, vice minister! Even if the player loses, Seigaku will advance. Their first year as a substitute will definitely win.

Nioh didn't sell the game this time, but simply and neatly spoiled the results of the game.

"Seigaku's first grade?

Liu was interested.

"That little dwarf!"

Kirihaya gritted his teeth. He can see that he can't be more arrogant than the original guy himself.

"Echizen Ryoma," Samurai Nanjiro's son, has no less talent than Echizen Nanjiro back then.

What's more, with Echizen Nanjiro's personal training since childhood, the potential may surpass this "Samurai" who is said to be the world's number one tennis player!

"Well, it's important to mark it.

Liu said carefully and memorized the name Echizen Ryoma, and drew key symbols. Although Nioh is also a bit unreliable, he is not only reliable at critical moments, but also in normal times, at least in tennis.

Sanada looked at the court and was silent. But even Kirihaya could feel him sulking.

[For this game, did you decide to sacrifice your arm?]

[I have not beaten you, let Atobe win first. I hope your injury is not too serious. Atobe with an offensive attitude should be able to solve the game quickly, right?]

Although not reconciled, Sanada hopes that Atobe can quickly win the game at this time. Because only in this way can the injury of the hand be reduced to the smallest degree of deterioration.

Seigaku player seat,

"Fuji, the hand is like this, his hand

Kikumaru hesitated and stopped. Atobe is good at protracted warfare, which they all learned from Inui Sadaharu. If the player insists on fighting for a long time with Atobe, the probability of winning is not very large, and he will get his own arm.

"Let him continue to fight."

"Coach, I hope so too."

Fuji opened his eyes and looked at the silent coach Ryūzaki and said.

"This is his own will.

"In this match between Seigaku and Hyotei, as the minister, facing Atobe, who is also the minister, he represents not only himself."

"The two people on the court carry the weight of the entire school and everyone's expectations on their shoulders."

Coach Ryūzaki looked at the two running teenagers on the court and said slowly.

This is a competition between the two ministers, even if she is Seigaku's coach, she cannot intervene. The only thing they can do is "achieve complete".


"1:0, Hyotei Atobe leads!"

Even in the field of hand, it is not a versatile game.

After a few rounds, Atobe Keigo won this small round.

But Atobe himself was not satisfied--

It's too slow. In this case, the uncle will definitely win, but the hand of the hand

The gorgeous Atobe has a crystal-like heart.

His tenderness is hidden under the ice, and only by getting close can you slowly realize it.

"Not enough, Kunimitsu!"

Atobe jumped up and swung his pat.


"15:0, Atobe scores!"

In Shoujia's own serve game, Atobe Keigo scored one point first.

The tennis ball hit back and forth between the two, fast enough to dazzle the audience.

The hand who lost a point is still silent, saying nothing. He made a pose familiar to Rikkai people--

Lift your shoulders, swing, and cut!


"15:15, deuce!"

Dan Feng glanced at Atobe under the lens, and Shoujia secretly apologized to him.

[Sorry, Atobe. Thank you for your kindness, but this is my own choice!]

[As a minister, you will understand me, right?

"Senior Nioh, this is'zero chop'!

Kirihaya recognized the return ball that didn't bounce on the ground.

Because of the convenience and ease of use of the zero style, as well as some of Nioh's own obsessions, this series of zero style moves have a high probability of playing in the Rikkai internal election practice match. But every time he played, he successfully aroused two hundred percent of Sanada's fighting spirit. And thanks to these, Sanada is getting more and more comfortable with Zero

Rikkai's big reaction is "Oh, it really is." Hyotei is as confident in Atobe as always, and Seigaku is worried a lot. But Atobe on the field is even more angry!

[Do you want to be tough? If you fight everything, you must win? Humph, pass this uncle first!]

"Hyotei! Hyotei!"

"The winner is Atobe!"

The 2.8 practice match is enough. Although Atobe is eager to win, facing such a player may slow down the offensive and even lose by default.

But this is the summer contest, the first game of the Kanto contest!

Atobe Keigo, as the head of the Hyotei Tennis Department, it is impossible and absolutely will not admit defeat!

[My uncle will not give you a chance to win! If you want to fight for a long time, you can fight it! Anyway, the final winner is Hyotei Gakuen!]

Thinking of this, Atobe's swing is even sharper.

The Minister of Hyotei, playing tennis like a series of ice arrows, piercing the dead corner of the hand's house.

PS (Saturday), I always think that the existence of coach Ryūzaki is the reason for giving Sakurano a reasonable chance to play! But this does not prevent me from using the mouth of this coach to talk about my understanding of the battle of two parts (anyway Isn't it a fan?) But why did I feel sad when I wrote about it, covering my face QAQ.

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